
Edos (also known as Edo III or 92 Trianguli Rho 2) was a class M planet in the Epsilon Minora star system, homeworld to the Edosian race.


Edo III was located in what was considered Federation space denoted as the Starfleet Intelligence sector 1, near Vulcan. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual: Game Operations)

According to TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1" Edos was the second planet in the system, while according to FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual: Game Operations it was the third.

The closest Starfleet starbase to this system in the 23rd century was Starbase 8, although there was a Starfleet Intelligence base in the system, at Edo III. According to Starfleet Intelligence outpost maps, this system's coordinates are 0.51N 4.11W. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual: Game Operations)

Edos was situated between Starbase 129 and Gamma Trianguli. (NF short story: "The Road to Edos")

History and specifics[]

Edosians were not members of the Federation but were loosely allied with it. It was rare for Edosians to serve in Starfleet. (Adventures RPG modules: Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook, The Animated Series Supplemental Guide)

Edos joined the Federation at some point in the 23rd century. (TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1")

While TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1" states that Arex joined Starfleet soon after Edos joined the Federation, according to Adventures RPG module: Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook the Edosians were only loosely allied with the Federation during the time period of The Original Series.

Edos' fauna and flora included the Edosian orchid, the Edosian slug and the Edosian suckerfish. (DS9 episode: "Broken Link"; ENT episode: "The Catwalk"; ENT episode: "These Are the Voyages...")

