Star Trek Monthly issue 27

Issue 27 of Star Trek Monthly was the May 1997 issue.


Make It So
Darryl Curtis on the role of women in the 24th century.
The Best of All Worlds
Interview – Marina Sirtis – "Stepping Out"
by Ian Spelling.
"If I Have to Open Hailing Frequencies One More Time, I'm Going to Scream!"
Andy Lane on how women have been portrayed in the Star Trek franchise.
Putting Star Trek's Women In Their Place – Amanda Finch talks to Jeri Taylor about developing roles for women.
Bajor's Best – Dave Bassom speaks to Michelle Forbes.
Rendezvous on RisaJoe Nazzaro interviews Jennifer Hetrick.
Loving the Aliens – How Star Trek's alien species treat women.
Law-maker, Law-breaker – David Bassom with Julie Caitlin Brown.
A Fistful of Data
USS Bradbury, USS Voyager's maximum sustainable speed – warp 9, or warp 9.975?, "Rules of Engagement" rank blooper.
Interview – Gates McFadden – "Beverly's Best"
by Ian Spelling.
Interview – Majel Barrett – "The First Lady of Star Trek"
by Joe Nazzaro.
Book extract
Pocket TNG: Guises of the Mind.
From the Replicator
Merchandise: Rubies Costumes, Tumble-not mugs, Downpace mugs.
US Update: CCG: Introductory Two-Player Game, Star Trek: The Next Generation - Collectible Dice Game, Playmates Toys.
Interactive Update: Star Trek Generations delayed again, Starfleet Academy, screensavers.
Read Out: Intellivore, The Tempest, Chrysalis; interview with Peter David & Michael Jan Friedman on Wrath of the Prophets.
On Screen: Original Series re-release volume 2.5, Deep Space Nine volume 5.6, Voyager volume 3.6; James Swallow on his set visit during filming of "The Q and the Grey" and "Macrocosm".
Competition to win William Shatner's Transformed Man, Leonard Nimoy's Highly Illogical and Nichelle Nichols' Down to Earth – all recently re-released.
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