Unnamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) command personnel

List of unnamed USS Enterprise command division personnel:


Crewman #1 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 1

A command division crew woman

This crew woman was attacked by the hallucinating Saul Ramon in the corridor and cut across the abdomen in 2259. She later died in sickbay from her injuries. (SNW: "Lost in Translation")

Mid-2260s – early 2270s[]


Crewman #1 []

USS Enterprise command crewman 6

A command crewman

This crewman passed Kirk and Spock in a corridor near the transporter room in 2265. Later, he crossed behind Kirk when the captain entered the sickbay. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

Crewman #2 []

USS Enterprise command crewman 1

Transporter assistant

This crewman was operating the transporter, assisting Montgomery Scott in 2265. He was later in the corridor conversing with another crewman. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

Crewman #3 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 2

A command division crew woman

This crew woman was present on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered the Fesarius in 2266. She also witnessed the nervous breakdown of Lieutenant Dave Bailey. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")

Crewman #4 []

USS Enterprise command crewman 3

Crewman #2

This crewman was present in a corridor when the Enterprise encountered Balok's cube in 2266. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")

He was also present in a corridor when the Enterprise visited M-113, later the same year. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

Still the same year, he present in a corridor near Captain Kirk's quarters, wearing a command division uniform yet again, when Kirk's android returned to the ship to retrieve Kirk's command packet for Roger Korby during the Enterprise's visited Exo III. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")

The final appearance was recycled footage from his appearance in "The Man Trap".

Crewman #5 []

USS Enterprise command crewman 4

A command division crewman

This crewman served as communications officer on the bridge when the Enterprise visited planet Alfa 177 in 2266. (TOS: "The Enemy Within")

Crewman #6 []

USS Enterprise command technician

A command division technician

This technician was in a turbolift with another crewmember when Yeoman Janice Rand and the M-113 creature (posing as Crewman Green) joined them, heading for the Botany section in 2266. He was later present in a corridor during red alert. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

Crewman #7 []

USS Enterprise command crewman 5

A command division crewman

This crewman served on the bridge when the Enterprise performed an implosion from Psi 2000 in 2266. (TOS: "The Naked Time")

Crewman #8 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 6

A command division crew woman

This crew woman was present in Recreation Room 6 on Deck 3 around 1400hrs, when Charles Evans visited the Enterprise in 2266. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Crewman #9 []

In her original age

In her original age

As an old woman

As an old woman

This crew woman had youthful features before Charlie Evans transformed her into an old woman out of spite. (TOS: "Charlie X")

In the final draft script of "Charlie X", this character was initially described as "an attractive, young female crewman" and her altered appearance was referred to as "aged... many years... lined..." with her hands also characterized as "aged."

This is one of only a handful of appearances of a female crewmember wearing the late 2260s uniform with pants rather than a skirt.

Crewman #10 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 8

Frozen crew woman

This crew woman was frozen in movement by an angry Charles Evans simply because she was in his way as he ran through the ship's corridors. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Crewman #11[]

USS Enterprise command crew woman 009

Operations technician

This crew woman was in the corridor outside Captain Kirk's quarters when the ship went to double red alert. After Spock emerged from Kirk's quarters, he informed this crew woman, along with two others and a crewman, to "Evacuate this section. Seal it off." (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Crewman #12 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 10

A command division yeoman

This crew woman was a member of the audience at the Karidian Company of Players' performance of Hamlet in 2266. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

She later served coffee to Captain Kirk and Commissioner Ferris during the Enterprise's study of the Murasaki 312 quasar, in 2267. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven")

Crewman #13 and #14[]

Played by an unknown actress

Played by an unknown actress

These crew women were members of the audience at the Karidian Company of Players' performance of Hamlet in 2266. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Crewman #15 []

USS Enterprise command crewman 11

USS Enterprise command crewman 013

This crewman was a member of the audience that watched the Karidian Company of Players' performance of Hamlet from a viewer in 2266. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

He was later present on the bridge when the Enterprise was surveying the Murasaki 312 quasar in 2267. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven")

The same year, he was working on the bridge when the ship encountered the planet Gothos. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos")

Crewman #16 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 12

Command division crewwoman

This crew woman was present in the recreation room when Lazarus visited the Enterprise in 2267. Earlier, she was present on the bridge where she handed a report to Captain Kirk. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")

Crewman #17 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 13

Crew woman

This crew woman was serving on the Enterprise when the ship accidentally traveled back in time to 1969. She greeted Captain Kirk in a corridor as he escorted an amazed Captain John Christopher to the bridge. Once they stepped into the turbolift, Christopher simply stated "A woman...?", which Kirk corrected, not a woman, but a "crewman". (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

She was described in the script as "a pretty Crew Woman coming down the corridor, carrying a tricorder... efficient, bent on business."

