Prince Traitor
On planet Fayo, Kirk is the pawn in a palace revolt! — "Prince Traitor" was a Star Trek comic book story published by Gold Key Comics in 1977, the 44th issue of their TOS series. It was the sixth drawn by Alden McWilliams and the 16th written by Arnold Drake.
In this story, Kirk, Spock and Montgomery Scott became embroiled in a rebellion on a pre-industrial planet.
- "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child," Shakespeare reported. The Enterprise crew find themselves in full, frightening agreement as they face… Prince Traitor.
Captain's log, star date 19:26:4.
During the reception, an assassin nearly killed the landing party. He represented a rebellion against the monarchy of Emperor Bavoda. At the palace, Bavoda asked that his trusted son Yano enter Starfleet Academy and serve a tour in Starfleet to learn more about the sciences and arts. Kirk agreed, and beamed him up the next day. But back on the planet, Spock was held hostage, and Yano chose to beam himself down in exchange for Spock. Upon learning that Kirk had lost his son, Bavoda was furious. He ordered the Enterprise crew off the planet and said he would file a formal protest with the Federation Council. Kirk moved the ship outside the range of telescopes and the three officers beamed back that night to search for Yano and the rebel leader.
Captain's log, star date 19:26:4.
- A thermal scan of the surrounding country suggests one jungle area as a possible rebel HQ. Shall beam down to investigate.
The landing party was quickly captured and put in a cell with Yano. While sympathetic to the rebels' demands for democratic reforms, Yano decried their violence and asked that the officers intercede. Spock explained that the Prime Directive forbade them from doing so. Disappointed, Yano revealed that he was in fact the rebel leader. He said he would attempt to trade his people's political freedom for the lives of the landing party and his own. Riding Fayo ostriches, Yano and Kirk headed back to the city.
Meanwhile, Colonel Lam had been assigned to find Yano. He knew Yano led the rebels and thought he might be able to kill Yano while feigning ignorance. Security patrols riding camelephants caught sight of Kirk, Yano and rebel troops, and pursued them into the jungle. Kirk was able to hit one of the camelephants with his phaser and knock Lam to the ground. Yano captured Lam, ending the fight.
At the palace, Bavoda abdicated, placing his crown on Yano. The new leader pledged to enact democratic reforms.
- Bavoda • Dubo • James T. Kirk • Lam • Ordro • Montgomery Scott • Spock • Hikaru Sulu • Nyota Uhura • Yano • unnamed Fayons Referenced only
- Brain Ray Robot • Duanda • Riyo III • William Shakespeare
Starships and vehicles[]
- carriage • USS Enterprise (Constitution-class heavy cruiser)
- Fayo Referenced only
- Asteroid Delta • Earth
Races and cultures[]
States and organizations[]
Science and technology[]
- aspirin • crossbow • engine • flail • knife • mace • phaser • spear • spotlight • sword • telescope • thermal scan • transporter • viewscreen • weapon
Ranks and titles[]
- artist • assassin • captain • chief of security • colonel • emperor • guard • lord • musician • painter • poet • prince • rebel • servant • terrorist • warrior
- camelephant • dog • Fayo ostrich • hornet • unicorn
Other references[]
- assignment patch • beam • blood • bridge • captain's log • captain's log, USS Enterprise, 2266 • century • cigar • city • civil war • crystal ball • dancing • democracy • emotion • Federation Starfleet ranks (2260s) • feudalism • fire • foods and beverages • freedom • guitar • helmet • history • hostage • hour • jungle • King Lear • log entry • minute • monarchy • music • oath • palace • peace • politics • Prime Directive • prison cell • quarters • races and cultures • rank • rebellion • review board • second • Starfleet ranks • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2265-2270) • terrorism • transporter room • tree • water • year
- TOS comic: "The Animal People" – A rebellion by Yerba on Hercula, aided by the emperor's son.
- TOS comic: "Day of the Inquisitors" – A rebellion against feudal Inquisitors.
- TOS comic: "Destination Annihilation" – A civil war between Mazdan and Ariman races in the R-517 star system.
- TOS comic: "A World Against Itself" – A civil war between Garda and Stoyak races on Bira III.
- TOS comic: "The Cosmic Cavemen" – A battle between Kovar and Tol tribes on Neesan.
- TOS comic: "The Evictors" – A civil war between the native Nrakan and emigrated Sanoora of Nraka.
- 2266
- James T. Kirk and Spock repelled a siege on Asteroid Delta. 2266
- Spock was attacked by a Brain Ray Robot. 2266
- Spock rescued Kirk from a Duanda. 2266 (stardate 1926.4)
- USS Enterprise orbited Fayo.
- This story was first reprinted in English in 2018, but has been translated into Dutch, German and Italian.
- The story opened with a quote from Act 1, Scene 4 of King Lear by William Shakespeare. The quote was also used as the title of TAS episode: "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth".
- During the story, Kirk recalled experiences from three untold Enterprise missions.
- The story addressed terrorism and what actions Yano felt were necessary to achieve freedom and democracy. Kirk took a Starfleet oath never to negotiate with terrorists.
- It was not explained how the Fayons knew about the Federation, or how Emperor Bavoda was familiar with Starfleet Academy and Starfleet.
- A short scene at the palace, with Kirk, Spock and Scott watching a musician and dancer, was reminiscent of the opening scene on Argelius II in TOS episode & Star Trek 8 novelization: Wolf in the Fold.
- Two unicorns were seen pulling a horse-drawn carriage. Horses also had horns on the planet Jodarr in "Spore of the Devil".
- The story had several parallels with "The Animal People", including a civil war rebellion for freedom against oppression, Spock held hostage for a prisoner exchange, an emperor threatening Kirk with reprisals from Starfleet, a military leader with his own agenda, and a sympathetic prince.
- Hikaru Sulu appeared with one line of dialogue on page 8. Nyota Uhura appeared without dialogue on the bridge on page 10.
published order | ||
Previous comic: #43: The World Beneath the Waves |
TOS comics (Gold Key) | Next comic: #45: The Voodoo Planet (reprint) |
Previous comic: #43: The World Beneath the Waves |
TOS comics (Gold Key original stories) | Next comic: #46: Mr. Oracle |
Previous story: The World Beneath the Waves |
Stories by: Arnold Drake |
Next story: Mr. Oracle |
chronological order | ||
Previous adventure: The Trial of Captain Kirk |
Memory Beta Chronology | Next adventure: The Evictors |
Previous comic: The Trial of Captain Kirk |
Voyages of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), Year Two | Next comic: The Evictors |
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2266. The Memory Beta Chronology places events from this story in 1 other timeframe(s): | ||
Previous adventure: The Enterprise Mutiny |
2266 Flashback to prior missions |
Next adventure: The Devil's Isle of Space |
Production history[]
- May 1977
- First published by Gold Key Comics September 2008
- Included on The Complete Comic Book Collection DVD (Graphic Imaging Technologies) 11 October 2018
- Reprinted in the omnibus Graphic Novel Collection #47 (Eaglemoss)
- 1978
- German: Abridged as "Die Rebellen von Fayo" in Raumschiff Enterprise Comic Album #2 (Condor) 1979
- Dutch: As "De Verrader" in Ruimteschip Enterprise Strip-album #2 (De Vrijbuiter) 2007
- Italian: As "Il Principe Traditore" in the omnibus The Gold Key Collection, Volume 10 (Free Books)
External links[]
- Prince Traitor article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Prince Traitor article at Curt Danhauser's Guide to the Gold Key Star Trek Comics.
- Prince Traitor article at Siskoid's Blog of Geekery.