Salad is a balanced serving of food, usually made with vegetables and other ingredients in a loose mixture. The healthiest salads are those with leafy vegetables although many variations could include beans, meats and eggs. Salads are usually served with a dressing of some sort, a sauce that complements the flavor.
History and specifics[]
In the 2260s decade, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott shared a traditional recipe with Nurse Christine Chapel for a tomato and green onion salad, with a dressing fashioned from vinegar, oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and mustard, usually served alongside colcannon or chicken stovies. Scotty let her adapt the salad for the USS Enterprise's food processors so long as she'd also do the same for haggis. (TOS reference: Official Cooking Manual)
In 2268, Chapel lost some weight after going on a diet which included eating a lot of salads. (TOS - S31 novel: Cloak)
Nyota Uhura and Jabilo M'Benga attended a Starfleet celebration of Christmas shortly after the USS Enterprise's five-year mission ended, and one of the foods M'Benga chose from the buffet was a salad of marinated asparagus, water buffalo cheese and smoked artichoke. (TOS novel: Traitor Winds)
Captain Rachel Garrett enjoyed a sandwich and salad for her lunch-time meal. (ST short story: "Hour of Fire")
A Delta Quadrant salad of horva greens and kanda root was created by Neelix in the USS Voyager mess hall. (VOY - Strange New Worlds I short story: "Ambassador at Large")
Salads with Andorian tuber root or Denuvian sprigs were served aboard USS Titan. (TTN novel: Taking Wing)
Types of salad[]
- blue-leaf salad
- coleslaw
- egg salad
- German potato salad
- Ruthvian salad
- soya salad
- Tautean salad
External links[]
- Salad article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Salad article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.