Christopher's viewpoint in this scene appears as a reaction to Star Trek's vision of the future, especially that of women serving aboard a military vessel. This was evident in the script, as that being what Christopher was most amazed at, where the script note states, upon seeing her "Christopher just stares... [...] Kirk steps in [the elevator], turns back to see Chris is still staring after the girl... not lecherous, boys... simply not believing." Once in the elevator, the disbelieving Christopher had originally said "pretty girl..." (rather than "a woman...?"), before being corrected by Kirk, before the following script note explained: "Christopher's face reads in large, indelible letters, "A CREWMAN?!" but he'd be shot before he'd voice it."

Crewman #18 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 14

Command division crew woman

This crew woman served as a steward who helped dispense dinner when Enterprise officers were privileged to dine with the 20th century despot Khan Noonien Singh, in 2267. (TOS: "Space Seed")

Crewman #19 []

USS Enterprise command woman 15

Command division crew woman

This crew woman was captured by Khan Noonien Singh and his followers, and held hostage in the briefing room along with other crewmembers, in 2267. (TOS: "Space Seed")

Crewman #20 []

USS Enterprise command crewman 16

A command division crewman

This crewman deserted the ship for the Omicron colony, under the influence of the pod plant spores in 2267. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

Crewman #21 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 17

Command division crew woman

This crew woman was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Pollux IV in 2267. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

Crewman #22 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 18

A command division yeoman

This crew woman was board when the Enterprise was ordered to attend the inauguration ceremony on Altair VI in 2267. She appeared both on a corridor and on the bridge. (TOS: "Amok Time")

Later that year she visited the bridge as the Enterprise approached the wreck of the USS Constellation and went to red alert upon its discovery. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")

Crewman #23 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 19

Command division crew woman

This crew woman was on the bridge when Nomad wiped out the memories of Lieutenant Uhura and killed Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott. She helped Lieutenant Sulu to escort Uhura to sickbay, then returned as Nomad and Doctor McCoy were leaving the bridge. (TOS: "The Changeling")

Her role was originally much larger, based on evidence in the episode's shooting script. According to a deleted scene from that script, she encountered Nomad in the corridor, where it asks her what her function is. She nervously tells it that she is an astrochemist, while in turn, it notices her fear, describing her "mixture of apprehension and an irrational desire to flee." In seeking an explanation, she angrily explains that she isn't "usually stopped in the corridors by a... chunk of metal that asks questions." Nomad then takes note of her emotions, namely her "confusion and hostility", and informs her that such "malfunctioning in units should not be allowed by the Creator." Nomad continues to press, asking her why she had "not been repaired?" She retorts, "Why haven't you?" Describing her response as "non sequitur", it informs her that she will be repaired, and as it approaches, she attempts to flee. The remained of the sequence is described in the script notes as, Nomad "fires a tiny compact ball of energy at the fleeing Crewwoman.", who is then "hit by the blob...a flash, and she disappears."

Crewman #24 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 20

Command division crew woman

This crew woman served on the Enterprise in 2267, when the ship visited Gamma Trianguli VI. (TOS: "The Apple")

Crewman #25 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 21

Command division crew woman

This crew woman was present in a corridor, when the Enterprise visited Gamma Hydra IV in 2267. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")

Crewman #26 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 22

Command division crew woman

This crew woman was present in the recreation room when Lieutenant Uhura showed her crewmates the tribbles, in 2268. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

Crewman #27 and #28 []

Played by an unknown actress

Played by an unknown actress

These two crew women were affected by the power drain caused by a giant single cell lifeform, and were treated in sickbay, in 2268. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

Crewman #29 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 25

Command division crew woman

This crew woman was present on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered Sargon in 2268. (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow")

In 2269, she was present in a corridor when the survivors of Zetar invaded the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Lights of Zetar")

Crewman #30 []

USS Enterprise crew woman 18, command

Command division crew woman

This crew woman was present in a corridor in 2268, when Captain Kirk ordered corridors to be emptied, after the arrival of Ambassador Kollos on board. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

Crewman #31 []

USS Enterprise command crewman 26

A command division crewman

This crewman was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Minara II, in 2268. (TOS: "The Empath")

