Achernar II

For other uses, see Achernar.

Achernar II (also known as Alpha Eridani II, Romulan language: Atlai'fehill Kre) was world orbiting the star Achernar.

Sometime in the 22nd century, the planet was colonized by Earth. In 2156, the entity known as Redjac murdered several females in this planet's city Heliopolis. Around the same time the colony was evacuated due to the threat of Romulan invasion. Gannet Brooks reported on the evacuation. (TOS episode: "Wolf in the Fold"; ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)

Given that 24th century sources cite Achernar II as a Romulan planet, it seems likely that the world was captured by the Empire during the Earth-Romulan War.

Until December of 2379, it was a planet in the Romulan Star Empire. That month, the planet fell under the control of the newly-formed Imperial Romulan State, whose capital was the Achernar Prime in the same star system. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)

Contradictory to other appearances, ST video game: Infinite depicts Achernar II as a class L planet, uninhabited at the start of the game in 2346.



Romulan planets and planetoids
83 Leonis B V872 Trianguli VAbraxas VAbraxas IXAbraxas PrimeAchernar IIAchernar PrimeAcrux IXAin IAlcyone IIAlgeron IIIArachnaeArtaleirhAssaf GolavAtrius VAvior VIIIB'Lev IBardatBestari XBrozBrutus XBu'Uli Tev IIICeles IIChalChaltok IVChara XCheronChetzia IIIChulConstanthusCor Caroli IXCor Caroli VCortCorvus VIIICrateris colonyDevoras planetDidacti IVDiWahnD'ravasasz IVDrovna IIIEilhaunnElohGallus IIIGarthosGasko IIGemma VIIGibraltarGirgaGlintara IGotanna IIIHellguardIzar IVJenjor VIKalabestaszKallionKarrKe Kwanus VKevratasKhazara planetLevaeri VMakarMireMelik VMira Maj VIMirhassaNequencia colonyNew RomulusNimbus IIIPersevus IIIPilum IVPlacidus IIPrimus IVRalatakRator IIIRator IVRemusRhei'llhneRomiiRomulusRotronSadallSadat VISalaHSandal IVSantora PrimeScheat IIIScutulum IIISeginus IISheratan VIISithoiSitula ITalvath colonyTartalusTerix IIThieurrullUnroth IIIVirinatXanitlaZaxx'n VIZevarus Prime Romulan Empire emblem image.

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