Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise

Based on the engineering logs of Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott.


Aided by the logbooks of Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott and recently declassified Starfleet material, Shane Johnson has written the most accurate, in-depth look at the USS Enterprise available.
For the first time anywhere, deck-by-deck in full, fascinating detail, you will tour the inside of the USS Enterprise, the United Federation of Planets' most recognized intragalactic ambassador. Using dozens of blueprints, sketches, and photographs, you'll visit the on-ship sites of Captain Kirk, Mister Spock and Commander Scott's most famous adventures—and take a never-before-revealed peek at the inner workings of a starship.
From the engineering room to the captain's quarters, from sickbay to auxiliary control, here is your complete guide to the most famous starship of all—the USS Enterprise!


By 2276, the Enterprise was the sole surviving member of the original 13 Constitution-class starships constructed. This demonstrated rather graphically to the public that space was far more dangerous than generally thought. This, along with the fame and favor in the public eye the crew and ship had earned led the Federation Council to successfully motion for Starfleet to reverse its decision to have the Enterprise decommissioned and dismantled (a plan that was unknown to the public). Even though Starfleet had reversed that decision, they decided the ship's technology was seriously out of date and a major overhaul was needed for the Enterprise to maintain its state-of-the-art status. Initially, the refit was intended to focus mainly on the drive systems, but was soon expanded into a ship wide refit.

Enterprise was launched in 2245 (reference stardate 1/90).

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Montgomery ScottJames T. KirkSpock

Starships and vehicles[]

Constitution-class Enterprise-subclass refit
USS EnterpriseUSS Enterprise-AUSS Ti-Ho
SW7-class shuttlecraft
other vehicles
mark 12B shuttleFederation travel pod


Shipboard locations[]

USS Enterprise
bridgequartersshuttlebaysickbayauxiliary control

Planetary locations[]

San Francisco, California

Stations and outposts[]

Earth Drydock Facility 3

Planets and planetoids[]


Stars and systems[]

Sol (Sol system) • Alpha Centauri

Stellar regions[]

Sol sector

Races and cultures[]


States and organizations[]

FederationFederation CouncilStarfleetStarfleet Engineering Command


Atalskes Phaser CorporationChiokis Starship Construction CorporationKloratis DrivesLeeding Engines Ltd.Nutritech CorporationSestra WeaponsShuvinaaljis Warp Technologies


Starfleet Academy

Materials and substances[]

aluminumdiburniumdiburnium-osmium alloyosmiumtitaniumtransparent aluminum

Technology and weapons[]

Atalskes phaser IIIAtalskes phaser IVcommunicatorcomputerdeflectorduotronicsheat shieldimpulse enginelanding legorbitfive-year missionphaserphaser pistolradiation shieldrunning lightself destructSestra phaser ISestra phaser IISestra phaser IBSestra phaser IIBshuttlecraftstarshiptype-2 phaserwarp corewarp drivewarp nacelle

Foods and beverages[]

asparagus with basil-sour cream • baked acorn squashbarbecued chickenBavarian bratwurst casserolebeef (chili con carnebeef stroganoffsirloin with blue ribbon sauceYankee pot roastBurgundy beefCaribbean steak kabobs) • broccoli casserolechicken (chicken à la Kingalmond chickenasparagus chicken with black bean saucechicken cacciatorecashew chickenHawaiian chickenCornish hen, lime glazed) • clam chowderdeviled crabduckling with Cherry sauceeggs BenedictGerman potato saladham with pineapplelamb chops à L'Orangelobster tailsmacaronicheesemacaroni and cheesemushroom cheese canapésnuts (assorted) • oriental brown riceoysters (scalloped) • perch with dillpork, sweet and sour • potatoes au gratinpumpkin pieratatouillecheese soufflé • stuffed pork chopstrout amandine with pineappleveal parmesanzucchini provencale
adronn feltarab'lltarrbertakk soupc'torrfilrakfarr-kahliihntyakahri-torrafeiacakleetantaforati sauceL-Lersamia-zedplomeek soupt'coraca
akharradalardi partinnadreaakduuplonihonarnecreenaskoparsohla t'pocowanyutann

Ranks and titles[]

admiralambassadorcaptainchief engineercommandercommanding officercommodoreengineerrear admiral

Other references[]

energyFederation Starfleet ranks (2270s)Federation Starfleet ranks (2270s-2350s)formation lighthullinsignialifeformlight cubelog entrymatterplanetraces and culturesrankrank insigniarefitship commissioningspaceStarfleet charterStarfleet uniformStarfleet uniform (2265-2270)Starfleet uniform (Early 2270s)Starfleet uniform (2278-2350s)swimming poolthree-dimensional chesstitletypefaceuniform


stardate 7523.2 / reference stardate 2/12 / April 7
Enterprise returns to Earth.
reference stardate 1/90
Enterprise commissioned.




