
Q'mau was an inhabited planet outside Federation space. In the 32nd century, it was the site of a large settlement frequented by couriers. The residents used sand runners to traverse the planet's desert terrain. The sand of Q'mau exhibited many unknown radiative properties. (DIS: "Red Directive", "Under the Twin Moons")

In 3191, Moll and L'ak traveled to Q'mau to see Fred, a fence who would be interested in the items they had taken from a derelict 24th century Romulan science ship. They were followed by the USS Discovery and USS Antares, after Cleveland Booker identified Q'mau as their likely destination.

Moll and L'ak planned to hide within a nearby network of mountain tunnels in case of pursuit, and had planted an explosive device at the entrance to seal it once they were inside. To preempt them, Captain Rayner ordered the Antares to collapse the tunnel mouth from orbit, despite the risk of triggering an avalanche that would decimate the settlement. Though it did not, Moll and L'ak were inspired to trigger the avalanche themselves to cover their escape. To save the settlement, the Discovery and the Antares descended to the surface and blocked the avalanche with their joined shields. (DIS: "Red Directive")

The Starfleet Corps of Engineers was tasked with cleaning up the near-catastrophe. Amid the diplomatic furor, the Federation conducted an inquiry into Rayner's actions that led to Fleet Admiral Charles Vance compelling his early retirement before Burnham instead got Rayner assigned as Discovery's new first officer. Rayner privately admitted to Burnham that he felt responsible for what had happened as he didn't see Moll and L'ak's move coming, but he didn't tell the inquiry that because Rayner believed that he had already buried himself with his hostile behavior at the start. (DIS: "Under the Twin Moons")

Rayner would later recall the avalanche on Q'mau while battling the Breen over the portal to the Progenitors' life creation technology. Rayner compared the situation to the avalanche and how the mission had changed in both situations. Having learned from his previous mistake, Rayner changed tactics rather than continuing on as he was. (DIS: "Life, Itself")