
A holonovel is a type of holographic program which presents a dramatic narrative, much as a novel. Some holonovels allow participants to take on the role of one of the narrative's characters and interact with other holographic characters.

In and around Federation space[]

Nilz Baris wrote holonovels. (DS9 short story: "Dorian's Diary")

Data's holonovels[]

At some point prior to the year 2371, Data attempted to compose holonovels. These first drafts were stored in the Enterprise-D holodeck, but didn't appear to be approaching completion. (TNG - Warped short story: "Werewolf-Wolf")

Data's holonovels
The Werewolf-Wolf: The Story of a Wolf that Can Turn into a Werewolf, Based on a Drawing by Geordi La ForgeThe Mystery of the Candy TreeGeordi Can FlyCowboy HorseDance-Contest DangerWho Kidnapped Cowboy HorseSnake TownVacation Island and the Mysterious Coin

In other cultures[]

In Kornak culture, holodramas were a form of popular entertainment, and often depicted stories of doctors and dramatic medical scenarios. These holodramas normally exaggerated real-life medical procedures for dramatic effect. (SCE eBook: Wounds, Book 1)


Though holoprograms based on literary works featuring Dixon Hill and Sherlock Holmes were seen early in TNG's run, the term "holonovel" was not coined until VOY episode "Cathexis", to describe the holoprogram in which Kathryn Janeway played the role of a Victorian governess.