The timestream.
years: 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377

(stardates 51000 to 51999[1], or from 2374.0[2])

decades: 2340s 2350s 2360s 2370s 2380s 2390s 2400s
centuries: 23rd century - 24th century - 25th century

2374 was, on Earth's calendar, the 75th year of the 24th century, and the sixth year of the 2370s decade. Besides this time period's Human dates, in stardates this era begins with stardate 2374.0[2] in some systems of dating, and runs from stardate 51000 to 51999 in others.[1]


Although 2374 is one year past the original divergence event that created the First Splinter timeline in 2373, most all of the events between the Splintered realities and the primary timeline seem to be able to be taken as identical at this point.



(*), the Beta XII-A entity.


Siskos plan

Benjamin Sisko's plan to retake Deep Space 9.

Romulan politics[]

Spock 2380s

Ambassador Spock.

Starfleet operations[]

Deep Space 9[]

Voyages of the USS Enterprise-E[]

See also Voyages of the USS Enterprise-E.

Journey of the USS Voyager[]

See also Journey of the USS Voyager.

Promotions and transfers[]


Seven of Nine.


Births and deaths[]


Notable people[]

(*), the Beta XII-A entity.

(*), the Beta XII-A entity.

Seven of Nine.

Leonard James Akaar.

Alexander Rozhenko.


Edam Astrun.


Nanietta Bacco.

Reginald Barclay.




Burgoyne 172.

Mackenzie Calhoun.



Beverly Crusher.

Padraig Daniels.


Leonardo da Vinci (hologram).

Matthew Decker.

The Doctor.




Miranda Kadohata.



Zak Kebron.


James T. Kirk.


Lavin Meryn.

Robin Lefler.



Roberta Luke.


Leonard McCoy.

Mark McHenry.







Tom Paris.


Pentaget ambassador.

Pentaget ambassador.

Kell Perim.

Jean-Luc Picard.




William T. Riker.

Rotarran recruits.

Rotarran recruits.



Elizabeth Shelby.

Si Cwan.

Benjamin Sisko.

Joseph Sisko.

Rear Admiral Sitak.



Mirror Spock.



B'Elanna Torres.


Deanna Troi.





Other notable people[]
(*)AkenThe AncestorAnowonArylAruunAyalaArlene BakkerBilly BallantineBandieroMichael BarrstonJulian BashirBertainaBroikBroneBrooksRoger BuickBurlesonCalderonJoseph CareyCatira/KatirusChakotayClarkCulhaneDalivarCorat DamarDavinJadzia DaxDejarenDevarDoradoDoran, daughter of W'marDubarokElizabeth AlphaVraath ch'Evramfemale ChangelingFinaeaMohammed FitzgeraldFitzpatrickFraznulenFujisakiElim GarakJeremy GleasonGothGregoryEnrak GrofGrommirHajErin HansenHasmekTamla HorikBenton HorvathImat'KorexJabaraKathryn JanewayJobraJonesKakghKandarZonek KarleKaryaKatogh, son of Ch'PokKesHarry KimKira NerysKivErva KonalKoth, son of LarnaKrungGeordi La ForgeLarsonRandall LangSam LavelleLeetaLeztarlenAgron LumasAgron Lumas's wifeMagrenMaikiMakreeMarnaMartokEnrique MasserelliEvelyn McDougalWilliam McKenzieMethrasMoklorMornMorrisonM'PellaDougie NaismithNeelixN'Garen, daughter of Tse'DekSusan NicolettiMiles O'BrienOdera'KlenOdoAlyssa OgawaParkePava Ek'Noor sh'AqabaaPearlPennoRafinTemmis RahminCharlie ReynoldsRichardsonRomWilliam RossGeraldine RuddySedrekSharrLena ShonsuiJake SiskoTarrigTaurikCregger Lor Mowlanish Dor Crixa TelTethTora ZiyalJack TorranceJohn TorresMiral TorresT'Priell/SelkeArdan TraylVirak'iklanWargWeyoun (Weyoun 5) • Shana WinslowJozarnay WoilYelsarYshaartaDemeterDitkoGlavinGuinanKaneYoshi KashiwadaKirby (USS Enterprise-E)Marco PalmieriSariel RagerB.G. RobinsonSaffronRelda SovarStephensonSuttlesLee WayneWilkes (USS Enterprise-E)YeowellPraddis AmonCorbaCudarrisDenaraNikti EiloLeydenTessa MollicOsanPaldulRahatanSeevynErid SovarTollitCyggelhEttojhRuugh IsadjoMynaaghWarren Worthington ("Archangel") • Sean Cassidy ("Banshee") • Piotr Rasputin ("Colossus") • Kurt Wagner ("Nightcrawler") • Kitty Pryde ("Shadowcat") • Ororo Munroe ("Storm") • WolverineBenUatu the Watcher • • EmmanuelFitzpatrick (Crewman)LangObristStricklerAnnorax's wife
Life and times of Jean-Luc Picard[]


