Unnamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) sciences personnel

The following is a list of Unnamed USS Enterprise sciences division personnel:


April's science officer []

In 2248, Captain April sent this science officer to the industrial-age planet Na'rel to solve the imminent threat of an extinction-level drought by sharing Federation technology. (SNW: "Ad Astra per Aspera")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.


Bolian officer []

Enterprise Bolian science officer

Bolian science officer

This male Bolian officer served aboard the Enterpirse in 2259. (SNW: "Ad Astra per Aspera")

This Bolian was portrayed by Sky Sorensen.

Bridge officer #1 []

USS Enterprise sciences officer, 2254

Bridge officer

This Human male bridge officer served aboard the Enterprise in 2254 under Captain Christopher Pike.

That year, he was present on the bridge when Pike diverted the ship's course to Talos IV. He remained on the bridge throughout the visit to that planet, including from when the Talosians took control of the vessel, to when they prepared to leave orbit. (TOS: "The Cage")

Footage of his experiences aboard the Enterprise under Captain Pike during the original visit to Talos IV, from 13 years prior, was transmitted from that planet during Spock's fictional court martial aboard the same ship in 2267. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I", "The Menagerie, Part II")

Ethno-botanist []

This ethno-botanist was a former colleague of Paul Stamets.

At some point they showed Stamets specs of the Enterprise, which later on in 2257 claimed that only something catastrophic could knock her out. (DIS: "Brother")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

2260s – Early 2270s[]


Crewman #1 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 1

Crewman #1

This crewman served aboard the Enterprise in 2265.

That year, he was present in the recreation room watching Captain James T. Kirk and Spock playing three-dimensional chess, moments before the Enterprise made contact with the recorder marker from the SS Valiant near the galactic barrier. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

This crewman was played by background actor Darren Dublin who received no credit for this appearance.

Crewman #2 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 2

Crewman #2

This crewman served aboard the Enterprise in 2266.

That year, he was doing repair work at a station on the bridge after the Enterprise encountered Balok's cube. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")

He was wearing a leftover uniform from the two pilots.

Crewman #3 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 3

Crewman #3

This crewman served aboard the Enterprise in 2266.

That year he was present in the ship's corridor performing maintenance, while wearing a hazard vest, during the encounter with Balok and the First Federation. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")

This crewman was played by background actor Eddie Smith.

Crewman #4 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 4

Crewman #4

This crewman served aboard the Enterprise in 2266.

That year, he was overtaken by fits of laughter after falling victim to polywater intoxication. The affects of the polywater drove him to stumble around the corridors, painting slogans like "Love Mankind" and "Sinner Repent" on corridor walls and doors. (TOS: "The Naked Time")

Later the same year, he was working in a Jefferies tube along with Wilson, when he was observed by Charles Evans, who was meanwhile visiting the Enterprise. (TOS: "Charlie X")

This "laughing crewman" was played by John Bellah.

This character may be named "Harrison", as recordings of Bellah's voice laughing were dubbed in when McCoy tried unsuccessfully to contact Technician Harrison (whose character otherwise recognized as Harrison was standing behind McCoy tending to Sulu) in the biopsy lab.

For his final appearance, the final draft script of "Charlie X" consistently referred to him as "Crewman I". The script also made it clear that he was intended to be one of several high-spirited, unseen crewmen whose shadows are cast on a wall as an angry Charles Evans passes.

Crewman #5 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 5

Crewman #5

This crewman served aboard the Enterprise in 2266.

