Charles Novakovich

For other uses, see Charles.
For other uses, see Novakovich.

Professor Charles Novakovich was a 24th century Human man, a noted Federation anthropologist who served in Starfleet.


Having studied at the University of New Paris and the University of Meezan IV, Novakovich earned degrees in archeology and anthropology. He was well-trained in Federation history, law, planetary survival, and tricorder use. He was knowledgeable in computer operations, writing, and vehicle operations.

He wrote several supporting papers on Hodgkin's Law and visited numerous worlds during his career. Notably, he resided on Areolus V for four years, during which he provided medical aid to the Areolans. That violation of the Prime Directive led to a court martial and an official reprimand by Starfleet Command, with those records sealed for the sake of privacy. He wrote a book about Areolan culture and soon accepted a teaching position at Starfleet Academy. (Last Unicorn RPG - SA module: Starfleet Academy Handbook)

In the year 2368, Wesley Crusher attended Novakovich's anthropology class. (TNG episode: "The Game")

In 2371, Dr. Novakovich served as chairman of the anthropology department, and was in charge of staff that included professors Jol Erentaro, Nina Larson, Chanasi Tiengtrakul, and Robert Winslow. He oversaw a curriculum that included 111 Cultural and Social Anthropology, 200 Peoples and Cultures of the Federation, 212 introduction to World Ethnography, 317, Technoanthropology, 220 Exoanthropological Field Research, 350 Field School in Exoarcheology, and 497 Advanced Topics in Anthropology. Novakovich and his staff coordinated with the Federation Diplomatic Service to arrange for guest lecturers.

Novakovich provided field research internships for committed cadets and sometimes took sabbaticals to further his research. (Last Unicorn RPG - SA module: Starfleet Academy Handbook)


  • "It is often a misconception that the Federation's advanced species have little or nothing to learn from more 'primitive' lifeforms inhabiting planets throughout the galaxy. While it is quite important for the Federation to protect the rights of these lifeforms to develop and evolve in their own good time, this is not to say we cannot learn from them... By better understanding these other cultures, we may better understand ourselves and the paths that brought us here." (Last Unicorn RPG - SA module: Starfleet Academy Handbook)



Starfleet Academy personnel
AaronsonV. AbramsAdaraS. AkisH. AlbrechtG. AntosR. AprileD. ArakelianK. ArielD. ArmbrusterA. AthansJ. AthelingJ. AudryJ. zh'AzethiqR. BarclayC. BassW. BaumM. BeckerA. BennettR. BeymerBialerR. BlakemoreP. BoomE. BoranV. BorrorBoothbyR. BrackettB. BragaA. BrandJ. BrandtO. BriaP. BrockelmanW. BrothnerBrownL. BrownellJ. B'tonA. BuchwalterA. BucklinH. BukaraA. CaitanoR. CavicChanS. ChangP. ChapmanP. ChekovS. ChenS. ChiangV. ChiangChiarelloJ. ClarkM. ClarkL. ColeComobrecoJ. ChuppV. ChyornyyE. CohnN. CorfewP. CrandallCrownM. DeckerH. DelaporeP. de la TorreS. De MarisR. DerosiersR. DesjardinS. DevimA. DiCassaM. DonnellyL. DortonJ. EaglefeatherJ. EardmanEllisaldaS. EmanR. EonarraErdmanJ. ErentaroEufingerB. FinneyJ. FleckR. FletcherD. FollenForbusA. FreilM. FullerD. GabrielleR. GalenN. GarrH. GaudetteM. GendermaneP. GenoranJ. GillD. GluckGortJ. GoutharC. GraffeoGravesGravesT. GrodnickC. GroveO. GwamningdoE. HahnB. HarwoodN. HaskJ. HeisenbergHendricksA. HenryHeyerE. HodgkinsH'okhW. HorneM. HoskinHowellL. HughulaghJ. HussM. IkawaZ. IxiterA. iXJohnsS. JacobyJ.R. JenningsM. Je'TorA. JonesJublikKalaR. KaufmannJ. KayserW. KeelKel-NahJ. KesterS. KesterD. KincaidJ.T. KirkKlartenR. KleinV. K'prellKuH. KyE. LandakerN. LarsonT. LaueJ. LevinsonLittleD. LivingstonK. LizzelJ. LongoLynchD. MalteseG. MarkovaW. MasefieldMayhar-PerthL. McCoyA. McTaggartW. MendelK. MendelsonJ. MeyrowitzM.C. MinorH. MirasolD. MiskJ. MitchellMlikkB. MooreNaharodnyB. NakagawaJ. NesterowiczN. NicholsNimembehC. NovakovichK. O'BrienM O'BrienG. O'DonoghueB. OlafsonOnafuwaM. OnizukaM. O'RileyO. ParisT. PattersonPembletonM. PfauJ-L. PicardJ. PollardM. PollardC. PraxisM. PrenticeG. PrimPritchardD. QuinaireRanthaS. th'RasdethC. RasmussenG. RescherRhakh-temK. RileyS. RubichikD. RokamS. RuosSalonSalorP. SawyerD. SchweitzerK. SchönhertzM. ScottF. SegfrunsdóttirR. SeitzJ.M. SellersSelokSemekJ. SierraSilasP. SimenonA. SimmonsE. SinghH. SitkoffSlavitSofakSolokSomakSparkSpockSporikS'renStarfleet Science Officer (SCISEC Briefs)E. Stein-MorrowSteinbergStellStorekM. StraussSulakH. SuluS. SummersworthSurJ. TalTarleggiaV. TasserTelekR. TemoreThoG. TholC. TiengtrakulJ. TileeS. TillyT'LanJ. ab TokathM. TonnS. TorosianT'PelakTr'lsanaW. TrainerT'StrellaL. T'suB. TurganoTuvokTrumbleT'vanN. UhuraL. UlrichD. UrquhartS. van AnlingJ. Van MilnerJ. vander ToddT. VarghorneE. VassbinderI. VellacoraG. VeyVingeA. V'narM. VriS. WardD. WhittierWingateR. WinslowJ. WinterC. WirthD. WiseE. WittH. WongJ. WongL. WongV. WongT. XianXonB. YacobianK. YosH. ZakarianZarshZervikZhengH. ZimmermanJ. ZorkaJ. ZsigrayKyethn Zund Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image. Starfleet Academy icon image.


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