Unnamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) operations personnel

The following is a list of Unnamed USS Enterprise operations division personnel:


Crewman #1 []

On the bridge in 2254

On the bridge in 2254

In a corridor in 2265

In a corridor in 2265

This crewman served aboard the Enterprise between 2254 and 2265.

He was positioned at the main engineering station on the bridge when the Enterprise picked up a distress signal from the SS Columbia, when the ship's power was drained, and when the Enterprise was preparing to leave Talos IV. (TOS: "The Cage")

In 2265, he was present in the recreation room, seated at a table in the background, where he watched Kirk and Spock listening to the disaster recorder of the SS Valiant. Later, he was walking through the corridor outside the transporter room where he passed Kirk and Spock on their way to the turbolift. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

Crewman #2 []

Posted at bridge engineering in 2254

Posted at bridge engineering in 2254

Posted at the science station in 2265

Posted at the science station in 2265

This crewman served aboard the Enterprise for over a decade, serving under both Captains Pike and Kirk.

He was operating the life support systems station on the bridge when the Enterprise received the distress call from the SS Columbia in 2254.

When Spock later decided to cut his losses and ordered the Enterprise to escape orbit of Talos IV, and it was discovered that that ship's controls had gone dead, Jose Tyler had this crewman double-check the systems, in turn, Tyler relayed a response to Spock, confirming that "there's nothing. Every system aboard is fading out!" (TOS: "The Cage")

He was later present on the bridge operating the science station when the Enterprise left Delta Vega in 2265. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

Footage of his experience aboard the Enterprise under Captain Pike during the original visit to Talos IV, from 13 years prior, was transmitted from that planet during Spock's fictional court martial aboard the same ship in 2267. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I", "The Menagerie, Part II")

This crewman was played by background actor John Burnside who received no credit for his appearances.

Crewman #3 []

Enterprise operations crewman 3

A female operations crewman

This crewman sat at the communications station to the right of the viewscreen in 2254. Captain Christopher Pike and CPO Garison checked the SS Columbia's follow-up message that printed out on paper from her console and was also present when the Talosians took control of the vessel. (TOS: "The Cage")

This crew woman was played by background actress and stand-in Carol Daniels who received no credit for her appearance.

Her lack of rank insignia determines she was and enlisted officer. Although she wears the division patch for command, her uniform color indicates she's operations division. The function of her station, located between the viewscreen and Spock's station included various library computer functions and controls later associated with the science station. According to the second revised final draft of the script, it was the communications station.

Crewman #4 []

This crewman... (DIS: "Such Sweet Sorrow", "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2")

This crewman was played by Kevin Lee.

Crewman #5 []

Enterprise operations crewman 41

An operations crewman

This crewman... (SNW: "Ghosts of Illyria", "A Quality of Mercy")

Crewman #6 []

Enterprise operations crewman 42

An operations crewman

This crewman... (SNW: "Among the Lotus Eaters")

Denobulan cadet []

Enterprise Denobulan cadet

A Denobulan cadet

This Denobulan cadet, first class accused Chief Jay of stealing a ring given by his matriarch, via the transporter, when Chief of Security La'an Noonien-Singh had to intervene. (SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")

Engineer #1 []

Ensign #1 []

Ensign #2 []

Laser cannon technicians []

These two technicians assisted Number One in setting up the laser cannon on the surface of Talos IV in 2254. (TOS: "The Cage")

They were alluded to in the script as simply "first crewman" and "second crewman", and called "laser cannon technicians" on the call sheet.

A technician

A technician

A second technician

A second technician

Lieutenant #1 []

USS Enterprise operations lieutenant 1

An operations division lieutenant junior grade

This male lieutenant junior grade was onboard the Enterprise while it was on its mission to Kiley 279 in 2259. He was passed in a corridor by Nurse Christine Chapel who was chasing a Kiley scientist. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds")

The same year, he served as navigator on the bridge when the Enterprise surveyed the C/2260-Quentin comet in the Persephone system. (SNW: "Children of the Comet")

This lieutenant was played by Kaz Morgan.

Navigator []

USS Enterprise operations navigator 1


This bridge officer served on the Enterprise in 2259.

She stood post near the turbolift where she held a PADD during the mission to Kiley 279. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds")

She was in the corridor when Spock spoke with Uhura with regards to her future in Starfleet. (SNW: "Children of the Comet")

She later served as the navigator during the mission to Hetemit IX. (SNW: "Ghosts of Illyria")

She served on the bridge when the Enterprise crew were transformed into characters from the fairy tale The Kingdom of Elysian by the alien entity known as Debra. She took on the personality of a royal court member. (SNW: "The Elysian Kingdom")

Red Shirt []

Transporter technician #1 []

With glasses

With glasses

Without glasses

Without glasses

In 2254, this Human transporter technician, who wore thick-rimmed glasses, stood at the transporter console next to Transporter Chief Pitcairn during the various transports to and from Talos IV. (TOS: "The Cage")

This transporter technician was played by an unknown actor.

His appearance is the first rare occurrence of a 23rd century Human wearing glasses, which he wore in his first scene but was without glasses in his subsequent appearances in this episode.

His character was named Yamata (β) in "The Rift" and given the first name "Sam" in the novel Child of Two Worlds.

2260s – early 2270s[]


Crewman #7 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 7

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman served on the Enterprise during the ship's encounter with Balok and the First Federation in 2266. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")

Crewman #8[]

Enterprise operations crewman 8

Wedding attendee

This crewman attended the wedding of Robert Tomlinson and Angela Martine before it was canceled by Romulan sightings. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

Crewmen #9 and #10[]

USS Enterprise operations phaser room staff

Phaser room staff

These two crewmen worked in the phaser control room. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

Crewman #11[]

Enterprise operations crewman 11

Operations technician

This technician was in the corridor outside Captain Kirk's quarters when the ship went to double red alert. After Spock emerged from Kirk's quarters, he informed this crewman and three other crew women to "Evacuate this section. Seal it off." (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Crewman #12 []

Enterprise operations crewman 12

An operations division crewman

This crewman was a member of the audience at the Karidian Company of Players' performance of Hamlet in 2266. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Crewman #13[]

Enterprise operations crewman 13

An operations division crewman

This crewman was a member of the audience that watched the Karidian Company of Players' performance of Hamlet from a viewer in 2266. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Crewman #14 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 14

A crewmember in a window

This crew woman passed a window of the Enterprise when the ship was in orbit of Starbase 11. (TOS-R: "Court Martial")

This crewmember was played by Denise Okuda, who received no on-screen credit, and appeared only in the remastered version of the episode.

Crewman #15 []

As the court reporter

As the court reporter

As table attendant

As table attendant

This crew woman served aboard the Enterprise in 2267.

She served as the court reporter who sat in on Spock's court martial following his abduction of Captain Pike from Starbase 11. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")

Later that year, she served as a steward at dinner when Enterprise officers were privileged to dine with the 20th century despot Khan Noonien Singh, in 2267. She was later captured and seated in a prisoner's row with Leslie, Brent, Hadley and others, forced to watch Khan's murderous spectacle of Captain Kirk on the viewscreen. (TOS: "Space Seed")

This operations crew woman was played by Jan Reddin.

