Subspace transceiver
Subspace transceivers were components of any type of subspace radio. Several starships were equipped with a subspace transceiver array.
Subspace transceivers formed an integral part of the Borg Collective, as they were responsible for linking the trillions of drones into the collective consciousness. (TNG: "I Borg")
Enterprise NX-01 was equipped with a subspace transceiver array. In 2151, Ensign Hoshi Sato had to run a diagnostic of the array. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")
In 2154, subspace transceivers were used by the Romulan Star Empire on the exterior of the Romulan drone ship. (ENT: "Babel One")
In 2370, Jake Sisko built a subspace transceiver as a science project. (DS9: "Whispers")
Damar modified the subspace transceiver array aboard the Groumall to create the illusion to sensors of having refined dilithium crystals aboard. (DS9: "Return to Grace")
In 2372, the Cardassians removed Empok Nor's subspace transceiver when they abandoned the space station. (DS9: "Empok Nor")
In 2374, Grand Nagus Zek brought three Ferengi subspace transceivers to Deep Space 9 aboard his shuttle. (DS9: "Profit and Lace")
In 2375, the subspace transceiver of the Silver Blood USS Voyager malfunctioned shortly before the vessel's destruction, preventing its crew from contacting the real Voyager. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
The spikes on the Romulan drone ship were subspace transceivers. By extension, the spikes at either end of the Spacedock One were probably also subspace transceivers.
Subspace communication |
amplifier • antenna • bandwidth • beacon • frequency • hyper- • interference • interplexing beacon • link • log • monitor • neural transceiver • relay • relay network • relay station • signal • static • transceiver • transmission • transmitter • transponder • wide-band |