Unnamed Orions (23rd century)
The following is a list of unnamed Orions who lived during the 23rd century.
Captain []

An Orion captain
This captain was the commanding officer of the Orion vessel that encountered the USS Huron and the USS Enterprise in 2270.
He was to meet James T. Kirk on the surface of an asteroid to give him the strobolin the Orions had stolen from the Huron. However, in addition to bringing the strobolin with him to the asteroid surface, he carried a backpack full of explosives to use for killing Kirk and destroying the nearby Enterprise in the subsequent destruction of the unstable asteroid. The plot was foiled however when Montgomery Scott detected the explosive and removed its dilithium trigger with the transporter, before the Orion could carry out his mission. Kirk then stopped him from committing suicide with a poison pill. (TAS: "The Pirates of Orion")
In 2381, this captain's face was on the label of an alcoholic beverage that was being sold at the Slit Throat nightclub. The bartender poured D'Vana Tendi, Beckett Mariner and T'Lyn a shot of that green colored beverage. (LD: "Something Borrowed, Something Green")
Guard (female) []

An Orion guard, unimpressed with Mudd's pleas
This female guard took over for her 'imbecile' male counterpart after watching him begin to fall for one of Harcourt Fenton Mudd's deceptions in an effort to escape. She was less than forgiving of Mudd's green puns, electrocuting him while he was chained to the ceiling. (ST: "The Escape Artist")
Guard (male) []

An Orion guard
This male guard was responsible for watching Harcourt Fenton Mudd, forgetting for a moment that he was on camera, allured by the promise of "enough latinum to pull off a cape." (ST: "The Escape Artist")
Ensign []

An Orion ensign
This ensign was an officer aboard the Orion vessel that encountered the Huron and the Enterprise in 2270.
He served as the helmsman and following the capture of his captain, was instructed to initiate the self-destruct sequence. (TAS: "The Pirates of Orion")
Lieutenant []

An Orion lieutenant
This lieutenant served as a science officer on board the Orion vessel that encountered the Huron and the Enterprise in 2270. (TAS: "The Pirates of Orion")
The novelization of "The Pirates of Orion" in Star Trek Log 5 gives his name as Cophot (β).
Qo'noS bartender []

An Orion bartender
This male was a bartender in the Orion "embassy" region on Qo'noS in 2257. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?")
Qo'noS creepy man []

An Orion man
This man was sitting in one of the tents at the Orion colony on Qo'noS in 2257. He asked Sylvia Tilly to sit next to him and when she started to talk, he asked a guard to get her out. Tilly then agreed to inhale volcanic vapor but went unconscious. When she woke up again, the Orion tried to cut her handcuffs, holding the case that supposedly contained a mapping drone. When Tilly asked what was wrong with him, he simply replied that he was Orion. He also told Tilly that the volcanoes on Qo'noS were alive, causing Tilly to become suspicious of the contents of the case, open it, and find a hydro bomb. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?")
Qo'noS dancer[]

A Trill woman caressing an Orion man on Qo'noS
This scantily clad male dancer at the cabaret in the Orion embassy outpost on Qo'noS was caressing and being caressed by a Trill woman in 2257. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?")
Qo'noS weapons trader []

A weapons trader
This female was a weapons trader at the Orion colony on Qo'noS in 2257. She was approached by Philippa Georgiou, Sylvia Tilly, Michael Burnham, and Ash Tyler, who sold her Nausicaan disruptor pistols for 2,000 darseks. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?")
San Francisco civilian []

A female Orion
This female crossed a street in San Francisco on Earth in the alternate reality in 2259 when Khan Noonien Singh passed her. (Star Trek Into Darkness)
This Orion was played by featured actress Julee Vadnais. The area she was in was identified as Chelsea by background materials.