Medical emergency

A medical emergency was a situation in which someone was in immediate danger from an illness or disease with the inherent possibility of death.

In 2155, in the mirror universe, Doctor Phlox was summoned to the ISS Avenger to deal with an unspecified medical emergency. It was, in fact, a rouse by T'Pol and Soval to allow them to speak with him and convince him to join their cause. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")

In 2364, Captain Jean-Luc Picard declared a medical emergency as well as a red alert aboard the USS Enterprise-D after being told by Romas that he and other members of his species were suffering from a plague of some type. It was soon discovered, however, that their condition was in fact caused by an addiction to the narcotic known as felicium. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

In 2367, Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge declared a medical emergency before beaming up to the Enterprise-D with Lieutenant Commander Susanna Leijten, who was suffering from an alien retro-DNA virus. (TNG: "Identity Crisis")

In 2368, La Forge reported a medical emergency in the Enterprise-D's cargo bay 3 after a fallen container crushed Lieutenant Worf's back. (TNG: "Ethics")

In 2369, Doctor Julian Bashir and Chief Miles O'Brien were called to an unexplained medical emergency on Bajor. In the end, it turned out to be the Dal'Rok, a mythical energy creature that manifested itself through an Orb. (DS9: "The Storyteller")

Later the same year, Aamin Marritza (posing as Gul Darhe'el) arrived on Deep Space 9 declaring a medical emergency while suffering from the later stages of Kalla-Nohra Syndrome. (DS9: "Duet")

In 2370, while waiting in line at the replimat, Garak jokingly asked Doctor Bashir to declare a medical emergency in order to get them to the front. (DS9: "The Wire")

That same year, Counselor Deanna Troi reported a medical emergency after her mother collapsed in the Enterprise-D's arboretum. (TNG: "Dark Page")

The Emergency Medical Holographic program, Mark 1, was designed to always state "Please state the nature of the medical emergency" upon being activated. (VOY: "Caretaker")

In 2371, Ensign Harry Kim called out medical emergency on deck 7, section 13A when he and Pete Durst found Tuvok and Kes unconscious in a turbolift. (VOY: "Cathexis")

In 2375, The Doctor tried to declare a medical emergency after he discovered Captain Kathryn Janeway had a fever due to staying up late to watch over him. He urged her to get treatment, but she told him she was busy helping a friend. He urged her to at least get some sleep, saying that he would be alright on his own. (VOY: "Latent Image")

That same year, when Seven of Nine revealed to B'Elanna Torres that she had been studying her relationship with Tom Paris and that she knew they were having "intimate relations," Torres demanded that she surrender the data she had collected. When Seven replied that she hadn't completed her study, Torres threatened to break her nose, commenting to Neelix, "Call Sickbay. Tell them there's about to be a medical emergency." (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")

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