
The Lerows were a felinoid civilization indigenous to the Lerow homeworld.


Lerows had humanoid physiology. Facial features included pronounced snouts, large furry ears, and narrow pupils.

Their space service consisted of at least one Lerow rocket. Personnel wore uniforms and a logo consisting of a circle with a single diagonal line behind it.


In 2266, the Lerows were desperate to restore life energy to their planet's ecology, which had been depleted by acid rains. A rocket was dispatched to Ecnal to collect life energy, but it was exposed by Starfleet visitors. Luckily, a landing party from the USS Enterprise realized what they were doing and gave them an energy converter to turn weapons fire into life energy. Before returning home, the commander of the Lerow rocket gave the landing party and Ecnalian leader flowering plants from his homeworld. (TOS comic: "Planet Ecnal's Dilemma")