Crewman #16 []

Enterprise operations crewman 16

An engineering technician

This crewman deserted the ship and left for the Omicron Ceti III colony, under the influence of the pod plant spores, in 2267. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

Crewman #17 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 17

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman served aboard the Enterprise in 2267.

She was stationed on the bridge during the Enterprise's visit to Janus VI. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")

The same year, she took the tape reader Kirk used to decode the directive tape notifying the Enterprise to suspect a surprise attack, a prelude to the Federation-Klingon War that broke out near Organia. She was later on the bridge as the Enterprise departed Organia. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")

Crewman #18 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 18

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Deneva in 2267. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

Crewman #19 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 19

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Deneva in 2267. She was present when Spock rushed in, under the influence of the flying parasites. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

Crewman #20 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 20

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman was present on the bridge during the encounter with a Klingon battle cruiser near Capella IV in 2267. (TOS: "Friday's Child")

She was also working on the bridge in 2268, when the Enterprise encountered an Eymorg starship. (TOS: "Spock's Brain")

Her appearance in "Spock's Brain" was recycled footage from "Friday's Child".

Crewman #21 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 21

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman served on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Vulcan en route to Altair VI in 2267. (TOS: "Amok Time")

Crewman #22 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 22

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman was present in a corridor during the same time, in 2267. (TOS: "Amok Time")

Crewman #23 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 23

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman was present in the briefing room, after the landing party returned from Gamma Hydra IV in 2267. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")

Crewman #24 []

Enterprise operations crewman 24

An operations division crewman

This crewman participated in the fight between Enterprise crewmembers and Koloth's Klingon crewmen at Deep Space Station K-7, and were interrogated by Kirk afterwards, in 2268. After he was released from quarters confinement, he was present in the tribble-infected recreation room, when Kirk and Spock visited it. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

In the alternate timeline created by Arne Darvin's visit from 2373, he was not present at the interrogation, and was replaced by Doctor Julian Bashir. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

The same year, he was present on a corridor during red alert when the Enterprise encountered Bele's spaceship. (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")

The operations crewman was played by an unknown actor. His appearance in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is via recycled footage from "The Trouble with Tribbles".

Crewman #25 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 25

A female crewman

This crew woman was present on the bridge in 2268, when the Enterprise received news about the destruction of the USS Intrepid. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

Crewman #26 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 26

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman was one of the department heads present in the briefing room when the Enterprise encountered a giant single cell creature in 2268. She was there, on the order of Captain Kirk, with her reports on the zone of darkness they were in. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

Crewman #27 []

An operations division crew woman before the Kelvans neutralize and reduce her ...

An operations division crew woman before the Kelvans neutralize and reduce her ...

... and after (on left) as a porous cuboctahedron solid.

... and after (on left) as a porous cuboctahedron solid.

This crewwoman was present on the bridge in 2268, when the Kelvans attempted to hijack the Enterprise and divert it to the Andromeda Galaxy. She was considered one of many non-essential personnel. Kelvan Drea neutralized and reduced her into a dehydrated porous cuboctahedron solid, the size of a Human fist, composed of her base minerals which represented the "distilled" essence of her being. She was reconstituted after the four commanding officers, who were not neutralized, regained control of the ship. (TOS: "By Any Other Name")

Crewman #28 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 28

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman was present in a corridor, when Captain Kirk announced Ambassador Kollos' arrival to the ship and requested corridors to be emptied, in 2268. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

Crewman #29 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 29

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman served as communications officer on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Minara II in 2268, and later Scalos in the same year. (TOS: "The Empath", "Wink of an Eye")

Crewman #30 []

Enterprise operations crewman 30

An operations division crewman

This crewman was present at Kirk's memorial service, when the Captain was presumed dead on the USS Defiant, in 2268 where he helped restrain a berserk crewman. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

Crewmen #31 – 35 []

These five crewmen and women were present among the audience when Doctor Sevrin's followers performed a jam session on the Enterprise in 2269. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Crewman #36 []

Enterprise operations crewman 36

An operations division officer

This operations division crewman passed Irina Galliulin and Pavel Chekov in a corridor in 2269. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Crewman #37 []

Enterprise operations crewman 37

An operations division crewman

This crewman was present in the recreation room in 2269, when the crew got infected by Harry Mudd's love potion crystals. (TAS: "Mudd's Passion")

Crewman #38 []

Enterprise operations crewman 38

An operations division crewman

This crewman was in the mess hall when the ship's crew began experiencing shrinkage. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

Crewman #39 []

Enterprise operations crew woman 39

An operations division crew woman

This crew woman was transported to Megas-Tu by its inhabitants, and held on trial in the recreation of Salem, Massachusetts. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu")

Galley chef []

USS Enterprise galley chef

The galley chef

The chef of the ship's galley was in charge of reconstituting food and distributing them via the food synthesizers.

In 2266, the chef was amazed when he witnessed his reconstituted meatloaf turned into real turkeys, a gift to the crew from Charlie Evans. He reported this immediately to Captain James T. Kirk, who was skeptical at first. (TOS: "Charlie X")


Engineer #2 []

Enterprise operations engineer 2, 2265

On Delta Vega in 2265

This crewman was part of the repair party, consisting of the engineering staff, that assisted Lee Kelso on Delta Vega in regenerating the main engines aboard the Enterprise. His role was to help safely bypass the mining station's fuel bins which involved rearranging a number of cables in the control room. Following the success of repair, he returned to the ship with a toolbox and Captain Kirk later noted him a commendation for his work in the captain's log. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

In 2266, he was present on a corridor, repairing a circuit, when Yeoman Janice Rand, carrying a plate of food, then the M-113 creature, posing as Crewman Green, passed him by. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

Enterprise operations engineer 2, 2266

Assisting Scott in 2266

The same year, he was helping Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott to open the locked door to the engineering control room, which was taken over by Lieutenant Kevin Riley while affected by the Psi 2000 virus. Unable to open the door by any traditional means, Scott had this crewman run up to his office and pull the plans for the bulkhead so that Scott could phaser in to access the door control panels. (TOS: "The Naked Time")

Enterprise operations engineer 2, helmsman

A helmsman

He later served as the helmsman during the Klingon affair near Organia in 2267 when Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu was in command. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")

Engineer #3 []

Enterprise operations engineer 3

Engineer crewman

This engineering crewman served on the Enterprise in 2266.

During the encounter with the First Federation, he was testing the circuitry on the ship when he was tossed about with the destruction of Balok's cube and from the sheer force of the Enterprise breaking away from Balok's pilot vessel. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")

He was present on a corridor when Captain Kirk passed him by, during the Enterprise's visit to M-113 the same year. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

Still the same year, he was present on a corridor, this time wearing a command division uniform and lieutenant stripes, when an angry Charles Evans clashed into him. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Again, he was on a corridor when he was passed by Kirk's android duplicate when the ship visited Exo III. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")

Engineer #4 []

Enterprise operations engineer 4

Maintenance engineer

This engineering crewman was present on a corridor during red alert when the Enterprise visited M-113 in 2266. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

Engineer #5[]

Enterprise operations engineer 5

A female engineer

This female engineer sat at the engineering station on the bridge as the Enterprise approached to Omicron Ceti III. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

Engineer #6 []

Enterprise operations engineer 6

An engineering technician

This engineering crewman was present on the bridge when the Enterprise was searching for the wrecked USS Constellation. He was later called to the bridge to repair the damage, when the Enterprise encountered the Planet killer in 2267. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")

Engineer #7 []

Enterprise operations engineer 7

An engineering technician

This engineering technician initially served as a security guard and was present on the bridge when the Enterprise found the remains of the USS Constellation. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")

He was later exiting a Jefferies tube when the crew was sedated by the intruder Kara in 2268, and again when Dr. Sevrin and his followers hijacked the Enterprise. (TOS: "Spock's Brain", "The Way to Eden")

The engineering technician was played by an unknown actor. His final appearance was via stock footage from the previously mentioned episode.