That year, he was present in the recreation room when Charles Evans visited the Enterprise. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Also that year, he was present in the recreation room when Uhura performed "Beyond Antares", and later, was also present among the audience during the Karidian Company of Players' performance of Hamlet. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Crewman #6 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 6

Crew woman #6

This crew woman was present in Recreation Room 6 on Deck 3 when Charlie Evans performed card tricks for Janice Rand during his visit aboard the Enterprise in 2266. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Crewman # 7 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 7

Crew woman #7

This crew woman was present in Recreation Room 6 on Deck 3 when Charlie Evans performed card tricks for Janice Rand during his visit aboard the Enterprise in 2266. (TOS: "Charlie X")

She was later on the bridge as the Enterprise approached Omicron Ceti III, where she handed Captain Kirk a record tape. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

Crewman #8 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 8

Crew woman #8

This crew woman was laughing with other crewmembers, silhouetted on a corridor wall, when an angry Charles Evans disfigured her from the corridor, erasing her facial features, because he thought she was laughing at him. With groans of pain, she then edged her way out into the corridor, sobbing. (TOS: "Charlie X")

The final draft script of "Charlie X" referred to her as "faceless woman" and made it clear that the area she and her laughing shipmates were in was Recreation Room 6.

Crewman #9 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 9

Crew woman #9

This crew woman was present at the wedding of Robert Tomlinson and Angela Martine in 2266. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

Crewman #10 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 10

Crewman #10

This crewman was present on the bridge in 2266, when the Enterprise discovered Miri. (TOS: "Miri")

In 2267, he served on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered an ion storm. (TOS: "Court Martial")

He served on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered Trelane of Gothos, later the same year. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos")

Crewmen #11 – #15 []

These crewmen served aboard the Enterprise in 2266.

That year, they were present among the audience during the Karidian Company of Players' performance of Hamlet. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Crewman #16 []

USS Enterprise crew woman 12

Crewman #16

This crew woman served aboard the Enterprise in 2266 and 2267.

In late-2266, she was present among the audience when the Karidian Company of Players performed Hamlet on board the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

She was present on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered the planet Gothos, in 2267. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos")

She later joined Charlene Masters for sub-par coffee in the ship's recreation lounge during the Lazarus/anti-Lazarus encounter, the same year. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")

Later the same year, she deserted the ship to join the Omicron colony while under the influence of the pod plants' spores. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

Still the same year, she was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Deneva and encountered a suicidal Denevan ship. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

Card A305 in the 2020 CBS Women of Star Trek series gave her character name as Olivia Rose.

Crewman #17 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 13

Crew woman #13

This crew woman was on the bridge when the Enterprise was on arrival to Omicron Ceti III; she handed Kirk some record tapes.

Later, she deserted the ship for the Omicron colony, under the influence of the pod plants' spores, in 2267. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

In 2268, she was present in the recreation room, when Uhura showed her crewmates the tribbles she acquired on Deep Space Station K-7. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

In 2269, she was among the audience, when Doctor Sevrin's followers performed a musical jam session on the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Crewman #18 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 14

Crew woman #14

This crew woman was present on the bridge in 2267, when the Enterprise left Capella IV. She handed a report to Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott. (TOS: "Friday's Child")

She later handed a Spock a report for his signature as he sat in the command chair on the bridge, when the Enterprise escorted various delegates to the Babel Conference in 2268. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

Crewman #19 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 15

Crew woman #15

This crew woman was present on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered the Greek god Apollo near Pollux IV in 2267. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

Crewman #20 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 16

Crew woman #16

This crew woman was present on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered the Greek god Apollo near Pollux IV in 2267. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

Later the same year, she was present in a corridor when the Enterprise was taken over by the Redjac entity near Argelius II. She was sedated by the order of Doctor McCoy. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")

Crewman #21 and 22 []

Crew woman #17

Crew woman #17

Crew woman #18

Crew woman #18

These crew women served aboard the Enterprise during its visit to Vulcan and subsequent mission to Altair VI in 2267. (TOS: "Amok Time")

Crewman #23 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 19

Crew woman

This crew woman was present on the bridge in 2267, when the Enterprise found the wreck of the USS Constellation, and then encountered the planet killer. Among other duties, she handed a report to Spock. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")

Crewman #24 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 20

Crew woman

This crew woman was serving on the Enterprise in 2268.