He was also present on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered the Kalandan outpost, the same year. (TOS: "That Which Survives")

Crewman #32 and #33 []

Played by an unknown actor

Played by an unknown actor

These three crewmen were present at Kirk's memorial service, after the Captain was presumed dead on the USS Defiant, in 2268. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

Crewman #34 []

USS Enterprise command crewman 30

A command crewman

This crewman was present in a corridor when the Enterprise visited Gideon, in 2268. (TOS: "The Mark of Gideon")

Crewman #35 []

USS Enterprise command crewman 7

A command crewman

This crewman worked in auxiliary control shortly before being knocked out by Sevrin and Tongo Rad. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")


Antedian lieutenant []

Shuttle pilots []

USS Enterprise command shuttle pilots

Two shuttle pilots

These two shuttle pilots, a lieutenant and an ensign piloted the Galileo shuttle when it carried Ambassador Sarek and his staff to the Enterprise from Vulcan in 2268. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

Lieutenant #1 []

Enterprise command lieutenant 1

A command division crew woman

This female lieutenant passed by Yeoman Rand and the M-113 creature posing as Crewman Green in a corridor in 2266. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

She was later present in Recreation Room 6 on Deck 3, when Charles Evans visited the Enterprise that year. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Later that year, she was present in a corridor shortly after the Romulan Neutral Zone Incursion. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

Lieutenant #2 []

USS Enterprise command lieutenant 3

A command division lieutenant

This female lieutenant was on duty in the Enterprise corridors around stardate 1533.

She walked past Janice Rand's quarters as Rand herself was leaving to go on duty. Shortly, thereafter, she assisted a sciences division crewman with maintenance work when they were passed by Charles Evans. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Lieutenant #3 []

USS Enterprise command lieutenant 4

wedding attendee

This lieutenant attended the wedding of Robert Tomlinson and Angela Martine before it was canceled by Romulan sightings. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

Lieutenant #4 []

Command division technician

Command division technician

Command division lieutenant

Command division lieutenant

This lieutenant attended the wedding of Robert Tomlinson and Angela Martine before it was canceled by Romulan sightings. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

He later, while donning a green jumpsuit, was ordered by Spock to "clear sections C-4 and C-5" near the captain's quarters as Kirk searched for the Type 2 phaser Lenore Karidian set to overload and had hidden there in 2266. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

He was later one of the department heads present in the briefing room when the Enterprise encountered a giant single cell creature in 2268. He was there on the order of Captain Kirk with his reports on the zone of darkness they were in. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

In 2269, he was among the audience when Doctor Sevrin's followers performed a musical jam session on the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Lieutenant #5 []

USS Enterprise command crew woman 9

A command division crew woman

This lieutenant was present in the recreation room, when Uhura performed the song "Beyond Antares" in 2266, and later, was present in the audience when the Karidian Company of Players performed Hamlet. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Lieutenant #6[]

USS Enterprise command lieutenant 007

Operations technician

This female lieutenant was in the corridor outside Captain Kirk's quarters when the ship went to double red alert. After Spock emerged from Kirk's quarters, he informed this crew woman, along with two others and a crewman, to "Evacuate this section. Seal it off." (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Lieutenant #7 and #8[]

A command lieutenant

A command lieutenant

A command lieutenant

A command lieutenant

These lieutenant were both present in the audience when the Karidian Company of Players performed Hamlet. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Lieutenant #9 []

USS Enterprise command lieutenant 5

A command division lieutenant

This lieutenant was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Deneva in 2267. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

Lieutenant #10 []

USS Enterprise command lieutenant 6

A command division lieutenant

This lieutenant was present on the bridge in 2267, when the Enterprise was ordered to proceed to Altair VI ahead of time. (TOS: "Amok Time")

He was again on the bridge when the ship was taken over by the Redjac entity near Argelius II. He was sedated by a nurse, as ordered by Doctor McCoy, the same year. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")

In 2268, he was present in the recreation room when Uhura shared her newfound tribbles with her ship mates. He later participated in the fight between the Enterprise personnel and the IKS Gr'oth Klingon crew on Deep Space Station K-7, and was interrogated by Kirk afterwards. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles"; DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

Lieutenant #11 []

USS Enterprise command lieutenant 7

Command division lieutenant

This lieutenant was present in the briefing room after the landing party returned from Gamma Hydra IV in 2267. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")

Lieutenant #12 []

USS Enterprise command lieutenant 8

Command division lieutenant

This lieutenant participated in the fight between Enterprise personnel and Koloth's IKS Gr'oth crew on Deep Space Station K-7, and was interrogated by Kirk afterwards, in 2268. After he was released from quarters confinement, he was present in the tribble-infected recreation room when Kirk and Spock visited it. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles"; DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

Lieutenant #13 []

Enterprise command lieutenant 13

Command division lieutenant

This lieutenant was present on the bridge, writing a report when Sargon lured the Enterprise to his homeworld in 2268. (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow")

This lieutenant was played by background actor John Hugh McKnight who received no credit for this appearance.