Engineer #8 []

Enterprise operations engineer 8

An engineering technician

This crewman served as an engineer in 2267.

That year, he was present in main engineering when Nomad entered, whereupon he was informed by Scott to notify Captain Kirk of Nomad's presence there. When Nomad began to make unsanctioned repairs to the ship's warp drive, he exclaimed to Scott the increasing warp factor, at one point noting that they had reached Warp 11.

Later, he was knocked out by Nomad, following Nomad's return to engineering. Kirk noticed the engineer slumped over his console and even checked his pulse before finally confronting Nomad. Following the entry of Spock and Scott into engineering, with two additional crewman following. The two crewmen removed this crewman from his chair and placed him on the deck. (TOS: "The Changeling")

Played by Meade Martin. He was identified in the script as "Crewman #1" and credited in the end credits as "Crewman".

Engineer #9 []

Enterprise operations engineer 9

An engineering technician

This engineering crewman was working in main engineering when the android Norman seized control of the ship, in 2268. (TOS: "I, Mudd")

Engineer #10 []

Enterprise operations engineer 10

An engineering technician

This engineering crewman came out of a Jefferies tube on a corridor, when Ambassador Sarek and his wife, Amanda Grayson were taken on a tour of the Enterprise, in 2268. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

Engineer #11 []

Enterprise operations engineer 11

An engineer

This engineering crewman clashed with Scott in the auxiliary control center, when he was under the powers of Gorgan and the children from Triacus in 2268. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead")

The same year, he fought with Larry Marvick in main engineering, when Marvick tried to take over the ship. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

Also the same year, he was affected by the interspace mental degradation, and went berserk at the memorial service for Captain Kirk and attacked Lieutenant Hadley. He had to be sedated and taken away. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

Engineer #12 []

Attacked by Marvick

Attacked by Marvick

In engineering

In engineering

This engineer was approached by the insane Larry Marvick in main engineering , in 2268, when he was asked "Where's Mister Scott?" After it was revealed that Marvick had attempted to murder Kollos and Marvick attacked Scotty, this engineer attempted to stop him, but was punched in the face. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

Later that year, he was affected by the interspace mental degradation and went berserk in engineering. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

This engineer was played by stunt actor Robert Bralver who previously played Grant in the episode "Friday's Child". He received no credit for his appearances.

In his first appearance, he may have been scripted as a yeoman, which was how he was described in James Blish's novelization of the episode.

Engineer #13 []

Enterprise operations engineer 13

An engineer

This engineer fought with the insane Larry Marvick in engineering after he had attacked both Scotty and a second engineer. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

Engineer #14 []

Enterprise operations engineer 14

An engineer

This engineering crewman sat at the engineering station on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Minara II, in 2268. (TOS: "The Empath")

Engineer #15 []

Enterprise operations engineer 15

An engineering technician

This engineering crewman was present in main engineering when the Enterprise encountered the Kalandan outpost in 2268. (TOS: "That Which Survives")

Engineer #16 []

Enterprise operations engineer 16


This engineering crewman served on the Enterprise in 2269, during the ship's encounter with a magnetic organism near Questar M-17.

After Kirk had ordered Scott to take two of his men to Engineering to arm the ship's self-destruct device in the engineering core and Scott became trapped by the core hatch, this crewman was present to assist. When Kirk gave the order to Scott's engineers to get a cutter beam on the hatch to release Scott, he acknowledged, and was responsible for cutting open the hatch with the cutter. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

According to the 10 May 1973 revision of the script, this crewman was one of the "other engineers" Kirk was addressing in his request. Earlier in the same scene, the script noted that Scott was surrounded by "Engineers and a couple of Security men."

Engineering lieutenant #1 []

USS Enterprise engineering lieutenant 1

Assistant engineer

This lieutenant was an assistant to Lieutenant Charlene Masters when she worked to re-energize the dilithium crystals after a galaxy-wide "blink" of non-existence drained the critical components. Lazarus and anti-Lazarus from opposite universes overwhelmed the engineers in separate incidents, each stealing crystals to use against one another. The assistant shared Lt. Master's low opinion of Enterprise's coffee. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")

Engineering lieutenant #2 []

USS Enterprise engineering lieutenant 2

Scott's assistant

This lieutenant was the engineer who assisted Montgomery Scott with installing the temporary replacement for the Janus VI colony's missing PXK pergium reactor in 2267. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")

Engineering lieutenant #3 []

USS Enterprise engineering lieutenant 3

An engineer

This lieutenant sat at the engineering station on the bridge in 2267, as the ship departed Organia. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")

Engineering lieutenants #4 and #5 []

An engineer

An engineer

An engineer

An engineer

These two lieutenants were working in main engineering, when the crew suddenly began to shrink, while investigating the lost colony Terra 10, in 2269. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

Engineering lieutenants #6 and #7 []

An engineer

An engineer

An engineer

An engineer

These lieutenants were assigned to rescue McCoy, Sulu, and Uhura who got trapped in the recreation room, when the Enterprise's main computer was infected by a strange energy field, in 2270. The resorted to using crowbars to force open the rec room door. (TAS: "The Practical Joker")

Junior engineer []

USS Enterprise engineer junior lieutenant

Junior engineer

This junior engineer was a lieutenant junior grade, who was assigned by Scotty, per the duty roster, to repair a power relay (with a trident scanner) but was surprised to find an ensign and a doctor (actually Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir from the 24th century) already working on it. The two officers quietly allowed the engineer to take over as it became clear they had no idea what they were doing. Fortunately, he easily accepted Bashir's cover story – that he was doing a study on work-related stress, with O'Brien as his overworked, stressed-out patient – and agreed not to mention the incident, adding that he hoped O'Brien felt better. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

Played by Charles S. Chun. He was described in the script as "a fresh-faced young engineer – lieutenant, junior grade."

Life support systems officer []

Enterprise life support systems officer

Life support systems officer

This crewman served at the life support systems station on the bridge when the Enterprise when the ship was taken over by an ancient magnetic organism in 2269. After the organism had shut down all life support on Decks 5 and 6, Kirk ordered this officer to get the systems back online. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

This individual was identified as the "life support systems officer" in the final draft of the script.

Water pressure specialists []



According to an anything but canon account, these two water pressure specialists, who appeared as an anthropomorphic buttocks face and screwhead who served as bridge officers during an attack by a number of Klingon battle cruisers.

During their captain's attempt to resolve the situation, he uttered the figures of speech, "I'm a dumb A**. I screwed up," offending the two specialists, who were suddenly conjured onto the bridge. The Buttocks face inquired if the captain truly felt "Butts are dumb to [him]", while the screwhead inquired if "screws are synonmous with making mistakes," and that he actually had a perfect record.

