
Minara was the primary of the Minarian system. The star was located somewhere in the Alpha or Beta Quadrant.

This star entered a nova phase in 2268. Its counterpart in the antimatter universe was located twelve degrees south of the galactic plane.

At that time, the star system included at least two planetsone was used by the Vians, the other was the homeworld for Gem's people. (TOS: "The Empath")

While inhabiting the body of Dr. Janice Lester in 2269, James T. Kirk referred to events immediately preceding Minara's nova in an attempt to convince Spock of his identity. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")

In 2270, the USS Enterprise set course for the dead star in the antimatter universe that corresponded with the Minara nova, where it emerged back into the familiar "positive matter universe." (TAS: "The Counter-Clock Incident")

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