Unnamed engineering tools

List of unnamed engineering tools.

Bynar scanner[]

Bynar scanner

A Bynar scanner

This scanning device was used by one of the Bynars aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2364, when they worked on the ship's systems. (TNG: "11001001")

Claw tool[]

In 2372, after Neelix discovered that Michael Jonas was secretly working with the Kazon-Nistrim, he attempted to stop Jonas by attacking him with a claw-like tool. (VOY: "Investigations")

Computer hacking tool[]

In 2372, after Tom Paris left the USS Voyager and was kidnapped by the Kazon-Nistrim, Paris used a hacking tool to access the systems of the raider he was in to determine the identity of a mole on Voyager. The device also had an explosive which could be timed. (VOY: "Investigations")

Holodeck repair tools[]

When the holodeck of the Enterprise-D had malfunctions in 2364, Geordi La Forge, Wesley Crusher, and two technicians used these three engineering tools for diagnostic and repair. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

A scanning device

A scanning device

A pen-like repair tool

A pen-like repair tool

Another pen-like repair tool

Another pen-like repair tool

O'Brien's toolbox devices[]

Toolbox missing EJ7 interlock

O'Brien's tool box

In 2369, while searching for his missing EJ7 interlock, Chief Miles O'Brien opened his toolbox, which had several tools inside it. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")

Picard's tool[]

Picards tool

A tool used by Picard

This tool was used by Captain Jean-Luc Picard in 2063, while doing modifications/repairs on a phaser rifle and talking to Lily Sloane in the observation lounge aboard the USS Enterprise-E. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Repair tool[]

Trip's repair tool

A repair tool

This repair tool was used by Commander Trip Tucker in 2153 to change the modifications the Tarkalean female made to the ship's avionics control system. (ENT: "Regeneration")

Sealing tool[]

Sealing tool 2369

An engineering tool

Neela attempted to use this tool to close a security seal after she finished repairs in the security office. Miles O'Brien told her that this was the wrong tool and she had to use an EJ7 interlock instead, because it was a security seal. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")

According to the script, this was "a small high tech tool" that she "plays [..] over the edge of the panel."

Shuttlecraft repair tools[]

In 2380, Ensigns Beckett Mariner, Brad Boimler, Sam Rutherford, and D'Vana Tendi used various tools to repair or construct the shuttlecraft Sequoia in one of the USS Cerritos' repair bays. (LD: "Veritas")

Starship repair tool[]

In 2380, Ensign Beckett Mariner handed Ensign Brad Boimler a repair tool for the latter to use on the Sequoia, though he was not seen using it, as a red alert prompted both ensigns to attend their scheduled bridge duty.

That same year, Lieutenant Shaxs used this same type of tool to repair a Romulan Bird-of-Prey that was on display at a Vulcan museum. (LD: "Veritas")

Subspace transmission scrambler[]

Subspace transmission scrambler

A subspace transmission scrambler

This pen-like tool was used by Nog to scramble the subspace transmission between himself and Jake Sisko and the Bajoran Sirco Ch'Ano in 2369. (DS9: "Progress")

According to the script: "We see that Nog -- who's removed a side panel from the monitor -- is continuously zapping the electronics just enough to make video transmission impossible."

Takret technology[]

Takret technology

Takret technology

The Takret Militia brought several pieces of technological equipment aboard the Enterprise NX-01 when they boarded the ship in 2152. Several pieces were placed in engineering in front of the warp injector. (ENT: "The Catwalk")

Tools aboard Shuttlepod 1[]

These tools were used in 2151 aboard Shuttlepod 1 by Malcolm Reed when he was preparing the away mission to the surface of Archer's Comet and the drilling rig. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

A large hand-held tool

A large hand-held tool

A short hand-held tool

A short hand-held tool

Several tools in a box

Several tools in a box

Upgrade tool[]

Upgrade tool

An engineering tool

This tool was used by Chief Miles O'Brien in 2372 on Deep Space 9 to double check that the new console he installed in ops, as part of the station's upgrades, was working correctly. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")

Rom later used the same device to perform a com relay bypass in 2373. (DS9: "The Assignment")

Warp core utility[]

Warp core utility

The utility in use

This object was used beside the USS Voyager's warp core in 2374, while attempting to get it functional again after the ship had Borg modifications installed by Seven of Nine. (VOY: "The Gift")

This prop was reused for other purposes, including an object on Qatai's ship in VOY: "Bliss".

Warp engine component[]

Damaged warp engine component

The damaged piece of technology

This piece of technology was part of the warp engine aboard the Earth Cargo Service freighter ECS Fortunate and damaged during the Nausicaan attack on the ship in August 2151.

Matthew Ryan brought this piece aboard the Enterprise NX-01. According to Travis Mayweather it was older than chief engineer Trip Tucker and he would get a kick out of this. The quartermaster aboard Enterprise won't have anything like that but engineering should be able to synthesize one. Tucker later told that the valve seals of the piece were shot and he needed about forty minutes to synthesize new ones while analyzing this piece in his laser micrometer.

When Captain Jonathan Archer later confronted Ryan in his ready room and asked if anything he got from Enterprise was working accordingly, Ryan told him that some of the connections were off by a few microns. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

This piece of technology was not named in the episode.

The call sheet of the episode listed it as "Damaged Warp Eng. Component" in the prop section.