She was present in the recreation room when Uhura introduced tribbles to her crewmates, while the Enterprise was visiting Deep Space Station K-7. She was also present on a corridor during this time. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

She was present on the bridge during the Enterprise's initial investigation of what was later determined to be a giant space amoeba, later the same year. While on the bridge, she suffered from the dizzying effects of the amoeba on the ship's crew. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

Still in that year, she was present in a corridor during red alert, when Bele and Lokai visited the ship. (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")

Her appearance in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is via recycled footage from "The Trouble with Tribbles".

Crewman #25 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 21

Crew woman #21

This crew woman was present on the bridge, handing a report to Captain Kirk, soon after the Enterprise destroyed the giant single cell lifeform, in 2268. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

Crewman #26 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 22

Crewman #22

This crewman was present in a corridor when Captain Kirk announced the arrival of Ambassador Kollos and ordered all the corridors to be emptied in 2268. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

Crewman #27 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 23

Crewman #23

This crewman was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Minara II and later Scalos in 2268. (TOS: "The Empath", "Wink of an Eye")

This crewman was played by an unknown performer. Footage from his first appearance was recycled for his second appearance.

Crewman #28 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 24

Crewman #24

This crewman was present at Captain Kirk's memorial service, after the Captain was presumed dead on the USS Defiant, in 2268. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

He was also present among the audience when Doctor Sevrin's followers performed a jam session on the Enterprise, in 2269. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

This crewman was played by background actor Gary Wright, who received no credit for his appearances.

Crewman #29 and 30 []

Crew woman #25

Crew woman #25

Crew woman #26

Crew woman #26

These crew women were present at Kirk's memorial service, when the Captain was presumed dead on the USS Defiant, in 2268. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

Crewman #31 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 27

Crewman #27

This crewman was present at Captain Kirk's memorial service, when the Captain presumed dead on the USS Defiant, in 2268. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

Crewman #32 []

USS Enterprise sciences crew woman 28

Crew woman #28

This crew woman was present among the audience when Doctor Sevrin's followers performed a jam session on the Enterprise in 2269. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Crewman #33 []

USS Enterprise sciences crewman 29

A sciences crewman

This crewman served on the Enterprise in 2269 and accompanied Montgomery Scott and Clayton to the surface of Argo aboard the scouter-gig, while Kirk and Spock sought out the Aquans. (TAS: "The Ambergris Element")

Engineer []

Enterprise sciences engineer 1


This crewman served on the Enterprise in 2269, during the ship's encounter with a magnetic organism near Questar M-17.

After Kirk had ordered Scott to take two of his men to engineering to arm the ship's self-destruct device in the engineering core, Scott became trapped by the core hatch, this crewman was present to assist. When Kirk gave the order to Scott's engineers to get a cutter beam on the hatch to release Scott, he acknowledged, "yes, sir!". (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

His intended assignment was confirmed in the 10 May 1973 revision of the script, where he was called an "Engineer" in three different instances of the engineering scene.

Technician #1 []

USS Enterprise sciences technician 1

Technician #1

This technician was a member of the landing party responsible for surveying planet Alfa 177 in 2266.

When the ship's transporter malfunctioned, he was stranded on the surface along with Sulu, Leslie, and a second technician, where he was forced to endure the planet's extreme cold temperatures. As the bitter cold progressed, he and Leslie became unconscious, before finally being rescued. He suffered frostbite and was given immediate medical treatment when the transporter was repaired. (TOS: "The Enemy Within")

Technicians #2 and #3 []

Technician #2

Technician #2

Technician #3

Technician #3

These technicians were present among the audience when Doctor Sevrin's followers (led by Adam), performed a jam session in the recreation room in 2269. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")


Dream Woman []

Dream Woman

The captain's dream woman

In an anything but canon scenario, this lieutenant appeared as the Dream Woman conjured by the captain, after he discovered that his words conjured the things he spoke of, while the ship was being attacked by several Klingon battle cruisers.

