Unnamed Delta Quadrant moons

List of unnamed moons located in the Delta Quadrant.

Allos' species moon []

This M-class moon was located in the same system as Allos's homeworld, orbiting an inward planet. Its atmosphere extended up more than eleven thousand kilometers from the surface.

The moon contained an outpost that was used by Allos' species to synthesize Omega molecules as a power source. An accident in 2374 destroyed the outpost and three hundred square kilometers of the surface; the surviving scientists and the remaining molecules were recovered by USS Voyager. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")

M-class moon

M-class moon

The research facility on the surface after some of the molecules exploded

The research facility on the surface after some of the molecules exploded

Banean moon []

In 2371, a Federation shuttlecraft piloted by Tom Paris was launched from Voyager in the vicinity of this sole moon of Banea. Captain Kathryn Janeway chose this method for she didn't want to get involved in the conflict between the Numiri and the Banea. The smaller ship wouldn't be as easily detected as its mother ship. Paris hid behind the "limb of the moon" before making a break for Banea. By the time the shuttle was detected on the Numiri sensors, it was in the planet's defense perimeter. (VOY: "Ex Post Facto")

This moon was only mentioned in dialogue.

Class 3 moon []

In 2375, the USS Voyager hid behind a class 3 moon to remain undetected by Species 8472's Terrasphere 8 during the crew's investigation of the environmental dome. (VOY: "In the Flesh")

Class 6 gas giant's moons []

Class 6 gas giant

A gas giant

At least two moons orbited a Class 6 gas giant that was visited by USS Voyager's multi-spatial probe in 2375. (VOY: "Extreme Risk")

Class H moon []

A class H moon with an oxygen-argon atmosphere was located in Borg space.

In 2374, while locating a place to drop off Seven of Nine and the other Borg drones inhabiting Voyager, Chakotay selected a class H moon to drop them off at. Due to Seven's intervention, this plan failed. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II")

Delta Flyer survey moon []

This moon orbited a planet surveyed for dilithium deposits by the Delta Flyer in 2376. (VOY: "Memorial")

This moon was only mentioned in dialogue.

Drayan II moons []


Crysata moon

Crysata moon surface

Crysata moon surface

Drayan II had several moons; one of the outermost ones harbored lush plant life and was known as its Crysata. Its days were at least four hours long.

Another moon harbored a vein of pure polyferranide, three kilometers long. (VOY: "Innocence")

Tuvok's scans of the Crysata moon showed no lifeforms in a five kilometer radius, suggesting animal life was or even nonexistent.

Two bodies were seen in the sky above the moon serving as the Crysata, and while one of them might possibly be Drayan II, at least one of them was presumably a moon.

Drayan II moon 1

Drayan II moon 2

Fifth moon of Cytrax []

The fifth moon of Cytrax was the home of the Cytraxian cricket. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")

This moon was only mentioned in dialogue.

Fifth moon of Ilari []

In 2373, the fifth moon of Ilari was where Demmas was massing a fleet of ships for striking back against Tieran during a civil war. (VOY: "Warlord")

This fifth moon was only mentioned in dialogue.

Hirogen system moons []

Hirogen star system

Hirogen system moons

At least three moons orbited the sole class M planet located in the Hirogen star system. (PRO: "Dream Catcher")

Mikhal Traveler outpost planet moons []

Moons of Mikhal Traveler outpost

Three moons

The sky of an outpost maintained by the Mikhal Travelers contained at least three nearby bodies. (VOY: "Darkling")

Mikhal Traveler visited system moons []

A system visited by Mikhal Travelers were thought to contain at least twenty-one moons, although one was alleged to be a massive space creature. Voyager considered visiting the system in 2373, although out of interest in the asteroids rather then the moons. (VOY: "Darkling")

This moons was only mentioned in dialogue.

Mokra-controlled planet moon []

Mokra-controlled planet moon

The moon (foreground) of the Mokra-controlled planet (background)

The Mokra-controlled planet had at least one moon. In 2372, Voyager hid behind the moon in order to avoid detection by the orbital sensor net of the Mokra Order. (VOY: "Resistance")

Moon visited by Sky Spirits []

Moon visited by Sky spirits

Moon surface

The Voyager crew visited this moon in 2372 in search of polyferranide. However, they turned out to be contaminated with astilines. It was on this moon that they first found evidence of the Sky Spirits. They had drawn a CHAH-mooz-ee symbol, theorized to be to compensate for making a campfire. (VOY: "Tattoo")

Planet 1865-Alpha moons []

Planet 1865-Alpha

The moons of 1865-Alpha

Planet 1865-Alpha was observed to have two moon-like objects nearby. (VOY: "Survival Instinct")

Raven crash site []

Raven crash site planet and moon

A moon orbiting a planet

Raven crash site moon surface

The surface of the moon

This M class moon orbited the fifth planet in a yellow dwarf star system in the Delta Quadrant. Its surface was rocky and foggy, the only life in evidence small patches of brownish grass. What appeared to be small craters or caldera-like depressions were also in evidence.

It was the crash site of the Borg-assimilated starship USS Raven. In 2374, Seven of Nine and Tuvok found the crash site and beamed into the wreckage. (VOY: "The Raven")

The surface was identified as "Ext. Planet Rocky Path" and "Ext. Lunarscape" on the call sheets and was filmed on Paramount Stage 16 with the addition of split screen technique and matte paintings.

According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 88), this moon's primary was located in the FGC-7861340 system.

Talaxian system moons []

Paxau moon

Moon seen from Paxau

The Talaxian system had several moons, including Rinax. (VOY: "The Haunting of Deck Twelve")

A body was seen in the sky in a holographic recreation of the Paxau Resort on Talax. (VOY: "Alter Ego")

The moon looks consistent with Luna, and given that the holoprogram had been infused with Terran elements, it doesn't seem inconceivable that it indeed was meant to represent Earth's moon.

Three full moons []

In 2374, Voyager passed three full moons in a single day. Neelix attributed his and Tom Paris's nightmares to having passed by them. (VOY: "Waking Moments")

Voyager explored moons []

Several moons were explored by USS Voyager during the late 24th century.

One of these moons orbited a gas giant.

Another orbited a planet near a nebula.

A third orbited a ringed planet. (Star Trek: Voyager opening credits)

The moons orbiting the planet

The moons orbiting the planet

Voyager near the moon

Voyager near the moon

Voyager's orbit brings it close to the moon

Voyager's orbit brings it close to the moon