Ty'Gokor was a fortified planetoid inside Klingon space in the Beta Quadrant. This fortress world was found in an asteroid belt. The Hall of Warriors was located within the command center of this installation.
Ty'Gokor had a long association with the Klingon Empire.
In 2152, Duras, son of Toral was demoted to second weapons officer and sent to serve at Ty'Gokor's defense perimeter after his failure to apprehend the Raatooran rebels at the hands of Captain Jonathan Archer of Enterprise NX-01. (ENT: "Judgment")
By 2373, Chancellor Gowron had moved Klingon military headquarters from Qo'noS to Ty'Gokor. The planetoid was protected by a powerful defensive shield and a tachyon detection grid, as well as several orbital facilities. At least thirty Klingon warships were stationed near it at all times.
A small infiltration team led by Captain Benjamin Sisko was able to infiltrate Ty'Gokor with the help of Gul Dukat's stolen Bird-of-Prey. There, they exposed General Martok as a Changeling. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising")
Stellar Cartography[]
Ty'Gokor's location was labeled on a Federation holographic star chart seen aboard the USS Discovery during the first Federation-Klingon War in the 2250s. (DIS: "The War Without, The War Within")
In 2257, this planetoid's location was labeled on the star chart showing the trajectory of Lieutenant Spock's shuttle. (DIS: "An Obol for Charon")
Background information[]
According to the script for "Apocalypse Rising", Ty'Gokor's name was pronounced as "TIE-go-kor". [1] Ty'Gokor itself was described in the script as "a fortified asteroid covered with defense installations, ship docks and weapons platforms. Several other Klingon ships keep watch over the planetoid."
The location of this planetoid came from the source material used, the Star Trek: Star Charts and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library, to create the star charts seen in Star Trek: Discovery. In the Star Trek: Star Charts (pp. 63, 96), this planetoid's name is associated with a symbol that identified it as a "planetoid/rogue planet". The name of Ty'Gokor's system was not given.
Ty'Gokor is featured in the Star Trek: IKS Gorkon novel A Good Day to Die, in which Klag is inducted into the Order of the Bat'leth in 2376.
Ty'Gokor is also mentioned in The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two.
The Klingon trading station in Star Trek Armada 2 appears much like the stations in orbit of Ty'Gokor.
According to The Klingon Art of War and Star Trek Adventures - The Klingon Empire Core Rulebook, Ty'Gokor was the first planet conquered by the Klingon Empire after it expanded into space. Its native species, the Samnatti, became the first subject race of the Empire.
External link[]
- Ty'Gokor at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works