In the scenario, he stated, "There's more than one way to decapitate a Human woman who knows how to get us out of this situation, and also, this Human woman... she loves me." He continued by further listing the desired interests he'd hope she had, before he found this dream woman on the bridge all along, wearing a button that said "I love game shows," while holding the board game Risk, and eating macaroni and cheese.

As the scenario continued, she began to tell him what they should do to escape, but was interrupted by the captain, who began asking her to marry him, just as the ship explodes. (VST: "Skin a Cat")

Lieutenant #1 []

Enterprise sciences lieutenant 1

Lieutenant #1

This lieutenant was carrying a PADD when he crossed Kirk and Spock in a corridor near the transporter room. Later, when the Enterprise reached the galactic barrier, he manned a station on the bridge. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

Lieutenant #2 []

Enterprise sciences lieutenant 2

Lieutenant #2

This lieutenant was on the bridge as the ship approached the Romulan Neutral Zone. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

Lieutenant #3 []

Enterprise sciences lieutenant 3

Lieutenant #3

This lieutenant was affected by the spores of the pod plants discovered growing on Omicron Ceti III, and deserted the Enterprise to join the colonists on the planet, in 2267. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

Lieutenant #4 []

Enterprise sciences lieutenant 4

Lieutenant #4

This lieutenant served aboard the USS Enterprise in 2268.

That year, he was on duty during the ship's visit to Deep Space Station K-7. Initially, he was present in the recreation room when Uhura introduced the tribbles to her crewmates. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

Lieutenant #5 []

Enterprise sciences lieutenant 5

Lieutenant #5

This lieutenant served aboard the USS Enterprise in 2268.

That year, he was on duty during the ship's visit to Deep Space Station K-7, and passed James Kirk and Spock on a corridor. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

Later the same year, he was on a corridor during red alert, when the Enterprise encountered Bele's spaceship. (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")

His appearance in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is via recycled footage from "The Trouble with Tribbles".

Lieutenant #6 []

Enterprise sciences lieutenant 6

Lieutenant #6

This lieutenant was walking down a ship's corridor when he was knocked to the floor by Bele as he exited the turbolift in 2270. (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")

Lieutenant #7 []

Enterprise sciences lieutenant 7

Lieutenant #7

This lieutenant was present at the science station on the bridge during the landing party's mission to the insectoid ship that discovered near Questar M-17 in 2269, when Sulu was temporarily in command. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

Lieutenant #8 []

Enterprise sciences lieutenant 8

Lieutenant #8

This lieutenant was present on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered a magnetic organism near Questar M-17 in 2269. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

He was on the bridge when the Enterprise attempted to intercept a cosmic cloud that threatened Mantilles. (TAS: "One of Our Planets Is Missing")

He was on the bridge when the Enterprise was lured to Planet Two of the Taurean system. (TAS: "The Lorelei Signal")

He was on the bridge during the ship's mission escorting two robot grain ships. (TAS: "More Tribbles, More Troubles")

He was also on the bridge during the investigation of Terra 10. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

Lieutenants #9 and 10 []

Lieutenant #9

Lieutenant #9

Lieutenant #10

Lieutenant #10

These lieutenants served on the Enterprise in 2269 and were knocked down in a corridor during an encounter with a cloud life form. (TAS: "One of Our Planets Is Missing")

Lieutenant #11 []

USS Enterprise dancing lieutenants

Lieutenant #11 (right)

This lieutenant was dancing with a female command division lieutenant in the transporter room, while the two were under the influence of Harry Mudd's love potion crystals, in 2269. (TAS: "Mudd's Passion")

Lieutenant #12 []

Enterprise sciences lieutenant 12

Lieutenant #12

This lieutenant served aboard the Enterprise in 2269.

That year, he was present in the mess hall when the crew suddenly began to experience miniaturization while investigating the lost colony Terra 10. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

Lieutenants #13 and 14 []

Lieutenant #13

Lieutenant #13

Lieutenant #14

Lieutenant #14

These lieutenants served aboard the Enterprise in 2269.