References and notes[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 ST references: Star Trek Chronology, The Star Trek Encyclopedia.
  2. 2.0 2.1 TOS movie: Star Trek.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  4. ST - Tales of the Dominion War novel: Night of the Vulture.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 DS9 episode: "Sacrifice of Angels".
  6. DS9 episode: "In the Pale Moonlight".
  7. ST - Tales of the Dominion War novel: Blood Sacrifice.
  8. ST - A Time to... novel: A Time to Be Born.
  9. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 6.
  10. Star Trek: Voyager.
  11. Star Trek: Voyager season 4.
  12. VOY episodes: "Message in a Bottle", "Hunters".
  13. VOY episode: "Scorpion, Part II".
  14. SCE eBook: The Belly of the Beast.
  15. DS9 novel: Hollow Men.
  16. DS9 episode: "Tears of the Prophets".
  17. DS9 episode: "Image in the Sand".
  18. ST website:
  19. DS9 episode: "You Are Cordially Invited".
  20. The Dominion War.
  21. TNG movie: Insurrection.

Images from 2374[]

Seven of Nine in the Brig.

Female Changeling and Odo.

USS Defiant.

USS Enterprise-E.

Galor-class warship.

Galor-class warship.

Galor-class warship.

Kira Nerys's Shar D'An walk.

Klingon shuttlecraft.


Kradin-Vori planet.

Larhana settlement.

IKS Par'tok convoy.

IKS Par'tok convoy.



Protomatter hits Voyager shuttle.

A dead Redeemer.



Rotarran and Vor'nak.

Rotarran and Vor'nak.

Benjamin Sisko's plan to retake Deep Space 9.


Federation Alliance fleet and starbase.

USS Voyager in fluidic space.


Milky Way

Aeroshuttle zooms comic



USS Prometheus front

USS Prometheus warp

USS Galaxy

USS Fredrickson towed

Chin'toka moon explosion

USS Majestic battle

USS ShirKahr

Dauntless viewscreen

Swallow Nebula

Empok Nor

USS Bonchune ambushed

USS Hood, Sacrifice of Angels

USS Honshu at warp

USS Spector


USS Rubicon

USS Nautilus

Starbase 375

Jeraddo 2374

USS Curry

A time to stand fleet 001

Yeager 65674

Redeemer virus Wildstorm

Redeemer ship Wildstorm

Uss excalibur WildStorm



Romulan shuttle 2370s

USS Valiant NCC-74210

Voyager computer processor

Sitak Destruction

Rotarran new recruits

Kradin vori planet

USS Valiant (NCC-74210)

Alsuran sector 2374

2374 casualty list


Benthan Guard ships



Intrepid-class Deck 5

Vyntadi Expanse

Ram Izad 5

Excal2019-03-03 at 13.57.09 copy


Excal2019-03-03 at 13.50.12 copy


Warship Voyager cover



Relativity fires



Achilles class ventral

Da Vinci workshop

USS Raven crashed


Vaskan sector 2374

Class 9 nebula

Class 9 nebula 2374

Valiant detonates

Class 1 nebula

Class 1 nebula 2374

Protomatter hits shuttle

Elkins NCC-74121 supplement

Elkins nacelle detail

Voyager's journey: stardate 51082-Background



Title Series Date Media Notes Image
Scorpion, Part II Voyager 2374
Stardate 51003.7
episode Scorpion2title
The Dominion War

Tunnel Through the Stars

The Next Generation 2374 novel Tunnel Through the Stars
mangHom qaD

(Translates from Klingon into "Cadet Challenge".)

