Lake Yuron

Lake Yuron aerial

Aerial view of the lake.

Map Lake Yuron

Map of the southern shore.

Lake Yuron

Lake Yuron.

Lake Yuron was a body of water, a lake on planet Vulcan. (VOY episode: "The Disease")


Lake Yuron was part of the ShiKahr District, one of the Vulcan provinces. The city of Lake Yuron lay on its southern shore, west of the 5-kilometer-long Eridani Beach. A number of villages, some of them prohibiting most modern technologies, were also situated along the shore. (ST reference: Hidden Universe Travel Guide: Vulcan)


In the year 2156, T'Pol observed that there were mists shrouding Lake Yuron and other locations when she looked out from ShiKahr. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)

In 2375, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok was advised by Ensign Tom Paris that the Varro's environmental systems could recreate elements of Tuvok's homeworld in his quarters, particularly the shores of Lake Yuron during springtime. (VOY episode: "The Disease")

In the 2379 edition of a travel guide to Vulcan, Captain Saavik provided comment for Lake Yuron. The comment was retained in the 2387 edition. The travel guide recommended landmarks for potential tourists to Lake Yuron. (ST reference: Hidden Universe Travel Guide: Vulcan)



the planet Vulcan (Ni'Var)
cities and settlements AraKahrChi-reeDa'kum'UlchaDa-lebIn-YarIshayaIsk'KahrJaleylJia'anKahrKeldeenK'Lan-neKhir AhlKirKren'thanKwil'inorLe'TenyaNaweeth CityNekhieRemsusalaRh'IahrShanaiKahrShariKahrShiGralShiKahrSriKahrSuraKahrT'lingSharT'PaalTa'VistarVulcana RegarVulcinisXen'talZayus Federation icon image. Vulcan icon image.
landmarks and institutions Ancients of DaysDiplomatic InstituteFal-lan-tralFort Aba'kurHall of Ancient ThoughtHall of DebatesHall of VoicesKolinahru MonasteryKul'Cha'VirKu'Vel'DiKurat Temple ComplexM'dai sensor dishMonastery of UlannThe OasisRaal Provincial HospitalSarek School of Diplomacy and Ambassadorial StudiesSerenity SquareShiKahr AcademyShrine of S'vecShrine of T'VetSurak MemorialT'ralor PreserveT'Karath SanctuaryT'sar MuseumTav'Sal'NavaTinsha MonasteryTe'RikhTemple of LogicTemple of T'PanitTemple of AmonakT'Klass's PillarV'Shull InstituteVa'ne'meLakhtVulcan Academy of ArchivesVulcan ArchivesVulcan Institute of Defensive ArtsVulcan Science Academy
nations and provinces Enclave of the Faceless OnesGolKhomiKel ProvinceKir ProvinceLyr T'ayaRaalShi'alTat'SahrTekeh ProvinceXial
geography Al-Stakna MountainsCaves of KolinarCaves of KulvirCheleb-khor DesertGo'an DesertFire PlainsHarari DesertKendha-YaKurat Mountain RangeLlangon MountainsMount KolinahrMount P-TaMount TarhanaMountains of Gol (Mount SeleyaSurak's Peak) • Nal'shin ValleyNa'reePelashtPlains of GolPlateau of Tai-laShival FlatsTa'ValshTe-Vikram cavesT'Kallaron cavesT'raanT'regarT'riallT'ralor PreserveValley of EverlastingViltan FlatsVulcan's AnvilVulcan's Forge (GatewayPlain of BloodWomb of Fire) • Vuldi Gorge
continents and landmasses Han-shirNa'namXir'tan
bodies of water Great T'Kala SeaLake YuronStraits of Ha'zenThanor SeaVoroth Sea

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