USS Rubidoux

The USS Rubidoux (NCC-12109) was a California-class Federation starship operated by Starfleet during the late 24th century under the command of Captain Dayton. It carried at least one Type 6A shuttlecraft aboard.

In 2380, the Rubidoux was supposed to rendezvous with the USS Cerritos, but never arrived on schedule. The Cerritos, under temporary command of Captain Amina Ramsey, found the Rubidoux drifting in space with all power systems down. It was later discovered that the Rubidoux had been invaded by a space entity that fed on energy. When Lieutenant Durga restored power, the entity began to consume the ship. Captain Ramsey and her away team were able to evacuate Captain Dayton and her crew before the entity consumed the whole ship, resulting in the birth of a space vessel lifeform. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")

Ensign Sam Rutherford was offered a promotion for his role in saving the crew of the Rubidoux, but declined in order to stay with his friends. (LD: "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee")

Later that year, Dayton reminisced about her time on the Rubidoux while commanding her new ship, the USS Solvang. (LD: "No Small Parts")


California-class starships
USS AlhambraUSS AnaheimUSS BurbankUSS CarlsbadUSS CerritosUSS Culver CityUSS EurekaUSS FresnoUSS InglewoodUSS MercedUSS Mount ShastaUSS OaklandUSS Pacific PalisadesUSS ReddingUSS RiversideUSS RubidouxUSS SacramentoUSS San ClementeUSS San DiegoUSS San JoseUSS Santa MonicaUSS Sherman OaksUSS SolvangUSS VacavilleUSS VallejoUSS West CovinaUnnamed

Background information[]

The Rubidoux is likely named after Rubidoux, California.

The Rubidoux has red markings on its hull. According to Star Trek: Lower Decks series creator Mike McMahan, a California-class ship with red hull markings is "for moving around ambassadors and doing more command-level stuff."[1]