The timestream.
years: 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141

(stardates n/a)

decades: 2100s 2110s 2120s 2130s 2140s 2150s 2160s
centuries: 21st century - 22nd century - 23rd century


  • Around this year Orions enter in conflict the Klingons, as an Orion pirate fought a Klingon light cruiser at Phillo'tok V and lost.[1][2]
  • Klingons begin their brutal push into Orion space starting at Phillo'tok V and conquering a number of Orion worlds.[1][2]
  • The Betazoid Dainara advocates for the separation between secular and spiritual power. His eloquence fails to inspire other priests and nobles to submit to change.[3]
11 April
Malcolm Reed takes revenge on Leslie Morris after his near-drowning two years earlier, only to realize that he has sunk to Morris' level.[4]


Notable people[]

The team of scientists at the Warp Five Complex.

References and Notes[]
