USS Zantra

The USS Zantra (NCC-75441) was a Federation Duderstadt-class starship that was in service to Starfleet in the early 25th century.

In 2402, the Zantra was inside Sol Station when Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, Admiral Beverly Crusher, and Ensign Jack Crusher traveled to the newly rechristened USS Enterprise-G. (PIC: "The Last Generation")

The name and registry of this ship were provided by Dave Blass. [1]

This ship was presumably named for Zantra (β), the Zaranite philosopher from the 1980 Star Trek newspaper comic strip, "The Real McCoy". In that story, Zantra led a movement petitioning for his homeworld Zaran II to secede from the Federation until the U.S.S. Enterprise crew aided him during a medically-vulnerable period, prompting Zantra to change his mind.

Duderstadt-class starships
USS IntrepidUSS TrumbullUSS VasaUSS Zantra