Confused on who these new crew members were, and what they did, they explained their specialty, leading the captain to inquire if that job actually required "a desk on the bridge" as it sounded like something that would be found on the lower decks, just as their console sprung a water leak. (VST: "Skin a Cat")

The voices of these two characters were provided by Eric Bauza.


Helmsman #1 []

Enterprise operations helmsman 1

A helmsman

This crewman served as helmsman in 2269, while Sulu had command, when the Enterprise encountered an ancient magnetic organism near Questar M-17. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

Helmsman #2 []

USS Enterprise operations helmsman 2

A helmsman

This officer served as the helmsman on the Enterprise in 2269, when Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu visited the Shore Leave Planet. (TAS: "Once Upon a Planet")


Ensign []

USS Enterprise operations personnel officer

Personnel officer

In 2267, this female ensign was the personnel officer aboard the Enterprise. She was present, as a witness on Captain Kirk's court martial at Starbase 11.

During the trial, she was questioned by Areel Shaw, who first inquired if, as part of her duties as personnel officer, she was familiar with the service records of all aboard, if she was aware of the reported disciplinary action taken against Benjamin Finney in his service record, and if the charge was based on the officer who relieved him; to all of which she acknowledged "yes, ma'am". When Shaw asked her who the relieving officer was, she quietly said "Ensign James T. Kirk," which Shaw asked to repeat louder. After she confirmed he was the very same Kirk that was now on trial she again acknowledged, "yes, ma'am". When Shaw asked Samuel Cogley if he wished to cross-examine, he passed, and this ensign was allowed to leave. (TOS: "Court Martial")

Lieutenant #1 []

Enterprise operations lieutenant 1

An operations division lieutenant

This male lieutenant was present on the bridge when the Enterprise left Omicron Ceti III in 2267. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

Lieutenant #2 []

Enterprise operations lieutenant 2

On the bridge

This lieutenant was present on the bridge when Nomad killed Montgomery Scott. (TOS: "The Changeling")

Lieutenant #3 []

Enterprise operations lieutenant 3

An operations division lieutenant

This female lieutenant was present in the recreation room when the crew got infected with Harry Mudd's love potion crystals in 2269. Under its influence, she enjoyed an amorous Doctor Leonard McCoy's company. (TAS: "Mudd's Passion")

The novelization gives her name as Lyra Mayer and describes her as a nurse.

Lieutenant #4 []

USS Enterprise bridge overview, 2269

Female officer (far right)

This female lieutenant was sitting at a bridge console station during the Enterprise's approach to Questar M-17 in 2269. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

She was later present at the same position during the ship's investigation of planet Terra 10. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

She was later present at the same position during the ship's mission to the Delta Triangle. (TAS: "The Time Trap")

Enterprise operations lieutenant 5, sciences

Wearing sciences uniform after being shrunk

In her second appearance, she was initially show wearing an operations uniform, then was briefly shown wearing a sciences uniform.

Lieutenant #5 []

Enterprise operations lieutenant 5

Lieutenant #4

This lieutenant was present on the bridge when the Enterprise attempted to intercept a cosmic cloud that threatened Mantilles. (TAS: "One of Our Planets Is Missing")

He was on the bridge when the Enterprise was lured to Planet Two of the Taurean system. (TAS: "The Lorelei Signal")

He was on the bridge during the ship's mission escorting two robot grain ships. (TAS: "More Tribbles, More Troubles")

He was also on the bridge during the investigation of Terra 10. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

Lieutenant #6 []

Enterprise operations lieutenant 6

On the bridge

The male lieutenant was on the bridge covering his ears. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

Lieutenant commander #1 []

Enterprise ops lt commander 1

A female lieutenant commander

In 2268, this female lieutenant commander was present at Kirk's memorial service after the captain was presumed killed aboard the USS Defiant. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

Lieutenant commander #2 []

Enterprise ops lt commander 2

Operations division lieutenant commander

This male lieutenant commander was present at the mess hall when the crew suddenly began to shrink, while investigating the lost colony Terra 10, in 2269. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

Commander []

USS Enterprise operations commander 1


In 2268, this commander stood in on a staff meeting after the Enterprise was facing capture by the Romulans when Captain Kirk took the ship into the Romulan Neutral Zone. (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident")

This officer was also present at Kirk's memorial service after the captain was presumed killed aboard the USS Defiant. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

The appearance of a full commander, outside of the regular cadre of permanent characters, is slightly unusual, as such a person would outrank such major characters as McCoy and Montgomery Scott. In any case, during the memorial in his second appearance, this man could be seen wearing no rank insignia on his sleeves.

Security crewmen[]

Security guard #1 []

USS Enterprise security guard 1

A security guard

This security guard was stationed aboard the USS Enterprise when Harry Mudd came aboard in 2266.

He was ordered to take Mudd from Kirk's quarters to the assigned quarters for Mudd, but he instead escorted Mudd to the conference room, where he remained on guard alongside Vinci. When asked by Mudd to wait outside, he told Mudd that he would not, and remained within earshot of Mudd, and was often spoken at by Mudd to clarify anything suspicious he and Vinci may have overheard. The two guards remained at the post throughout Mudd's subsequent hearing.

He was later assigned to guard outside of Mudd's quarters, before being given the duty to inform Kirk of the arrival of Ben Childress and Herm Gossett to the captain's quarters. (TOS: "Mudd's Women")

Security guard #2 []

This operations crewman initially served as an engineer when he informed the bridge from the engine room that temperatures were passing the danger line, while the Enterprise was extending its deflector screens around the asteroid-disabled Stella in 2266. (TOS: "Mudd's Women")

He was later assigned as a security guard, and notified Captain Kirk through the intercom that the weapons locker on H deck had been broken into, and a phaser was missing, when Lieutenant Kevin Riley tried to murder Anton Karidian. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King") The following year, he notified Kirk that Khan Noonien Singh has escaped from his quarters. (TOS: "Space Seed")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This engineer, and later security guard, was unseen and heard only as a voice through the intercom. His was voiced was provided by associate producer Robert H. Justman. [1](X)

Security guard #3 []

USS Enterprise security guard 3

A security guard crewman

This crewman stood in a corridor, with a phaser pistol sidearm on his belt, conversing with Lieutenant Berkley. He later stood guard in a corridor when Captain Kirk ordered red alert, hunting for the M-113 creature. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

This security guard was played by Garrison True. His job and rank was established by his credit, but no proper name was listed. He received no credit for his appearance even though he had dialogue.

