
Kay Eaton reading Galaxy Science Fiction.
A magazine is a recurring publication that includes articles of similar thematic content. Magazines can contain all sorts of information and images. The cycle of publication could be weekly, fortnightly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or even yearly. Magazines have been published both physically and as electronic media.
In universe[]
- Bolarus and You (Bolarus)
- The Day of the Android (Alpha Centauri)
- Elite (Magna Roma)
- Galaxy Week
- Harper's Weekly (Earth)
- Interstellar Merchant
- Newsweek (Earth)
- Seeker (Trill)
- Time (Earth)
- Watch the Skies (Earth)
- Esquire (Earth)
- Federation Life Magazine
- Life (Earth)
- The Gallian (Magna Roma)
- McIverton Today! (Alpha Centauri IV)
- People (Earth)
- Ports Illustrated (23rd century)
- Vogue (Earth)
- Youth Life
- Free Vulcan Gazette (Vulcan)
- Hush-Hush (Earth)
- Insider Illustrated (Earth)
- National Register (Earth)
- Startling Universe (Earth)
- Tinseltown Tattler (Earth)
- Analog (Earth)
- Amazing Stories (Earth)
- Astounding Science Fiction (Earth)
- Captain Proton Magazine (Earth)
- Galaxy Science Fiction (Earth)
- Incredible Tales of Scientific Wonder (Earth)
- Startling Universe (Earth)
- Wonder Stories (Earth)
Science and trade[]
- In the 1950s, one or two news magazines reported the unusual behavior of an asylum inmate who had to be restrained and sedated after speaking his name, James T. Kirk. The reports were eventually discovered by Spock in 2269, who used them to rescue the captain. (TOS - The New Voyages short story: "Mind-Sifter")
- In the 1950s and 1960s, various magazines sold at drugstores sensationalized threats to Earth from UFOs. James Wainwright purchased many of them, along with alien invasion novels such as The War of the Worlds. (TOS eBook: The Aliens Are Coming!)
- In May 1974, Gary Seven placed ads in medical trade and popular science magazines offering discounts for types of technology that might entice members of a large-scale genetic engineering operation. (TOS - The Eugenics Wars novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1)
- In 1994, the elaborate work to construct Roberta Lincoln's cover identity as Bobbie Landers included magazine subscriptions. (TOS - The Eugenics Wars novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2)
- In 2251, Leonard McCoy opened a bosun's locker aboard the shuttle Spitfire hoping to find some old magazines for passengers to read. He was surprised to find it full of real books. (TOS - SA novella: Cadet Kirk)
- In 2255 of the Kelvin timeline, Cadet Nyota Uhura spotted the article "Ten Good Reasons to Date an Older Man" inside a magazine, while waiting in the visitor's lounge of Starfleet Medical College. (TOS - SA novel: The Delta Anomaly)
- In the 2260s, ship's historian Gilden kept sets of printed magazines, as well as books, letters and other historical records from planets visited by the starship USS Enterprise for later input to Memory Alpha. (TOS novel: Ghost-Walker)
- In 2374, a member of the Q seemed to be reading a copy of a magazine named Q, although Q had no idea where it came from. (TNG novel: Q-Space)
- In 2377, Brad Barringer's apartment in a Dixon Hill holographic program contained theater and movie magazines. (TNG novel: A Hard Rain)
Magazines have been published since the 17th century and have covered every topic imaginable. A number of licensed magazines have been devoted to Star Trek, some covering the entire franchise, others focusing on a single series or movie. Some have even included licensed stories.
Star Trek magazines[]
Star Trek Magazines | |
Collections | Final Frontier • Stardate Magazine • StarDrive • Starlog • Comic • Explorer • Fact Files • Giant Poster Book • Magazine • Communicator • DS9 - The Official Poster Magazine • The Collector's Edition • The Magazine • TNG Magazine • TNG - The Official Poster Magazine • The Official Fan Club Magazine • The Official Fan Club of the UK Magazine • The Official Starships Collection • TOS - The Collector's Edition • Official TNG Magazine • Official DS9 Magazine • Official VOY Magazine |
Single Issues | The Motion Picture - Giant Poster Book • The Motion Picture - Novel Pin-up Poster Book • The Wrath of Khan - The Official Movie Magazine • The Wrath of Khan - Official Movie Poster Magazine • The Search for Spock - The Official Movie Magazine • The Search for Spock - Poster Magazine • The Voyage Home - The Official Movie Magazine • The Voyage Home - The Official Poster Magazine • The Final Frontier - The Official Movie Magazine • The Undiscovered Country - The Official Movie Magazine • Generations - Official Movie Souvenir Magazine • Generations - The Official Poster Magazine • First Contact - Official Movie Souvenir Magazine • First Contact - The Official Poster Magazine • Insurrection - Official Movie Souvenir Magazine |
Star Trek stories published in magazines[]
Media | |||
Episode | Movie | Book | Game |
Novel | Comic | Anthology | Reference |
Novelization | Manga | Omnibus | RPG |
eBook | Audiobook | Miniseries | Duology |
- TOS - The Eugenics Wars novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1
- TOS - The Eugenics Wars novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2
- TOS novel: Ghost-Walker
- TOS - SA novella: Cadet Kirk
- TOS - SA novel: The Delta Anomaly
- TOS eBook: The Aliens Are Coming!
- TOS - The New Voyages short story: "Mind-Sifter"
- TNG novel: Q-Space
- TNG novel: A Hard Rain
External links[]
- Magazine article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Magazine article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- Magazine article at