That year, they were miniaturized and later beamed down to the colony Terra 10 to acquire dilithium. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

Lieutenant #15 []

Enterprise sciences lieutenant 15

Lieutenant #15

This sciences lieutenant handed a report to Captain Kirk, who then signed it following the Enterprise's mission to drop off Elaan to Troyius. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius")

Knickersonian lieutenant []

During the scenario, she appeared and immediately became offended by a figure of speech uttered by her captain – "don't get your knickers in a twist," while addressing another officer. She explained that she considered her people to be a proud race, and threatened to go to Human resources over the incident.

Shortly thereafter, she died alongside the rest of the crew when the Klingons succeeded at destroying their ship. (VST: "Skin a Cat")

Lieutenant commander []

USS Enterprise sciences lt cmdr 1

Sciences division lieutenant commander

This lieutenant commander was one of the department heads present in the briefing room when the Enterprise encountered a giant single cell creature in 2268. He was there on the order of Captain Kirk with his reports on the zone of darkness they were in. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

Commander []

Enterprise sciences commander 1

Sciences division commander

This commander was in the mess hall where he found himself holding onto an oversized coffee cup after the ship's crew began experiencing shrinkage. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")

Medical staff[]

Medical technician #1 []

USS Enterprise sciences medical technician 1

Medical technician #1

This medical technician served aboard the Enterprise in 2266.

That year, he was present in Sickbay when Captain James T. Kirk made a shipwide announcement, during the Romulan Neutral Zone incident. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

Medical technician #2 []

USS Enterprise sciences medical technician 2

Medical technician #2

This medical technician served aboard the Enterprise in 2267.

That year, he assisted Doctor McCoy in examining, the pon farr affected Spock. (TOS: "Amok Time")

Medical technician #3 []

USS Enterprise sciences medical technician 3

Medical technician #3

This medical technician served aboard the Enterprise in 2267.

That year, he helped Doctor Leonard McCoy examining the landing party members, suffering from rapid aging after visiting Gamma Hydra IV. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")

The following year, he helped Dr. Joseph M'Benga and McCoy in taking the injured Spock to sickbay, after he was beamed up from Neural. (TOS: "A Private Little War")

Medical technician #4 []

USS Enterprise sciences medical technician 4

Medical technician #4

This medical technician served aboard the Enterprise in 2268.

That year, he helped Doctor McCoy in the bypass operation of Ambassador Sarek. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

Medical technician #5 []

USS Enterprise sciences medical technician 5

Medical technician #5

This medical technician served aboard the Enterprise in 2269.

That year, he was present at the decompression chamber when Lieutenant Mira Romaine was possessed by the survivors of Zetar, in 2269. (TOS: "The Lights of Zetar")

He was also present when Dr. Sevrin was examined in sickbay, the same year. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Medical technician #6 []

USS Enterprise sciences medical technician 6

Medical technician #6

This medical technician served aboard the Enterprise in 2269. That year, he and a second medical technician helped to get the unconscious Janice Lester to sickbay. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")

Nurse #1 []

USS Enterprise sciences nurse 1

Nurse #1

This nurse served aboard the Enterprise in 2267.

That year, she was present when Dr. McCoy and Bobby worked to revive Khan Noonien Singh in sickbay before clearing the doctor's tray of medical tools. (TOS: "Space Seed")

Nurse #2 []

USS Enterprise sciences nurse 2

Nurse #2

This nurse served aboard the Enterprise in 2267.

That year she assisted Doctor McCoy with sedating the crew when the ship was taken over by the Redjac entity. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")

The novel A Choice of Catastrophes instead credits Joan Webster's character as Cheryl Thomas due to a mistake on Memory Alpha at the time the novel was written. However, this is not necessarily a contradiction, since there are many examples of two actors who have played the same character.

Nurse #3 []

USS Enterprise sciences nurse 3

Nurse #3

This nurse served aboard the Enterprise in 2268.