Security guard #4 []

USS Enterprise security guard 4

A security guard

This crewman stood guard in a corridor when Kirk ordered red alert, to find the M-113 creature lurking on the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

Security guard #5 []

USS Enterprise security guard 5

A security guard

This security guard was on the Enterprise when the crew was infected by the Psi 2000 virus in 2266. He helped Bobby to carry out the infected Lieutenant Kevin Riley from the engineering control room. (TOS: "The Naked Time")

Also the same year, he escorted Spock to Exo III, along with two other security guards. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")

He was also on board, when the insane Simon Van Gelder got aboard the vessel from Tantalus V, still the same year. Van Gelder knocked him unconscious while he was guarding the bridge. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind")

In 2267, he was on the bridge during the ion storm and Captain Kirk's Trial when it was requested that all personnel leave the ship. He stood guard on the bridge, between the communications station and the turbolift door when the Enterprise left Starbase 11. (TOS: "Court Martial")

Security guard #6 []

USS Enterprise security guard 6

A security guard

This security guard was present in the recreation room when Lieutenant Joe Tormolen committed suicide under the influence of the Psi 2000 virus, in 2266. (TOS: "The Naked Time")

Security guard #7 []

USS Enterprise security guard 7

A security guard

This security guard was summoned to the gymnasium, along with Vinci, to escort Charlie Evans to his quarters, in 2266. He was later sent to escort Evans to the briefing room. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Security guard #8[]

Enterprise security guard 8

A security guard

This security guard was responded to the security two alert, along with Harrison and Vinci, to search for Kevin Riley and help subdue him from killing Anton Karidian. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Security guard #9 []

Enterprise security guard 9

A security guard

This security crewman was on the USS Enterprise in 2267 and 2268. (TOS: "Space Seed", "This Side of Paradise", "I, Mudd")

Security guard #10 []

Enterprise security guard 10

A security guard

This security guard was a member of Lieutenant Commander Giotto's team, sent to find the mother Horta on Janus VI, in 2267. He arrived at the scene of Kelly's murder with Giotto shortly after the search began. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")

This security guard was played by George E. Allen, and was credited as "Engineer #1".

Security guard #11 []

Enterprise security guard 11

A security man

This security guard was on the 2267 landing party to the planet where the Guardian of Forever was located. He attempted to stop Doctor Leonard McCoy from escaping into the time portal. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")

The novel The Fire and the Rose identifies this man as Paul Bates and also establishes him as the crewman who accompanied Kirk and Spock through the Guardian in Yesteryear.

According to the Strange New Worlds II story "Triptych", the two security officers in the landing party were named Michael Jameson (β) and Worsley (β).

Security guard #12 []

On the bridge

On the bridge

Aboard the station K-7

Aboard the station K-7

This security officer escorted Scott to Capella IV. (TOS: "Friday's Child")

He was present on the corridor near Spock's quarters, when the first officer threw out a dish of plomeek soup with rage, experiencing pon farr. (TOS: "Amok Time")

He was working on the bridge while the Enterprise was in orbit of Argelius II. He manned the communications station while Spock was in command of the ship. He received a tranquilizer from a nurse when the entity Redjac took over several crew members of the ship. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")

He manned a bridge station when Captain Kirk, infected with a radiation disease that caused premature aging, started to yell at the crew. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")

He was also present in the recreation room in 2268, when Uhura introduced tribbles to her crewmates. He was assigned to keep order among the crewmembers on shore leave and the Klingons when the Enterprise visited Deep Space Station K-7 and he had to break up the fight between the crewmembers on shore leave and the Klingons. He and Leslie brought Cyrano Jones for questioning into Mr. Lurry's office on the Deep Space Station K-7 in 2268. When he and Leslie prepared to carry the tribbles out of the office they identified Arne Darvin as a Klingon and arrested him. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

The same year, he was a member of the honor guard that stood at attention as Vulcan Ambassador Sarek disembarked from the Galileo in the hangar deck. He was the only member of the honor guard who did not wear lieutenant stripes. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

Enterprise security guard 12, dead

Attacked by the dikironium cloud creature

He, Swenson, and Bardoli were part of a landing party led by Captain Kirk that was searching for the dikironium cloud creature on Argus X. (TOS: "Obsession")

However, he was present in sickbay, escorting the patients, when the Enterprise encountered a giant space-faring single cell organism, later the same year. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

This security guard was played by background actor Steve Hershon who received no credit for his appearances.

Security guard #13 []

Enterprise security guard 13

A security guard

This security crewman participated in the fight between the Enterprise personnel and the IKS Gr'oth crew on Deep Space Station K-7, and was interrogated by Kirk afterwards, in 2268. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles"; DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

He was summoned to Ensign Garrovick's quarters, when it was attacked by the Dikironium cloud creature, the same year. (TOS: "Obsession")

He also served as an engineer, and sat at the engineering station on the bridge, when the Enterprise encountered Sargon, the same year. (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow")

He was summoned to the transporter room along with Freeman to take Gary Seven into custody, when the Enterprise traveled back in time to 1968 on a mission of historical observation. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth")

Security guard #14 []

Enterprise security guard 14

Cloud creature victim

This security guard was attacked by the dikironium cloud creature on Argus X and was listed in critical condition. (TOS: "Obsession")

Security guard #15 []

Enterprise security guard 15

A security guard

This security crewman beamed down with Sulu and Leslie to Omega IV, and arrested Captain Ronald Tracey, in 2268. (TOS: "The Omega Glory")

Later the same year, he was summoned to the bridge along with Roger Lemli, to guard Bele and Lokai. (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")

Security guards #16 and #17 []

Two unfortunate

Two unfortunate

security guards

security guards

These two security guards were to beam down to Triacus in 2268. Unknown to them, the Enterprise had actually left the planet's orbit and was traveling through space. Vinci beamed both crewmen into where he thought Triacus was and they were both killed. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead")

Security guard #18 []

Enterprise security guard 18

A security guard

This security guard, under the influence of Gorgan and the Triacus children, accompanied Chekov and Freeman to put Captain Kirk under arrest in 2268. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead")

Security guard #19 []

USS Enterprise security guard 19

An operations division crewman

This security crewman joined fellow security officer, Roger Lemli, to main engineering, along with Captain Kirk, and Drs. McCoy and Jones assisted Scotty in restraining the insane Larry Marvick, who had temporarily taken over control of the Enterprise in 2268. Initially he was thrown into the engineering equipment before he and Lemli were finally able to hold Marvick against a ladder. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

Security guard #20 []

USS Enterprise security guard 20

An operations crewman

This security crewman was summoned to the bridge when Ensign Pavel Chekov went berserk by the interspace effect encountered in 2268. He was later present at Kirk's memorial service in 2268. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

This security guard was played by background actor Jimmy Fields who received no credit for this appearance.

Security guard #21 []

USS Enterprise security guard 21

An operations division crewman

This security crewman was also summoned to the bridge when Chekov went berserk by the effects of the interspatial rift. Later, he was also present at Kirk's memorial service, in 2268 where he helped restrain a berserk crewman. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

Security guard #22 []

USS Enterprise security guard 22

A security guard

This security guard was present following the arrival of Kang's Klingon personnel aboard the Enterprise, when both crews fell under the influence of the Beta XII-A entity in 2268. He fought during the initial conflict in the crew lounge before taking the injured Lieutenant Johnson to sickbay. He was later struck, while conferring with Scott, by the Klingons as they took main engineering. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

Still the same year, he was guarding the auxiliary control center, which was taken over by hyper-accelerated Scalosians, who installed a force field surrounding the area. (TOS: "Wink of an Eye")

Security guard #23 []

USS Enterprise security guard 23

A security guard

This security crewman participated in the fight between the Enterprise crew and Kang's Klingon personnel during the influence of the Beta XII-A entity in 2268. He was later struck by the Klingons as they took main engineering. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

Security guard #24 []

USS Enterprise security guard 24

A security guard

This security guard also participated in the fights against Kang's Klingon crew under the influence of the Beta XII-A entity, in 2268. He was injured, and had to be taken to sickbay by another security crewman. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

Security guard #25 []

USS Enterprise security guard 25

A security guard

This security guard was struck, while conferring with Scott, by the Klingons as they took main engineering. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

The same year, he was guarding the auxiliary control center, which was taken over by hyper-accelerated Scalosians, who installed a force field surrounding the area. (TOS: "Wink of an Eye")

This security guard was played by stunt actor Eddie Hice.

