
Dramen warrant
For the shuttle, please see Warrant (shuttlecraft).
A warrant was a legal document used by many civilizations when a criminal act was suspected of having been committed. A warrant could be issued by the legal authority of a government for the purposes of conducting investigations into criminal acts, or for the detention of an individual or group.
One of the first people Lee processed into Sanctuary District A during the early 21st century was a woman who had an outstanding warrant outside for leaving her baby with the people she worked for. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part II")
In 2152, T'Pol, acting on a warrant issued by the Vulcan Ministry of Security, pursued and captured several fugitives, killing one in the process. (ENT: "The Seventh")
In 2270, Doctor Leonard McCoy was served a warrant by the Dramens on suspicion of having caused a deadly plague nineteen years previously. (TAS: "Albatross")
By 2369, the Klaestron government had issued a warrant for the Dax symbiont for treason and murder. (DS9: "Dax")
In 2370, twelve outstanding arrest warrants for fraud and petty theft existed against Yranac in the Klingon Empire. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I")
Upon being visited by Sakonna in that year, Quark first assumed that her presence was due to a warrant. According to Quark, the warrant was out of date and had been cleared up several months prior. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")
In 2371, Kai Winn Adami ordered the Bajoran civil police to issue a province-wide warrant for Major Kira Nerys and Shakaar Edon, following their refusal to give up stolen soil reclamators. (DS9: "Shakaar")
As of 2372, there were at least twelve outstanding warrants for Razka Karn's arrest on Cardassia Prime. (DS9: "Indiscretion")
That same year, Joseph Sisko refused to undergo mandatory blood screening to prove that he was not a Changeling infiltrator. His son Captain Benjamin Sisko stated that he would obtain a warrant if necessary. (DS9: "Homefront")
In 2374, Quark, thinking that his scheme to sell smuggled Denevan crystals was about to be thwarted by Odo, commented to Jake Sisko that the security chief would have a warrant for his arrest within twenty-five minutes. (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")
Types of warrants[]
- Arrest warrant
- Death warrant