Lieutenant #14 []

Enterprise command lieutenant 14

Command division lieutenant

This female lieutenant was present in a corridor, when Ambassador Kollos arrived to the Enterprise, and Captain Kirk ordered corridors to be emptied, in 2268. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

The same year, she was present at Kirk's memorial service, when the captain was presumed dead on board the USS Defiant. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

Lieutenant #15 []

Enterprise command lieutenant 16

Command division lieutenant

This lieutenant was present in a corridor, doing maintenance work when the Enterprise was invaded by the Zetarian energy forms in 2269. (TOS: "The Lights of Zetar")

The same year, he was present among the audience when Doctor Sevrin's followers performed a jam session on the ship. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Lieutenant #16 []

USS Enterprise command lieutenant 16

Command division lieutenant

This lieutenant served on the Enterprise in 2269 and was knocked down in a corridor during an encounter with a humanoid from Megas-Tu. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu")

Lieutenant #17 []

USS Enterprise dancing lieutenants 1

Command division lieutenant (left)

This lieutenant was dancing with a sciences division lieutenant in the transporter room, under the influence of Harry Mudd's love potion crystals, in 2269. (TAS: "Mudd's Passion")

According to the novelization, the woman's name is Yeoman Marion and she was dancing with Chief Kyle.

Lieutenant #18 []

Enterprise command lieutenant 18

Command division lieutenant

This lieutenant was present at the mess hall when the crew suddenly began to shrink, while investigating the lost colony Terra 10, in 2269. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

Lieutenant #19 []

Enterprise command lieutenant 19

Command division lieutenant

This lieutenant was shrunken to a miniature size by spiroid epsilon waves in 2269 and transported to the capital of Terra 10 to get dilithium. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

This lieutenant was the animated likeness of storyboard artist Herb Hazelton.

Lieutenant commander []

USS Enterprise command lieutenant commander 1

Lt. Commander

In 2268 this lieutenant commander stood in on a staff meeting after the Enterprise was facing capture by the Romulans after Captain James T. Kirk took the ship into the Romulan Neutral Zone. (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident")

This officer was also present at Kirk's memorial service after the captain was presumed killed aboard the USS Defiant. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

Officer []

This female officer served aboard the Enterprise during the mid-2260s.

In 2265, she was present in the recreation room, wearing civilian clothing, where she watched Kirk and Spock play three-dimensional chess, moments before the Enterprise encountered the disaster recorder of the SS Valiant. She was later in uniform walking through the corridor outside the transporter room where she passed Kirk and Spock on their way to the turbolift. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

The following year, she was later in the ship's gymnasium with two other crew women performing gymnastics during Charles Evans' visit. (TOS: "Charlie X")

In civilian attire

In civilian attire

In uniform

In uniform

In spandex

In spandex

Captain []


Helmsman #1 []

USS Enterprise command helmsman 1


This helmsman served on the bridge in 2266, when the Enterprise visited planet Alfa 177, and Captain Kirk was split into two personas by a transporter accident. (TOS: "The Enemy Within")

Helmsman lieutenant #1 []

USS Enterprise command helmsman lieutenant 1

Helm officer

This lieutenant manned the helm when the Enterprise visited Tantalus V in 2266. He was present when Simon Van Gelder burst onto the bridge with a phaser, demanding asylum. He reversed the ship's course back to the Tantalus Colony after the situation had been diffused. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind")

Helmsman lieutenant #2 []

USS Enterprise command helmsman lieutenant 2


This lieutenant sat at the helm, when the Enterprise visited Janus VI in 2267. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")

Helmsman lieutenant #3 []

USS Enterprise command helmsman lieutenant 3

A helmsman

This lieutenant served as the helmsman of the USS Enterprise in 2269 while Sulu was hanging out with Dr. Sevrin's followers. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Helmsman lieutenant #4 []

USS Enterprise command helmsman lieutenant 4


This female lieutenant sat at the helm, when the Enterprise visited Holberg 917G and was briefly miniaturized by Flint until Kirk pleaded for her to be restored to normal in 2269. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah")

Helmsman lieutenant #5 []

USS Enterprise command helmsman lieutenant 5

A helmsman

This male lieutenant served as the helmsman when the Excalbian version of Abraham Lincoln visited the ship in 2269. (TOS: "The Savage Curtain")


Navigator crewman #1 []

USS Enterprise command navigator 1

A command division crewman

This crewman was a relief navigator aboard the Enterprise in 2266.

