
A desk standing on a piece a rug
A rug or throw rug was a flat, usually detached textile used as a small area floor covering or wall ornament.
The term "sweep it under the rug" or "swept under the rug" was a phrase depicting a negative event which was often put to rest drawing as little attention as possible. In 2267, James T. Kirk declined Commodore Stone's offer of a permanent ground assignment, not wishing to have the issue of Benjamin Finney's apparent death swept under the rug along with himself. (TOS: "Court Martial") The phrase "to be quietly buried" was a similar saying used to express an event which was quickly and sometimes clandestinely closed to avoid further inquiry. (TNG: "The Pegasus")
In 2367, Q told Worf that he'd make a perfect throw rug in Nottingham Castle. (TNG: "Qpid")
In 2371, shortly before USS Voyager left, Mark Johnson complained about taking home Kathryn Janeway's pregnant dog, saying he just had the rugs cleaned. (VOY: "Caretaker")