Security guard #26 []

USS Enterprise security guard 26

A security guard

This security crewman was guarding Doctor Sevrin in the brig in 2269. He listened to the music made by Adam and Sevrin's followers, when he was rendered unconscious by Tongo Rad. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Security guard #27 []

USS Enterprise security guard 27

A security guard

This security crewman was guarding the sickbay when Doctor Sevrin was examined there in 2269. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Security guard #28 []

USS Enterprise security guard 28

A security guard

This security guard accompanied Lieutenant Dickerson to the transporter room, to stand honor guard when the Excalbian recreation of Abraham Lincoln arrived on board, in 2269. (TOS: "The Savage Curtain")

Security guard #29 []

USS Enterprise security guard 29

Security guard

This security guard accompanied Lieutenant Dickerson to the transporter room, to stand honor guard when the Excalbian recreation of Abraham Lincoln arrived on board, in 2269. (TOS: "The Savage Curtain")

Later the same year, he was called upon (with another security guard) to arrest Spock by Janice Lester, possessing Captain Kirk's body. He later stood guard at the trial held aboard ship. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")

Security guard #30 []

USS Enterprise security guard 30

Security guard

This security crewman, along with another guard, arrested Cyrano Jones when he transported aboard the Enterprise in 2269. (TAS: "More Tribbles, More Troubles")

Security guards #31 and #32 []

Security guards

Security guards

Security guards

Security guards

These security crewmen were members of the rescue team that accompanied Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott to the surface of Delta Theta III in 2270. (TAS: "Bem")

Security officers[]

Security chief []

This security chief responded to Captain James T. Kirk's call do to Security. After responding, Kirk told him to put "all decks on alert" and to post "a man outside the transporter room immediately," because Captain John Christopher had left his quarters and "may be trying to escape the ship." (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

Security ensign #1 []

USS Enterprise security ensign 1

A guard

This ensign was a guard who, along with Lieutenant Galoway, arrived at the quarters of Janice Lester, when Captain Kirk's consciousness occupied her body. He reported to Spock of the "[e]scape attempt by Doctor Lester." As Spock approached, he assured that "it's quite all right, Ensign. Everything is under control," before he disabled him with a nerve pinch to get out of the cabin. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")

Security lieutenant #1 []

A transporter assistant

A transporter assistant

A security lieutenant

A security lieutenant

This technician assisted operating the transporter with Montgomery Scott during the landing party beamup from Psi 2000 in 2266. (TOS: "The Naked Time")

Later a lieutenant, he was a member of the honor guard who stood at attending during the arrival of Ambassador Sarek on the Enterprise in 2268. He later assisted in the investigation of the murdered Tellarite Ambassador Gav. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

Security lieutenant #2 []

Enterprise security lieutenant 2

A security lieutenant

This lieutenant was on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered a violent ion storm in 2267. (TOS: "Court Martial")

He was later a member of the honor guard, greeting Ambassador Sarek on the Enterprise in 2268. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

Security lieutenant #3 []

Enterprise security lieutenant 3

A security lieutenant

This lieutenant served as a security officer in 2267.

That year, he stood watch in the ship's hearing room, along with security chief Pitcairn, during Spock's preliminary hearing. After the hearing had concluded, and Spock refused to return control of the Enterprise to Kirk, the captain ordered the two guards to lock Spock up, and they escorted him from the hearing room. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I") Later, during Spock's proceeding court martial, he pushed Fleet Captain Christopher Pike's wheelchair from the hearing room when it became apparent that the injured Pike required rest. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part II")

Also that year, he joined the landing party on an uncharted planet. Later, in sickbay, he guarded anti-Lazarus, where Dr. McCoy resented the presence of the "muscleman". (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")

Security lieutenant #4 []

Enterprise security lieutenant 4

A security guard

This lieutenant served aboard the Enterprise in 2267. He was assigned as security guard to Lazarus when he visited the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")

Security lieutenant #5 []

Enterprise security lieutenant 5

Security lieutenant

This lieutenant was given the duty of escorting Nomad to the brig and guarding it in 2267. He was seemingly vaporized by the probe after it escaped and began roaming freely through the corridors of the ship. (TOS: "The Changeling")

According to the comic book Star Trek: Defiant, Issue 9, the four security guards vaporized by Nomad were named Ward, Cordry, Kessler and Real. They were all referred to as ensigns.

Security lieutenant #6 []

Enterprise security lieutenant 6

Operations lieutenant

During a red alert in 2268, this lieutenant in the security division was traveling through the Enterprise corridors when the vessel encountered the IKS Gr'oth at Deep Space Station K-7. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

"The Trouble with Tribbles" writer David Gerrold played this unnamed, uncredited extra. He had reportedly written a cameo for himself (as Mr. Freeman) in that original, but was unable to be included in the filming. With new footage being filmed taking place in that episode almost thirty years later, Gerrold got to rectify that mistake playing a redshirt. He did have other Star Trek appearances in the interim (see Command division crewmember).

Security lieutenant #7 []

Enterprise security lieutenant 7

Security guard on K-7 in 2268

In 2268, this bulky male security officer was one of several called in to break up a fight which had broken out between Enterprise officers and Klingon officers from the IKS Gr'oth. He ended up arresting Miles O'Brien. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

This lieutenant was played by an unknown actor. According to the script, he was described as "a very serious, very large Enterprise Security Officer."

Security lieutenant #8 []

Enterprise security lieutenant 8

Security guard on K-7 in 2268

In 2268, this male security officer, smaller than his counterpart above, was one of several called in to break up a fight which had broken out between Enterprise officers and Klingon officers from the IKS Gr'oth. He ended up arresting Julian Bashir. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

Security lieutenant #9 []

USS Enterprise security lieutenant 9

A security guard

This lieutenant stood watch outside main engineering along with Hikaru Sulu. A short time later, he and Sulu assisted Scott as he escaped main engineering, after it was taken by the Klingons. He, Scott and Sulu then split up and tried to make it back up to the bridge. He later joined Spock, McCoy and several other guards in returning to main engineering, where he and the other security personnel had a final battle before being ordered to lay down their weapons by Kirk and Kang. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

Security lieutenants #10 – 13 []

USS Enterprise security crew women

Four female security lieutenants

These four female lieutenants – one black-haired, one blonde-haired, one brunette, and one freckled – beamed down to Planet Two of the Taurean system, joining Lieutenants Uhura and Chapel in rescuing Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. (TAS: "The Lorelei Signal")

Described simply as "four Crewwomen" in the script, one of these women may be Davison, noted earlier in the episode as being ranking female security officer on Enterprise.

According to the novelization, two of these women were named Tadaki and Vierne.