Starfleet Academy 2374 comic SA18
Between Love and Hate Starfleet Academy 2374 comic SA19
The Dominion War

...Sacrifice of Angels

Deep Space Nine 2374 episode novelization Sacrifice of Angels
Strange New Worlds 8

This Drone

Voyager 2374 short story Strange New Worlds 8 cover
The Gift Voyager 2374
Stardate 51008
episode GiftTitle
Strange New Worlds II

The Healing Arts

Voyager 2374 short story SNWII
Alien Spotlight

Alien Spotlight: Q

The Next Generation 2374
Stardate 51062.7
comic ASQ A
Strange New Worlds V


Voyager 2374 short story Strange new worlds 5
Day of Honor

Day of Honor

Voyager 2374 episode novelization Day of Honor
Nemesis Voyager 2374
Stardate 51082.4
episode NemesisTitle
Tales of the Dominion War

Night of the Vulture

The Original Series 2374 short story Tales of the Dominion War
Prophecy and Change

Three Sides to Every Story

Deep Space Nine 2374 short story ProphecyandChange
Revulsion Voyager 2374
Stardate 51186.2
episode Voytitle
The Raven Voyager 2374 episode Voytitle
Scientific Method Voyager 2374
Stardate 51244.3
episode Voytitle
The Captain's Table

Fire Ship

Chapters 2 - 24

Voyager 2374 novel FireShip
Strange New Worlds I

The First

The Next Generation 2374 short story SNW
Strange New Worlds 10

A Taste of Spam

Voyager 2374 short story Somewhat unclear, when this story actually takes place. Put here as Tuvok has been promoted and Paris takes shifts in sickbay. SNW10
Strange New Worlds 2016

Upon the Brink of Remembrance

Voyager 2374 short story SNW2016
Strange New Worlds II


The Next Generation 2374 short story SNWII
Year of Hell, Part I Voyager 2374
Stardate 51268.4
episode Destruction of the USS Voyager
War Stories, Book 1

USS Lexington

SCE 2374 eBook SCE21
You Are Cordially Invited Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
Worlds of Deep Space Nine

The Dominion: Olympus Descending

Chapters 2, 4 & 6

Deep Space Nine 2374 novel WoDS93
Year of Hell, Part II Voyager 2374
Stardate 51425.4
episode Destruction of the USS Voyager
Planet X The Next Generation 2374 novel PlanetXcover
Resurrection Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
Random Thoughts Voyager 2374
Stardate 51367.2
Statistical Probabilities Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
Concerning Flight Voyager 2374
Stardate 51386.4
Mortal Coil Voyager 2374
Stardate 51449.2
The Magnificent Ferengi Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
The Amazing Stories

Bedside Matters

The Next Generation 2374 short story The Amazing Stories
Waltz Deep Space Nine 2374
Stardate 51408.6
Martyr New Frontier 2374 novel NF 5 Martyr Cover.jpg
Waking Moments Voyager 2374
Stardate 51471.3
Strange New Worlds V

Who Cries for Prometheus?

Voyager 2374 short story Strange new worlds 5
Message in a Bottle Voyager 2374
Stardate 51462.0
Strange New Worlds IV

Uninvited Admirals

5th flashback

Voyager 2374 short story Strange new worlds 4
Distant Shores

Letting Go

Voyager 2374 short story DistantShores
Strange New Worlds III

The Ones Left Behind

4th and 5th entries

Voyager 2374 short story SNWIII
Who Mourns for Morn? Deep Space Nine 2374
Stardate 51408.6
Strange New Worlds V

Final Entry

Twentieth entry

Voyager 2374 short story In the The Star Trek Fiction Timeline this entry is mistakingly ranked as the 19th entry. Strange new worlds 5
Far Beyond the Stars Deep Space Nine 2374 episode Far Beyond the Stars
Strange New Worlds III

The Ones Left Behind

6th and 7th entries

Voyager 2374 short story SNWIII
Hunters Voyager 2374
Stardate 51501.4
Strange New Worlds VI

The Soft Room

The Next Generation 2374 short story Strange new worlds 6
Cold Equations

The Persistence of Memory

Chapter 14, sections 1 & 2

The Next Generation May 2374 novel Days before "Immortal Coil". Persistence large
Immortal Coil

main story

The Next Generation 2374
Stardate 51405.9 - 51407.6
novel ImmortalCoil
Cold Equations

The Persistence of Memory

Chapter 14, section 3 & chapter 15, section 1

The Next Generation 2374 novel Three - four weeks after "Immortal Coil". Persistence large
One Little Ship Deep Space Nine 2374
Stardate 51474.2
Fire on High New Frontier 2374 novel NF 6 Fire on High
The Q Continuum


