
"I don't got to answer to nobody but me. That's how I got on top; that's how I'm staying on top."

Chairman Siggi was a sarcastic, self-interested, multi-tentacled alien collector who represented the Collector's Guild. He owned his own starship, and owned a sizeable collection. He was heavily prejudiced against Orions.

In 2381, he requested the Federation's assistance in cataloguing the objects carried aboard Kerner Hauze's automated ship, as well as possibly disposing of the hazardous materials, prior to the auction of Hauze's possessions. During the cataloguing process, he attempted to steal Kahless' fornication helmet, triggering the ship's automated defenses. He attempted to divert the blame towards Ensign D'Vana Tendi, an Orion, until his theft of the helmet was exposed.

As Siggi and the away team assisting from the USS Cerritos attempted to escape the attacks, they entered an ossuary room, where Siggi was killed by the falling skeleton of Spock Two. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")