Security lieutenant #14 []

Enterprise security lieutenant 14

Security guard

This lieutenant, along with another guard, arrested Cyrano Jones when he transported aboard the Enterprise in 2269. (TAS: "More Tribbles, More Troubles")

Security lieutenant #15 and 16 []

Security guard

Security guard

Security guard

Security guard

These lieutenants guarded the Orion captain, when he was beamed over to the Enterprise in 2270. (TAS: "The Pirates of Orion")

Security lieutenant #17 []

USS Enterprise operations security lieutenant 17

Security guard

This lieutenant was a member of the rescue team which accompanied Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott to the surface of Delta Theta III, in 2270. (TAS: "Bem")

Transporter operators[]

Transporter assistant #1 []

Enterprise operations transporter assistant 1

Transporter assistant

This technician was operating the transporter, assisting Montgomery Scott in 2267. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")

This transporter assistant was played by background actor Bennie Goldberg who received no credit for this appearance.

Transporter assistant #2 []

Enterprise operations transporter assistant 2

Transporter assistant

This technician was operating the transporter, assisting Montgomery Scott in 2267 when the Enterprise visited Beta III. (TOS: "The Return of the Archons")

Transporter assistant #3 []

Enterprise operations transporter assistant 3

An engineering technician

This engineering crewman was present in the transporter room when Nomad was beamed aboard the Enterprise in 2267. (TOS: "The Changeling")

Transporter chief #1 []

USS Enterprise transporter chief 1

Transporter chief

This transporter chief operated the transporter when Kirk and Nurse Chapel beamed down to Exo III in 2266. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")

He later transported Lenore Karidian up from Planet Q. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Transporter chief #2 []

USS Enterprise transporter chief 2

Transporter technician

This transporter chief was tending to the transporter panel in 2267, when anti-Lazarus entered the transporter room. This technician indicated to Lazarus that he shouldn't be in there, moments before he was attacked and was briefly knocked unconscious, allowing Lazarus to beam himself down to the planet's surface.

This technician quickly recovered from the attack and a short time later beamed Captain Kirk to the planet's surface to pursue Lazarus. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")

His character was credited as Transporter Chief, but scripted simply as a Technician.

Transporter chief #3 []

Enterprise operations transporter chief 3

A transporter chief

This transporter chief coordinated with Doctor Leonard McCoy during the beam up of the inhabitants of the disbanded colony on Omicron Ceti III. When Captain Kirk arrived at the beam up site, McCoy had already sent up nearly a hundred native pod plants, and was arranging to beam up more; actions which effectively infected the entire crew, including the transporter chief. While he waited for McCoy to complete his transmission, he called down, "Hey, Doc, I'm ready to energize. Everything okay with those plants?" When Kirk interrupted and ordersd the chief to beam him up, the chief responded, "Well, sure, if you want," prompting Kirk to reply, "I most certainly do." (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

Transporter ensign []

USS Enterprise transporter ensign

Transporter ensign

This ensign was assigned to the transporter room aboard the USS Enterprise. (TAS: "More Tribbles, More Troubles")

This individual was a caricature of the episode's writer, David Gerrold, that was added as an in-joke, whereas he was described in the 23 April 1973 revision of the script as "a transporter ensign who looks like the author."
Gerrold told a story recalling this in the audio commentary from TAS: "Bem", stating "There was a line in the script that the transporter crewman looked suspiciously like the author of the episode. Which was me writing myself into the animated series. And sure enough, when they drew that scene, when they animated it, the animators had some fun and drew a little caricature of me at the transporter control. So I was the transporter crewman in the animated episode just as a... there's no dialogue, it's just a sight gag. And a few people recognized me but not very many. I mean, it was just an in-joke."

According to the novelization of the episode by Alan Dean Foster this individual was named "Hacker." Gerrold also noted this in his audio commentary, stating that he felt that it "was kind of an insult to call another writer a "hack." It means you're not very good."

Transporter lieutenant #1 []

USS Enterprise transporter lieutenant 1

Transporter technician

This lieutenant operated the transporter in 2269 after the entire male crew was made unconscious by the inhabitants of planet two of the Taurean system. (TAS: "The Lorelei Signal")

Transporter lieutenants #2 – #4 []

Three engineers

Three engineers

First engineer on the bridge

First engineer on the bridge

These three lieutenants were shrunk to a miniature size while the Enterprise was investigating the lost colony Terra 10 in 2269. They operated the transporter controls by pulling strings. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

According to the novelization, these three officers were named Johnson, Massachi, and Nikkatsu.


Yeoman #1 []

Enterprise operations yeoman 1, 2268

Female yeoman

This yeoman regularly worked on the bridge, often at the engineering station, or serving food and beverages to the bridge officers. (TOS: "The Man Trap", "Wink of an Eye")

In 2266, she was walking in the corridor with Bobby when they both stopped to listen to Balok address the ship. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")

She was present in the audience when the Karidian Company of Players performed Hamlet, viewing the play both in person and on a viewer. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Later that year, she was again walking in the corridor with Bobby when they both stopped to listen to Spock's announcement during his brief hijacking of the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")

This appearance was recycled footage that was had originally appeared in "The Corbomite Maneuver"

She was present on the bridge when Anan 7 attempted to lure the crew to the surface of Eminiar VII through the use of a voice duplicator and James T. Kirk's communicator. (TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon")

The following year, she passed by Lieutenant Norman as he approached McCoy and Spock in the corridor. (TOS: "I, Mudd")

She sat at the life support systems station while the Enterprise investigated the space amoeba in 2268. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

Later that year, she was again walking in the corridor with Bobby when Kirk made an announcement notifying "All science, engineering, and supervisory personnel, lock into the briefing room." (TOS: "Assignment: Earth")

This appearance was recycled footage that was originally filmed for "The Corbomite Maneuver"

On stardate 5630.8, she was present in the corridor with Leslie when Kirk addressed "all ship's personnel", informing them that "clearance plans now in effect," and to "clear passageways immediately," as the recently arrived Medusan Ambassador Kollos was being escorting to his quarters.

Later that evening, she served dinner to the senior officers as they hosted Dr. Miranda Jones and Larry Marvick.

She then was on the bridge at the engineering station when she stepped back as Spock and Chekov attempted to disconnect the power supply to the warp drive. Later, from the next station over, she watched the events unfold when Spock and Kollos melded on the bridge and return back across the galactic barrier. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

She attended the memorial service for Kirk after it was believed he died aboard the USS Defiant. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

She sat at the engineering station on the bridge when the Enterprise was in orbit of Beta XII-A and later while it travelled toward the galactic barrier. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

She brought Montgomery Scott a damage report while he was in command of the ship and following the "attack" of Parmen. (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren")

Later, when the ship was invaded by the Scalosians, she was on the bridge delivering beverages. Kirk asked her, "Yeoman, is that coffee available, or have those circuits been damaged as well?" Unbeknownst to either of them, the coffee had been tainted by the Scalosians. (TOS: "Wink of an Eye")

Enterprise operations yeoman 1, patient

A female patient

She was later a patient being examined by Doctor McCoy and Nurse Chapel in sickbay when Kara caused the entire crew to become unconscious in 2268. (TOS: "Spock's Brain") She was also being seen when Dr. Sevrin and his followers hijacked the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

This yeoman was portrayed by regular background actress Jeannie Malone.