During the ship's journey to Babel that year, she passed in the corridor outside the sickbay as Kirk and Spock entered to speak with Ambassador Sarek who was there, confined to a biobed. A short time later, she was in McCoy's lab while Spock, Amanda and McCoy were in an adjacent room discussing Sarek's condition and pending surgery. Later, during the aforementioned surgery, she assisted in keeping Nurse Chapel's supplies fully stocked while Doctor McCoy performed his bypass operation on the Ambassador. Following the surgery, she assisted, along with a medical technician in cleanup the surgical area. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

She was also on duty in sickbay, later that year, when the Enterprise encountered the dikironium cloud creature. She also passed by Ensign Garrovick's quarters during this time. (TOS: "Obsession")

She was on duty in sickbay that year, as well, while the Enterprise crew dealt with the effects of a giant space amoeba. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

Nurse #4 []

USS Enterprise sciences nurse 4

Nurse #4

This nurse served aboard the Enterprise in 2268.

That year, she assisted Doctor McCoy on the bridge, administering hyposprays of stimulants to Uhura and Spock, when the crew of Enterprise was affected by giant single cell creature. When Leslie became dizzy and fainted, Kirk called her over to take care of the stricken engineer. She later returned to Sickbay where she assisted Brent in taking care of other suffering crewmembers, and as well, assisted Nurse Christine Chapel. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

She was played by an unknown actress. She was identified in the script as an "N.D. Nurse", and addressed by Kirk as "Nurse".

Nurse #5 []

USS Enterprise sciences nurse 5

Nurse #5

This nurse served aboard the Enterprise in 2268.

That year, she assisted Doctor McCoy and Nurse Chapel in stabilizing Kirk's body after Sargon had been believed to have been killed while inside it. She was also worried about how they would return Kirk's mind to his body, and how long the life support systems could keep his body alive without him. (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow")

Nurse #6 []

USS Enterprise sciences nurse 6

Nurse #6

This nurse served aboard the Enterprise in 2268.

That year, she assisted Doctor McCoy and Nurse Chapel in stabilizing Kirk's body after Sargon had been believed to have been killed while inside it. (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow")

Nurse #7 []

USS Enterprise sciences nurse 7

Nurse #7

This nurse, who held the rank of lieutenant, was present in a corridor when the Enterprise visited Gideon in 2268. (TOS: "The Mark of Gideon")

Nurse #8 []

USS Enterprise sciences nurse 9

Nurse #8

This nurse treated Lt. Uhura in sickbay after she was attacked by Nomad in 2268. (TOS: "The Changeling")

Orderly #1 []

USS Enterprise medical orderly 1

Orderly #1

This orderly served aboard the Enterprise in 2268.

That year, he was affected by the interphase phenomenon, encountered in the Tholian sector, causing him to experience a fit of insanity and attacked McCoy, while he assisted McCoy and Chapel. After he was subdued, the doctor confined him to sickbay. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")

Orderly #2 []

USS Enterprise medical orderly 2

Orderly #2

This orderly served aboard the Enterprise in 2268.

That year, he aided Doctor McCoy in sickbay while treating the injured crewmembers who were injured during clashes aboard the Enterprise with Kang's Klingon personnel, all while under the influence of the Beta XII-A entity in 2268.

The orderly was asked by McCoy where the Numanol capsule he wanted was, leading the orderly to produce a tray with several medical devices, as well as a number of capsules.

Later, at McCoy's request, he brought his tray over to take care of the unconscious Ensign Pavel Chekov. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

He was played by an unknown performer. In the script it was stated that his "face [was] haggard from the awful activity here."

Mid 2270s[]

Airlock technician []

USS Enterprise sciences airlock technician

An airlock technician

This airlock technician was working on board the USS Enterprise in the 2270s during the V'Ger incident. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Bridge crew member #1 []

USS Enterprise sciences bridge crew member 1

A bridge crewmember

This crew member was assigned to the USS Enterprise in the 2270s. She was present when Admiral Kirk told the bridge crew that he was back in command. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture).

