
Metamorpha rocket missile

Missile aimed at a volcano.

Missiles were a type of projectile weapon used by a variety of species and organizations.

History and specifics[]

Einstein-class vessels were equipped with several photonic missile launcher turrets that launched several energized warheads in rapid fire. (TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek)

In the Kelvin timeline, fighter-type vessels, such as the Federation Interceptor-class and Romulan Gladius-class, were armed with missiles. Pirates, operating space pirate vessels, were also heavily armed with missiles, able to fire multiple seeking missiles. (TOS video game: D-A-C)

On Metamorpha in 2266 while under the influence of non-corporeal Metamorphans, Spock installed tiantianium ore within the payload of a special missile rocket. A gurney aimed and fired it into a volcanic crater along a precise trajectory to the planet's core. When the missile detonated, it restored the planet's altered chemistry and reconstituted the natives. (TOS comic: "The Peril of Planet Quick Change")


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