Yeoman #2 []

Enterprise operations yeoman 2

A female yeoman

This yeoman was stationed on the bridge in 2267 when Hikaru Sulu was injured by an exploding helm console. She cradled Sulu until Doctor Leonard McCoy arrived to administer medical aid. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")

Yeoman #3 []

Enterprise operations yeoman 3

A female yeoman

This yeoman was serving food and drinks to James Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Miranda Jones, and Larry Marvick in the officers' lounge in 2268. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

Yeoman #4 []

Enterprise operations yeoman 4

Male yeoman

This male yeoman was under Leonard McCoy's care in sickbay in 2270.

McCoy informed the yeoman that he was going to be getting a few days' bed rest, for an unknown injury or ailment, despite the fact that the doctor didn't think he deserved it. Before the yeoman had a chance to acknowledge his prescription, he was startled by McCoy's sudden abduction from the ship by Kukulkan. (TAS: "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth")

The novelization of "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth" in Star Trek Log 6 identifies him as Jo van Dreenan (β), security specialist.

Mid 2270s[]

Assistant engineer []

USS Enterprise operations assistant engineer 1

An assistant engineer

This assistant engineer was working in main engineering during the V'Ger crisis in the 2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

He was played by an unknown actor. The character's position was verified from the film's script.

Bridge technician []

Enterprise operations bridge technician 1

Bridge technician

This technician was on the bridge of the USS Enterprise during the V'ger incident of the 2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Her role was identified by the film's call sheet, and division can be identified by her uniform [2](X). Her scenes were filmed 28 September 1978, and only appeared in the extended television edit of the film.

Crew chief []

In a corridor

In a corridor

Welcoming Kirk in 2285

Welcoming Kirk in 2285

This engineering chief was present in a corridor soon after Rear Admiral Kirk arrived on board. He was pushing a hover stretcher. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

He was among the crewmembers welcoming Kirk back aboard the Enterprise in 2285 and was standing next to Scotty. Later, he was among the engineering crew who tried to maintain the ship functional in engineering when the Reliant attacked. He was also present at the funeral service held for Spock in the torpedo bay. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

The character was named an engineering chief in the script of The Motion Picture and "Crew Chief" in the end credits of Star Trek II where he was misspelled as "Joel Marstan".

Engineers []

These engineers were stationed in main engineering when Rear Admiral Kirk took over command from Captain Will Decker, in the mid-2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Played by an unknown actor

Played by an unknown actress

Recreation deck crewmembers []

These crewmembers attended the briefing on the recreation deck of the USS Enterprise in the 2270s. They were witnesses to the destruction of the Epsilon IX station during the briefing. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

All 170 crewmembers were played by extras, production staff members, and fans and most of them received no on-screen credit for their appearances. They were cast by a cattle call, organized by Bjo Trimble and had to fullfill these special requests: "aged between 20 and 40, men from 5'8" to 6'2", sizes 40-42, and women from 5'6" to 5'8', sizes 8-10". In addition to those listed below, others appearing in this division included Brenda Gooch (engineering), Greg Mace (operations) [3](X), and Armando Diaz (operations) [4](X).

According to the novel Ex Machina, the Native American officer was named Mosi Nizhoni (β), assistant chief of security.

Saurian engineer []

Saurian engineer

A Saurian engineer

This Saurian engineer was among the crew that attended the briefing on V'Ger at the recreation deck. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

The novel Ex Machina gives her the name R'trikahi.

Vulcan officer []

Enterprise Vulcan officer, 2270s

A Saurian engineer

This Vulcan operation officer was among the crew that attended the briefing on V'Ger at the recreation deck. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Rhaandarite ensign []

Rhaandarite ensign

A Rhaandarite ensign

This male Rhaandarite ensign was on the bridge of the Enterprise as it was completing its refit and was present when Admiral Kirk took command. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

This unnamed character, played by Billy Van Zandt, was identified as "Alien Ensign" in the script, and "Alien Boy" in the end credits. According to Van Zandt, he was working at the Internal Security station (citation needededit), which corresponds with the security patch that was used on his uniform. [5](X)

His single line of dialogue with Uhura, about Decker's demotion, was not used in the theatrical print of the film, but was restored for the premiere television broadcast (i.e. the "Special Longer Version" on the home video releases), and for the "Director's Edition" on DVD.

Technician []

USS Enterprise operations technician 1

A bridge crewmember

This technician was also serving on the bridge during the V'Ger incident. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

He was identified as a technician on the film's call sheet, and credited as a crew member. He appeared in scenes 99 and 112, also wore a beige uniform. [6](X)

An autograph card released by Rittenhouse Archives as part of the "Star Trek Inflexions" set gives his name as Crewman Barbola. The novel Ex Machina calls him Enrique Mercado.

Transporter assistant #5 []

USS Enterprise operations transporter assistant 5

A transporter assistant

This crewman assisted transporter chief Janice Rand on board the Enterprise in the 2270s.

He was present when the transporter accident happened and Commander Sonak and a female crewmember died in the transporter beam.

Later he assisted Rand again when she beamed Doctor Leonard McCoy on board the Enterprise. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Yeoman #5 []

USS Enterprise operations yeoman 5

A yeoman

This yeoman was on the USS Enterprise in the 2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Her appearance was cut from the original theatrical version and re-inserted in the Director's Cut.

Yeoman #6 []

USS Enterprise operations yeoman 6

A yeoman

This yeoman was on the USS Enterprise in the 2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)


Engineering crewman 1 []

At Spock's funeral

At Spock's funeral

Addressed by Admiral Morrow

Addressed by Admiral Morrow

This engineering crewman was assigned to the machine room of the Enterprise during the training cruise and Khan Noonien Singh's attack. He was present when Admiral Kirk visited the ship shortly before its launch. He was later present in engineering and grabbed Kirk at the waist as McCoy and Scott grabbed his arms to prevent him from getting to Spock. He was present at the memorial service for Spock. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

He was later present when Admiral Morrow visited the Enterprise after its return to the Spacedock One in 2285. He was given orders by the admiral "not to discuss with anyone your knowledge of Genesis, [and to] [c]onsider it a quarantined planet. And a forbidden subject." (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

This engineer was played by background actor John Staible, who received no credit for his appearance.

Engineering crewman 2 []

USS Enterprise operations engineering crewman 2

An engineer

This engineering crewman was assigned to the machine room of the Enterprise during the training cruise and Khan Noonien Singh's attack. He was present when Admiral James T. Kirk visited the ship shortly before its launch, and was later present at the memorial service for Spock. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

This engineer was played by background actor Tony Roque who received no credit for this appearance.

Engineering crewman 3 []

USS Enterprise operations engineering crewman 3

An engineer

This engineering crewman was assigned to the machine room of the Enterprise during the training cruise and Khan Noonien Singh's attack. He was present during Admiral Kirk's inspection of the machine room and was also in engineering when Kirk came to find the dying Spock. Later, he was present at Spock's funeral ceremony. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

This engineer was played by background actor George Sasaki who received no credit for this appearance.

Engineering crewman 4 []

This engineering crewman... (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

Security guards #33 and #34 []

Security guard #33

Security guard #33

Security guard #34

Security guard #34

These security guards were summoned to Spock's quarters, after Doctor Leonard McCoy broke into it, in 2285. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Torpedo lieutenant []

USS Enterprise operations torpedo lieutenant

A torpedo lieutenant

This lieutenant was in the torpedo bay during the incident with the USS Reliant in 2285. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

Starfleet Academy cadets[]

Trainee bridge crew woman[]