Science laboratory
A science laboratory, also known as a science lab, research laboratory, or lab, was any area set-up for work in experimental or observational science. Areas like these were commonplace aboard explorational vessels such as Federation starships, space stations and outposts, under the auspices of Starfleet's sciences division.
Crossfield class[]

Lorca's research lab aboard the USS Discovery
Aboard the Crossfield-class USS Discovery, Captain Gabriel Lorca kept his own research lab containing weapons and specimens he'd collected. Located on the lower decks of the engineering hull, this lab featured a holding cell and a window viewing starboard. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")
A monitor featuring Ripper's biology in Lorca's lab in "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry" lists "LAB-B."

Science lab, formerly the Captain's ready room aboard the USS Discovery
After Captain Christopher Pike made the decision to move the captain's ready room to another location in 2257, the ready room attached to the bridge was converted into a science lab. Numerous pieces of scientific equipment (including a Vulcan data module) were moved into the section. (DIS: "Point of Light")
Constitution class[]
The Constitution-class USS Enterprise had fourteen separate science labs during James T. Kirk's five-year mission during the late 2260s as commanding officer. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")
Kirk met psychologist Helen Noel at the 2265 science lab Christmas party. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind")
- Geological lab (TOS: "The Cage")
- Astrophysics laboratory (TOS: "The Apple", "The Deadly Years"; TNG: "Disaster")
- Bio and Medical labs (TOS: "Space Seed")
- Biopsy lab (TOS: "The Naked Time", "The Deadly Years")
- Biochemistry lab (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")
- Pharmacology lab (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow")
- Chem lab (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")
- Nuclear electronics lab (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")
- Xenoanthropology lab (SNW: "Lost in Translation")
In an ultimately unused line of dialogue from the final draft script of TOS: "Charlie X", all the lab circuitry aboard the Enterprise (as of 2266) ran through the main corridor on deck five.
Constitution II class[]
The refit configuration of the Constitution-class also had science labs, as was typified aboard the USS Enterprise-A. In 2293, Spock and Chekov used one such lab to examine Klingon blood. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
Galaxy class[]

A science lab aboard the USS Enterprise-D
Galaxy-class starships like the USS Enterprise-D had at least sixteen general-purpose science laboratories plus a number of dedicated facilities studying different disciplines. Extra labs could be installed on Deck 8 if needed. (TNG: "Suspicions", "Liaisons") Typical science laboratories aboard a Galaxy-class starship included:
- astronomical sciences
- astrophysics lab (TNG: "Disaster")
- stellar cartography lab (TNG: "Lessons")
- stellar cartography viewscreen (Star Trek Generations)
- stellar dynamics (TNG: "Cause And Effect")
- planetary sciences
- physical sciences
- engineering lab (TNG: "Suspicions")
- quantum mechanics (TNG: "Lessons")

The sickbay lab
- biological and medical sciences
- exobiology (TNG: "The Game")
- Aquatics lab (TNG: "Genesis")
- arboretum (TNG: "Night Terrors")
- hydroponics laboratory (TNG: "Disaster")
- cetacean ops (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise", "The Perfect Mate")
- biomedical lab (TNG: "Home Soil", "Evolution", "Clues", "The Game")
- medlabs one through four (TNG: "Ethics")
- Plant biology lab (TNG: "Night Terrors")
- cybernetics lab (TNG: "The Offspring")
- cultural anthropology
- archaeology lab (TNG: "The Chase")
- tactical lab (TNG: "The Emissary", "The Mind's Eye")
Intrepid and Nova class[]

A science lab aboard the USS Voyager
Intrepid-class and Nova-class ships shared an identical science lab design. Typical science laboratories aboard these starships included:
- Stellar cartography
- Astrometrics (USS Voyager only) (VOY: "Revulsion", "Year of Hell", "Shattered")
- Bio and medical labs
- Sickbay lab (VOY: "Parallax", "Macrocosm", "Tuvix", "Drone")
- Science lab (VOY: "Day of Honor", "Scientific Method", "Retrospect")
- Holographic research lab (VOY: "Fair Haven")
Sovereign class[]
Typical science laboratories aboard a Sovereign-class starship included:
- stellar cartography (Star Trek: First Contact)
- bio and medical labs
The set for the Sovereign-class engineering lab in Star Trek Nemesis was built as a set on Paramount Stage 17. (Information from shooting schedule)
Starfleet Academy[]
Starfleet Academy possessed one of the most effective reconstructive analysis labs in Starfleet (TNG: "The First Duty"). The Academy also used laboratories in an academic sense as well. In this regard a "lab" was a counterpart to classroom instruction in which students could put abstract concepts to an actual practical tests. Academy labs were graded, including many having rather complex final exams, such as the Academy lab final for exochemistry (TNG: "Time's Arrow").

A science lab on DS9

A Xindi-Arboreal laboratory
- Cambridge University
- A laboratory at the Bajoran Research Center, in which Odo "grew up" (DS9: "The Forsaken")
- Deep Space 9
- Enterprise NX-01
- Exobiology lab (ENT: "Rajiin")
- Temporary chem lab (ENT: "Rajiin", "The Shipment", "Damage")
- Environmental maintenance lab
- A laboratory aboard Malik's Bird-of-Prey where Arik Soong studied and modified an Augment embryo (ENT: "The Augments")
- Arctic Archaeology Team research module lab
- Karl Four's laboratory