The Next Generation 2374
Stardate 51604.21
novel QC1
The Q Continuum


The Next Generation 2374
Stardate 51604.3
novel QC2
The Q Continuum


The Next Generation 2374
Stardate 51604.3
novel QC2
Cold Equations

The Persistence of Memory

Chapter 15, section 2

The Next Generation 2374 novel About three months after "Immortal Coil". Persistence large
Star Trek: Explorer

Seven > Seven

Voyager 2374 short story Takes place not long after "Hunters". Seven v Seven
Prey Voyager 2374
Stardate 51652.3
Honor Among Thieves Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
The Captain's Table

The Mist

Deep Space Nine 2374 novel The Mist
The Captain's Table

Fire Ship

Voyager 2374 novel FireShip
The Captain's Table

Once Burned

New Frontier 2374 novel Once burned
Retrospect Voyager 2374
Stardate 51658.2
Change of Heart Deep Space Nine 2374
Stardate 51597.2
Double Time New Frontier 2374 comic Double Time Cover
The Gorn Crisis The Next Generation 2374
Stardate 51701.3
comic Gorn Crisis cover
The Killing Game Voyager 2374
Stardate 51715.2
What's Past

10 is Better Than 01

SCE 2374 eBook 10 is better than 01
Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
Star Trek: Explorer

The Mission

Deep Space Nine 2374 short story The Mission
Inquisition Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
Spectre The Original Series 2374 novel Spectre
Dark Victory

Part One

The Original Series 2374 novel Dark victory
Vis à Vis Voyager 2374 episode
Tales of the Dominion War

The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned

The Next Generation 2374 short story Tales of the Dominion War
In the Pale Moonlight Deep Space Nine 2374 episode In the Pale Moonlight
Tales of the Dominion War

Blood Sacrifice

Star Trek 2374 short story Tales of the Dominion War
Strange New Worlds VI

The End of Night

Voyager 2374 short story Strange new worlds 6
The Omega Directive Voyager 2374
Stardate 51781.2
episode Omega Directive
Hollow Men Deep Space Nine 2374 novel HollowMen
His Way Deep Space Nine 2374 episode His Way
Unforgettable Voyager 2374
Stardate 51813.4
episode Kellin, Unforgettable
The Reckoning Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
Strange New Worlds II

Seventh Heaven

Voyager 2374 short story SNWII
Strange New Worlds 10


Section 4

Star Trek 2374 short story Benjamin Sisko works under orders from William Ross. SNW10
The Sky's the Limit

Suicide Note

The Next Generation 2374 short story The Sky's the Limit
Living Witness Voyager 2374 episode Living Witness
Valiant Deep Space Nine 2374
Stardate 51825.4
Demon Voyager 2374 episode
Profit and Lace Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
Prophecy and Change

The Devil You Know

Deep Space Nine 2374 short story ProphecyandChange
One Voyager 2374
Stardate 51929.3
Star Trek: Explorer

By Special Request

Deep Space Nine 2374 short story Takes place between "His Way" and "Tears of the Prophets". By Special Request
Strange New Worlds 8


Speculations 2374 short story Strange New Worlds 8 cover
Pathways Voyager 2374 novel Pathways
Time's Orphan Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
Hope and Fear Voyager 2374
Stardate 51978.2
episode Dauntless viewscreen
String Theory


Voyager 2374 novel Cohesion
Strange New Worlds III

Dorian's Diary

Deep Space Nine 2374 short story SNWIII
The Sound of Her Voice Deep Space Nine 2374 episode

The Fall of Terok Nor

Deep Space Nine 2374 novel Millennium1

The War of the Prophets

Deep Space Nine 2374 novel Millennium2


Deep Space Nine 2374 novel Millennium3
String Theory


Voyager 2374 novel St fusion cover
Tears of the Prophets Deep Space Nine 2374 episode
A Stitch in Time

Part 1: Chapters 5, 9, 11, 14, 17 & 20

Deep Space Nine 2374 novel Stitch
Triangle: Imzadi II


The Next Generation 2374 novel TriangleImzadi2
Strange New Worlds III

Ninety-three Hours

Deep Space Nine 2374 short story SNWIII
The Lives of Dax

Second Star to the Right...

Section 1 and 6

Deep Space Nine 2374 short story LivesofDax
Strange New Worlds 9


Star Trek 2374 short story Snw9
War Stories, Book 1 and Book 2

USS da Vinci

SCE 2374 eBook SCE21
String Theory


Voyager 2374 novel String theory evolution

External link[]