Terra Nova inhabitants

The following is a list of unnamed Novans, inhabitants of the Terra Nova colony and descendants of the SS Conestoga personnel.


Another named Novan, temporarily referred to in the first draft script of "Terra Nova" but not mentioned on screen, was a girl named Romaiya.


Attacker []

Novan attacker

A Novan

This man watched the landing party from Enterprise NX-01 walking through the abandoned colony. Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, who was ordered to walk the perimeter, saw this Novan moving in the forest and chased him through the forest and several clearings into a cave.

When Captain Jonathan Archer and Malcolm Reed followed him into the cave until they arrived in the gutting room, he attacked the two by using a projectile weapon. Reed fired his phase-pistol at him and he fell on the ground.

Later, at the entrance of the cave, he attacked Travis Mayweather but was stunned by T'Pol. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

Guards []

These two men were encountered by Captain Archer and Malcolm Reed in the gutting room where the hid near the ceiling behind a ledge. The first attacked the two Starfleet officers by using a projectile weapon after they stunned another attacker.

Later, these two disarmed Captain Archer and Doctor Phlox and brought them to the gutting room where they guarded them and Malcolm Reed. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

Played by Dieter Hornemann

Played by Redondo Philip

Man []

Older Novan

An older Novan

This older man was seen sitting in an underground tunnel. He used a small object as a wind instrument, blowing into it. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

This Novan was played by background actor Clay Drayton who received no credit for this appearance. He filmed this scene on Tuesday 14 August 2001 on Paramount Stage 9 and is listed as "Older Novan" on the call sheet.

In the script of "Terra Nova", this Novan male is referred to as being "in his 50's".

Woman []

Novan woman

A Novan woman

This woman was seen in a tunnel using a Digger skull as a musical instrument when she performed with several other Novans. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

This woman was played by background actress Tracy Foley who received no credit for her appearance. She filmed her scene on Tuesday 14 August 2001 on Paramount Stage 9 and is listed as "Novan Female" on the call sheet.

In the script of "Terra Nova", this female is described as being "in her 20's".

Youth []

These three youths – one male teenager, a girl, and a boy – were sitting in an underground tunnel. Each of them blew into a small object, using it as wind instruments. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

The background performers filmed their scene on Tuesday 14 August 2001 on Paramount Stage 9 and are listed as "Novan Teen" and "Novan Kids" on the call sheet. Susan Reccius worked as their on set teacher.

In the script for "Terra Nova", only the male teenager and one of the younger Novans were described as using musical instruments, though all three youths do so in the episode.