All dates listed in the manual use the "reference stardate" timeline developed in the Spaceflight Chronology and extended by FASA (i.e. listing the Enterprise-A's launch date as 2222 SFC rather than 2286). Dates that are not expressed with a reference stardate notation should be understood to be conversions to the standard timeline.


Cover image.

Cover image.

Atalskes phaser IV.

Atalskes phaser IV.

SW7 shuttle.

SW7 shuttle.

Workbee logo from the 2270s.

Workbee logo from the 2270s.


Star Trek reference works
In-universe BlueprintsStar Fleet Technical ManualMedical Reference ManualOfficial Cooking ManualSpaceflight ChronologyMonstersThe Motion Picture BlueprintsMapsBiographiesKlingon DictionaryWho's Who in Star Trek (Issues 12) • Mr. Scott's Guide to the EnterpriseThe Worlds of the FederationTNG Technical JournalTNG Technical ManualChronologyEncyclopedia (Volumes 1234) • Ferengi Rules of AcquisitionFederation PassportThe Klingon WayNCC-1701-D BlueprintsThese Are the Voyages...Federation Travel GuideA Star to Steer Her ByLegends of the FerengiKlingon for the Galactic TravelerQ's Guide to the ContinuumDS9 Technical ManualThe Tribble HandbookThe Klingon HamletStar Trek CookbookCelebrationsStarship SpotterThe Hologram's HandbookThe Starfleet Survival GuideStar ChartsShips of the LineStar Trek Legacy Prima Official Game GuideCaptain Kirk's Guide to WomenHaynes Manuals (USS EnterpriseKlingon Bird of Prey) • Federation: The First 150 YearsOn Board the USS EnterpriseA Very Klingon KhristmasStellar CartographyKlingon Art of WarAutobiographies (James T. KirkJean-Luc PicardKathryn JanewaySpockBenjamin Sisko) • Hidden Universe Travel Guides (VulcanKlingon Empire) • Shipyards (Starfleet Ships, 2151-2293Starfleet Ships, 2294-The FutureThe Klingon FleetFederation MembersBorg & Delta Quadrant, A to K Delta Quadrant, L to ZAlpha Quadrant, A-KAlpha Quadrant, L-Z) • Illustrated Handbooks (NCC-1701-DNCC-1701 & 1701-AVoyagerDeep Space 9) • Body by StarfleetKirk Fu ManualThe Star Trek CookbookUSS Cerritos Crew Handbook
Real world The Making of Star TrekThe World of Star TrekInside Star TrekMaking of The Motion PictureCompendiumMaking of The Wrath of KhanTNG CompanionMake-Up FX JournalWhere No One Has Gone Before: A History in PicturesMaking of DS9The Art of Star TrekInside Star Trek: The Real StoryMaking of First ContactPhase II: The Lost SeriesTOS SketchbookThe Continuing MissionScience LogsTNG Sketchbook: The MoviesAction!Secrets of InsurrectionQuotable Star TrekDS9 CompanionAliens & ArtifactsThe Magic of TribblesVOY CompanionVoyages of Imagination101Star Trek: The Art of the FilmArt of Star Trek OnlineA Comics History365Star Trek VaultVisual DictionaryCostumesNew Life and New Civilizations: Exploring Star Trek ComicsTNG: WarpedThe Star Trek Book50 Artists 50 YearsDesigning Starships (The Enterprises and BeyondThe USS Voyager and BeyondThe Kelvin TimelineDSC Designing StarshipsDS9 and Beyond) • TreknologyThe Art of Star Trek: The Kelvin TimelineLost ScenesOfficial Guide to TASThe Motion Picture: Inside the Art & Visual EffectsCocktails: A Stellar CompendiumArt of DSCVOY: A CelebrationThe Artistry of Dan CurryDesigning the Final FrontierTOS: A CelebrationThe Star Trek Book of FriendshipPicard: The Art and Making of the Series
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