
A shoe was a type of footwear worn to protect one's foot from environmental elements and rough terrain. Shoes that extended above the ankle were often referred to as boots.

According to Trip Tucker, cargo containers, insulation, and boots were among the things recreated by waste broken into its molecules and recycled by the bio-matter resequencer. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

Examples of footwear[]

Starfleet uniforms included regulation black boots. (ENT: "Terra Nova") Women's boots usually had somewhat higher heels than the men's. Starfleet uniforms of the 2350s included a loop at the bottom of the pant leg, which wrapped around the bottom of the boot to hold it in place.

In 2151, Commander Trip Tucker requested Travis Mayweather's boot to squash a bug that found its way inside his sleeping bag. (ENT: "Strange New World")

Members of the Andorian Imperial Guard also wore dark boots. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

While on a covert mission to the Akaali homeworld in July 2151, Trip Tucker mentioned his feet would be happier to wear his own boots while he was dressed in Akaali clothing including a sort of laced shoes. (ENT: "Civilization")

While wearing his boots, Matthew Ryan kicked his Nausicaan prisoner into his chest during his interrogation. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

Captain Keene put on his shoes during a conversation with Jonathan Archer in the infirmary aboard the ECS Fortunate. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

Alien boot

An alien boot

Aboard an adrift alien starship which lost its artificial gravity, a boot was among the items sliding through a corridor. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

Uhura's shoe collection

Uhura's shoe collection

In 2258 of the alternate reality, Nyota Uhura kept several pairs of shoes under her bed in her Starfleet Academy dorm room. (Star Trek)

In 2269, Spock requested (among other things) a special pair of boots for his trip backwards in time to rescue his younger self. (TAS: "Yesteryear")

Also that year, Leonard McCoy complained about sand in his shoes while traversing the deserts of Lactra VII. (TAS: "The Eye of the Beholder")

One unique design was the footwear of the early-2270s, which was entirely different from any other Starfleet-issue boots. The footwear was the same color as the wearer's uniform, and the female variety had high wedge-type heels. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

In 1953, Jimmy claimed that the only way African-Americans would be allowed in space was "if they need someone to shine their shoes". (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars")

While trapped on Galorndon Core, Geordi La Forge stated to Centurion Bochra that "I never lie when I've got sand in my shoes." (TNG: "The Enemy")


Bottom of a Starfleet boot (male, 2370s)

The dog Maura was fond of Geordi La Forge's boots and chewed both boots. (TNG: "Aquiel")

Jake Sisko almost forgot his shoes when he left the quarters for school. (DS9: "The Nagus")

While under the influence of the Saltah'na energy spheres, Jadzia Dax told Kira Nerys "You know what they say - put the shoe on the right foot first, but put the left foot first in the bathtub." Kira seemed confused after this statement. (DS9: "Dramatis Personae")

In 2371, after Tom Paris and Lidell Ren came inside from the cloud burst on Banea, he joked that "there must be a centimeter of water in my boot!" and he tried to take it off, but Lidell began kissing him. (VOY: "Ex Post Facto")

In the Julian Bashir, Secret Agent holoprogram, Julian Bashir has a secret compartment in his shoes where he stored the chamber of a gun. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir")

Mokra order boots

Polished Mokra Order boots

Kathryn Janeway was able to see a trap when her Alsaurian resistance movement contact wore polished military boots what identified him as a Mokra Order soldier. (VOY: "Resistance")

Worf apparently chose the color of Jadzia's shoes for their wedding. (DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited")

Janeways boot - Renaissance Man

Starfleet boot (female, 2370s)

In the mirror universe, a Klingon officer accidentally lost the key to Garak's bindings. It fell into his boot. (DS9: "Shattered Mirror")

In early 2373, Molly O'Brien obtained a new pair of purple shoes, which she wore to please her father. (DS9: "The Assignment")

In 2378, while The Doctor was forced to impersonate several officers (including Captain Janeway) he hid his mobile emitter under his pant leg on his boot. (VOY: "Renaissance Man")

On Takar II, during Arridor and Kol's reign as "gods", footwear could be traded for goods or services. (VOY: "False Profits")

In 2380, Beckett Mariner told Brad Boimler that she had to fight a yeti in a Klingon prison who stole her shoes. (LD: "Second Contact")

See also[]

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