That year he was present in Recreation Room 6 on Deck 3 when Charles Evans visited the Enterprise. Once he was back on duty, he sat at the navigation station when the ship was intercepted by a Thasian ship. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Navigator crewman #2 []

USS Enterprise command navigator 2


This crewman served as the navigator in 2266, when the Enterprise visited Tantalus V in 2266. He was present when Simon Van Gelder burst onto the bridge with a phaser, demanding asylum. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind")

Navigator crewman #3 []

USS Enterprise command navigator 3

A navigator

This crewman sat at the navigator station during the Enterprise's visit to Platonius in 2268. (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren")

Navigator lieutenant #1 []

USS Enterprise command navigator lieutenant 1

A navigator

This lieutenant served as navigator when the Enterprise visited planet M-113 in 2266. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

Navigator lieutenant #2 []

USS Enterprise command navigator lieutenant 2

A navigator

This lieutenant manned the navigator's position in 2266 while the Enterprise was en route to Earth Colony 5. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Navigator lieutenant #3 []

USS Enterprise command lieutenant 2

Command division lieutenant

This lieutenant was present in Recreation Room 6 when Charles Evans visited the Enterprise in 2266. (TOS: "Charlie X")

The same year, he was among the guests who attended the aborted wedding of Robert Tomlinson and Angela Martine. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

He sat at the helm when the Enterprise discovered Miri, the same year. (TOS: "Miri")

Later that year, while the ship was in orbit of Planet Q, he assisted Lenore Karidian down from the transporter pad and escorted her to the bridge from the transporter room. He stood at post near the turbolift door while Karidian spoke with Kirk, then escorted her back to the transporter room at the conclusion of the discussion. While the Enterprise was later en route to Benecia, he returned to the bridge with a handful of tapes, a number of which he handed to Spock, before he proceeded on to the port side of the bridge to distribute additional tapes. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

For this appearance he was identified in the script simply as a "crewman", and wore a uniform without any stripes.

In 2267, he served as a navigator when the Enterprise visited Janus VI. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")

Navigator lieutenant #4 []

USS Enterprise command navigator lieutenant 3

A navigator

This lieutenant manned the navigator station when the Enterprise visited planet Exo III in 2266. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")

Navigator lieutenant #5 []

USS Enterprise command navigator lieutenant 4

A navigator

This lieutenant manned the navigator post when the Enterprise was in orbit of Planet Q in 2266. He remained at the position was for the ship's visit to the Benecia Colony. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Navigator lieutenant #6 []

USS Enterprise command navigator lieutenant 5

A navigator

This lieutenant manned the navigator station when the Enterprise visited Starbase 11 in 2267. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")

Navigator lieutenant #7 []

USS Enterprise command navigator lieutenant 6

A navigator

This lieutenant manned the navigator station when the Enterprise accidentally traveled back in time to 1969 from 2267. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

Navigator lieutenant commander []

USS Enterprise command navigator lieutenant commander


In 2267, this lieutenant commander sat at the navigator station, while Lieutenant Leslie sat in the command chair. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")

This officer should have sat in the command chair in his scene because he outranked Leslie, who sat in the command chair.

Mid 2270s[]

Bridge technician 1 []

USS Enterprise command bridge crewman, 2270s

A bridge crewmember

This technician was serving on the bridge during the V'ger incident in the 2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

He was identified as a technician on the film's call sheet.

Crewman #30 and #31 []

Played by David Gerrold

Played by Don J. Long

These crewmen attended the briefing on the recreation deck of the USS Enterprise in the 2270s. They witnessed the destruction of the Epsilon IX station during the briefing. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)


Crewman #32 []

USS Enterprise command trainee crewman

Command division crewman

This crewman served aboard the USS Enterprise during its training simulation and later during the battle with Khan Noonien Singh. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

He was present when Fleet Admiral Morrow visited the Enterprise after its return to the Spacedock One and also in the San Francisco bar. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Starfleet Academy cadets[]