Mycelial plane

The mycelial plane, or mycelial space, was a realm involved in spore drive.

In 2256, the USS Glenn, one of two ships testing spore drive, crashed into a Hawking radiation firewall upon exiting the mycelial plane during a spore drive test. (DIS: "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry")

The mycelial barrier was the intersection of mycelial space and normal space. (DIS: "Saints of Imperfection")

In 2384, Wesley Crusher mentioned the mycelial plane as one of the other universes that he had visited. However, he asked Dal R'El, Rok-Tahk, Jankom Pog, Gwyndala, Murf and Zero to forget all about that as they weren't supposed to know of its existence. (PRO: "The Devourer of All Things, Part I")

This term mycelial plane and Mycelial space were both only used once, and might be synonymous or closely related to the mycelial network, which was described as the "discrete subspace domain" containing the mycelium of Prototaxites stellaviatori and navigated by the spore drive.

Displacement-activated spore hub drive
basidiosac ruptureblack alertbloom failureexcess energy cavitationHawking radiation firewallmycelial networkmycelial planemycelial barriermycelium sporeprototaxites stellaviatorireaction cubespeirinspore chamber