Mister Chekov
"Mister Chekov" is the tenth issue of John Byrne's Star Trek: New Visions comic series. It was published in January 2016.
- You met him as the navigator on the Bridge, but what roles did Pavel Chekov play aboard the USS Enterprise before his promotion to the starboard seat? Find out as we go below decks for "Mister Chekov," courtesy of writer/photoartist John Byrne!
- Captain's log, stardate 2135.9.
- End of shift, and I am preparing to turn full command over to my first officer for a few hours. All seems peaceful.
During the night shift, newly-arrived Ensign Pavel Chekov was settling in to his role as an assistant in engineering and working directly with Montgomery Scott. They worked together in a Jefferies tube and then recalibrated the intercooloers.
That evening, warp engine power levels began to rise mysteriously. The Enterprise had encountered an expanding spacial disturbance which Hikaru Sulu dubbed Solid Space, an intersection point with a parallel universe. If it wasn't stopped, it might trigger a Big Bang and annihilate the prime universe. As the disruption expanded to fill the galaxy, the ship's warp engines soaked up mammoth amounts of power. Shea and Chekov helped Scott disperse that excess energy by firing aft phasers continuously. Spock theorized that a massive, sudden injection of energy to the center of the disturbance would invert it.
During their approach to the center, the navigator's station overloaded and knocked out Sean DePaul. Chekov was on the bridge and pointed out that the burnt-out station was still usable. Sulu told James T. Kirk that he'd worked with Chekov on the simulator and seen a flair for navigation. Chekov manned the station for the first time. Once the requisite energy was released, Sulu and Chekov prevented the ship from being sucked into the parallel universe. Kirk gave Chekov an official commendation in his ship's log.
Three months later, Nyota Uhura brought Chekov a gift from Kirk: promotion to bridge duty and a command division gold shirt.
- Pavel Chekov • Sean DePaul • Fischer • Healy • James T. Kirk • Charlene Masters • Leonard McCoy • Marla McGivers • Elizabeth Palmer • Spock • Hikaru Sulu • Nyota Uhura • Ramirez • Shea Referenced only
- Albert Einstein
Starships and vehicles[]
- Alpha Quadrant Referenced only
- Nestor III • Starbase 9
Races and cultures[]
States and organizations[]
Ranks and titles[]
- captain • commander • czar • doctor • ensign • first officer • historian • lieutenant • medic • navigator • officer • peasant
Science and technology[]
- aft phaser • AT-27 • battery • Big Bang • black hole • capacitor • circuit • communicator • computer • deflector shield • event horizon • galaxy • GL-932 • gravity control • impulse engine • intercooler • ion storm • light year • main routing conduits • multiverse • nanosecond • navigation • phaser • physical laws • primary battery • scanner • sensor • simulator • Solid Space • space dock • subspace communications • universe • warp drive
Other references[]
- bowling alley • bridge • captain's log • cherry • chicken • damage control party • deity • engineering • Jefferies tube • night shift • ship's log • sickbay • sponge • stardate • water
- TOS - Strange New Worlds VII short story: "Indomitable" – Chekov left his post in auxiliary control to man the navigation station on the bridge during a crisis in 2267, and his actions saved the ship.
- This story took place ten days after Pavel Chekov arrived on the Enterprise, and three months prior to his promotion to bridge duty. The last page took place the evening prior to his first duty shift on the bridge, as Nyota Uhura brought him a command division uniform.
- The timing of Chekov's debut aboard the Enterprise varied in different sources. TOS novel: Living Memory noted Chekov's transfer to the ship shortly after the events of TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: Tomorrow is Yesterday in 2267, whereas TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure described Chekov already serving as the ship's navigator when James T. Kirk first met him in 2264. In canon, Chekov actor Walter Koenig first appeared in TOS episode & Star Trek 8 novelization: Catspaw and famously had not been in TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: Space Seed, though Chekov pointed out in TOS - Untold Voyages comic: "Silent Cries" that he was present when Khan Noonien Singh took over engineering. Chekov was absent in most stories set prior to 2267, although he appeared in some Gold Key Comics that have been assigned to 2266 in the Memory Beta Chronology.
- Marla McGivers appeared in this story, though her name was not mentioned, a callback to Kirk having trouble remembering her name in "Space Seed".
- Charlene Masters appeared in Engineering in the background on page 8.
published order | ||
Previous comic: The Hollow Man |
TOS comics (New Visions) | Next comic: Of Woman Born |
Previous story: The Hollow Man |
Stories by: John Byrne |
Next story: Of Woman Born |
chronological order | ||
Previous adventure: Vicious Circle! |
Memory Beta Chronology | Next adventure: Web of the Romulans |
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2267. The Memory Beta Chronology places events from this story in 1 other timeframe(s): | ||
Previous adventure: Strange New Worlds VII Indomitable |
2267 (Last page) | Next adventure: The Modala Imperative A Little Seasoning |
External link[]
- Mister Chekov article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.