Trifluorinate compound

Trifluorinate compound was a substance used to seal teeth to prevent tooth decay. It was considered to be quite effective.

T'Pol had her teeth sealed with a trifluorinate compound in 2128. Despite this, she acquired a cavity in 2151 on her anterior tricuspid, requiring repair by Doctor Phlox. (ENT: "Dear Doctor")

Teeth and related anatomy: Anterior tricuspidEye toothFangGumsIncisorJawMolarPalateTongueTusk
Medical conditions: Bite mark (Bite radius) • CavityEruption (dentistry)Teeth grinding
Medical procedures: Tooth extractionTooth sealing
Occupations: DentistHygienistOrthodontist
People: Tooth Fairy
Products: False teethSkagaran whiskeyTeething ringToothbrushToothpasteMars ToothpasteTooth sharpenerTrifluorinate compound
Organizations: Starfleet Dental
Other: Dragon's teethSweet tooth