Graphic Novel Collection, Volume 3

Graphic Novel Collection, Volume 3: Hive is an omnibus, third in the Graphic Novel Collection series. Published by Eaglemoss in 2017, it reprints the Hive miniseries from IDW Publishing as well as "Invasion of the City Builders" from Gold Key Comics.


In the distant future, the entire galaxy has been completely assimilated by the Borg and its King, Locutus. The only hope for the future lies in the past – in the hands of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise.
Collecting the original four-part miniseries, this graphic novel sees Captain Picard face off against the Borg in one final terrifying and definitive encounter.





Graphic Novel Collection
ST 1226067102109111112118120130
TOS 24910131518192023242629303134394144464951525354576164687275788384899093100101103104105108110115121122125127129134138139
Kelvin timeline 6712141725364045485663717781879295
TNG 351116273233425058656669737679828588919496979899113119128132135136140
DS9 283537434755596270748086106114116123126
VOY 2138124131
SA IDW (8) • Marvel (107117133137)
Extras Special Editions (123456) • Premium Photonovels (1234)