
The planet "Mudd", so named by Harcourt Fenton Mudd, also known as the robot planet, according to James T. Kirk, was an uninhabited K type planet located in uncharted space of the Alpha Quadrant. This planet had a ring system and was populated by a species of androids. (TOS: "I, Mudd"; TAS: "Mudd's Passion")


The planet was home to one of the few exploratory outposts established by a now extinct species, known only as the Makers, who were from the Andromeda Galaxy, whose homeworld had been destroyed by its star going supernova. In the 23rd century, the planet was inhabited only by the android workers who were sent there to build vast libraries, advanced medical research laboratories and engineering shops.

Sometime between 2266 and 2268, after fleeing from Deneb V, the fugitive Harcourt "Harry" Mudd stumbled upon the planet in a previously uncharted star system. The android workers dubbed him "Lord Mudd the First" and held him against his will, as they needed someone to provide them with a purpose. In 2268, "Lord" Mudd sent the android Norman to hijack the Federation starship USS Enterprise in the hopes of trading the crew for his own freedom.

Mudd's plan was ultimately unsuccessful and Starfleet personnel were able to reprogram the androids to continue once again the project they had been sent to the planet to accomplish. In addition, the androids were left with custody of Harry Mudd, not as a sovereign ruler, but instead as a "first-class example of a Human failure", to be observed in order to avoid similar individuals in the future. (TOS: "I, Mudd")

However, Harry soon escaped the planet by stealing a spaceship, and left to find haven on Ilyra VI, where he fooled the innocent and friendly inhabitants into buying Starfleet Academy from him. (TAS: "Mudd's Passion")

Stellar Cartography[]

The Explored Galaxy

The location of Mudd in "The Explored Galaxy" star chart

In 2293, the location of Mudd in the Milky Way Galaxy was labeled in a star chart that was in Captain James T. Kirk's quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-A. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, okudagram)


Background information[]

TOS planet high orbit

The original planet "Mudd"

For the 2006 "remastered" version of "I, Mudd", a new computer-generated version of Mudd was created.


According to The Worlds of the Federation, Mudd was the second planet orbiting a star named UFC 257704 (β).

According to FASA's The Federation sourcebook, Mudd was the second planet in the Beta Aurigae system.

According to the Decipher roleplaying game sourcebook Worlds, the planet Mudd was the Galor IV mentioned in TNG: "The Offspring".

External links[]