This crewmember was played by actress Momo Yashima.

The novel Ex Machina gives this character the name Reiko Onami, a xenopsychologist. Onami also appears in the novels Forgotten History and The Higher Fronter. Yashima named this character Ensign Yamada on her IMDb resume, a name which also appears on an autograph card published by Rittenhouse Archives.

Bridge crew member #2 []

USS Enterprise sciences bridge crew member 4

A bridge crew member

This crew member was assigned to the Enterprise in the 2270s. He was present on the bridge working at the navigation console when Admiral James T. Kirk told the crew that he was back in command. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

This crew member was played by background actor Robert Buckingham who received no credit for this appearance.

A brown class-B short sleeved uniform shirt by Western Costume Co. also worn by him during filming and indicating his chest size 42 was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2](X)

Bridge technician 1 []

USS Enterprise sciences bridge crew member 2

A bridge crewmember

This technician was also serving on the bridge during the V'Ger incident in the mid-2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

He was identified as a technician on the film's call sheet.

Bridge technician 2 []

USS Enterprise sciences bridge crew member 3

A bridge crewmember

This technician was also serving on the bridge during the V'Ger incident in the 2270s. She was also present during the staff briefing at the recreation deck, and wore both a white and beige uniform during the course of events. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

She was identified as a technician on the film's call sheet. She appeared in both scenes 64 and 97. Her beige uniform bore lieutenant stripes. [4](X)

Cargo deck ensign []

USS Enterprise sciences cargo deck ensign

An ensign

This ensign served on board the Enterprise in the 2270s. He welcomed Admiral James T. Kirk on the cargo deck. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Medical staff member #1 []

USS Enterprise sciences medical staff member 1

A medical staff member

This crew member was among Doctor Leonard McCoy's medical staff, and was present in sickbay when Spock was treated there after his mind meld with V'Ger, in the mid-2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

He was played by background actor Joel Marston who received no credit for this appearance.

Medical technician #7 []

USS Enterprise sciences medical technician 7

A medical staff member

This medical technician was among Doctor Leonard McCoy's staff, and was present in sickbay when Spock was treated there after his mind meld with V'Ger. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

The character was named as a "Med Tech" in the script.

Rec deck crew members []

These crew members attended the briefing on the recreation deck of the USS Enterprise in the mid-2270s. They were witnesses to the destruction of the Epsilon IX station during the briefing. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

All 170 crewmembers were played by extras, production staff members, and fans and most of them received no on-screen credit for their appearances. They were cast by a cattle call, organized by Bjo Trimble and had to fulfill these special requests: "aged between 20 and 40, men from 5'8" to 6'2", sizes 40-42, and women from 5'6" to 5'8', sizes 8-10."

Trimble also appeared as a science crewmember in this scene.

Betelgeusian officer []

Enterprise Betelgeusian science officer

A Betelgeusian officer

A Betelgeusian science officer was among the crew that attended the briefing on V'Ger in the 2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

In the novel Ex Machina this character was identified as Specialist first class Hrrii'ush Uuvu'it, and was a sensor analyst.

Vulcan crewmembers []

Vulcan science crewman Played by Scott Dweck

Vulcan science crewman Played by JoAnn Christy

These Vulcan crew members attended the briefing on the recreation deck of the USS Enterprise in the mid-2270s. They were witnesses to the destruction of the Epsilon IX station during the briefing. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

These crewmembers were identified in the novel "Ex Machina" as Nurse Spanla (β) (Dweck) and security technician T'Hesh (β) (Christy).


Medical staff []

Played by an unknown performer

Played by an unknown performer

These crew members were among Doctor Leonard McCoy's medical staff, and worked in sickbay, in 2285. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

Nurses []

Played by an unknown actress

Played by an unknown actress

These two nurses were present when Admiral James Kirk took an inspection tour on the Enterprise, in 2285. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)