Schism, Issue 3

Publisher's description[]

From solicitations
When the edges begin to fray, can the center hold for long? The alliance between the Klingons and the Romulans begins to collapse -- with the Federation squarely in the middle! John Byrne's Romulan Saga comes to a literally shattering conclusion!


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This article is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.



CarlosConroyDhruvaElee'nGaiusHaxKlingon Emperor (unnamed) • Klingon Princess (unnamed) • KolothKor, son of RynarNumber OnePlautusSmitty
Referenced only
KerasJames T. KirkKloorWilliam Shakespeare

Starships and vehicles[]

IKS Blade of KadothUSS ConstitutionChR KerasUnmarked D7 class starshipUSS YorktownUnnamed Constitution class starshipsUnnamed D7 class starships
Referenced only
USS Enterprise


Qo'noSRomulan Neutral ZoneRomulus

Races and cultures[]


States and organizations[]

United Federation of Planets


auxiliary controlbridgecaptainchief engineercloaking devicecommodoredeflector shielddisruptorEmperor of the Klingon Empireengineeringhelmsmank'artaqKlingon-Romulan Alliancelieutenantmind-sifternumber oneOrganian Peace TreatypoetPraetor of the Romulan Star Empirerankstarshiptransporter chieftransporter roomwarwarp nacelle




published order
Previous comic:
Schism, Issue 2
TOS comics
Romulans: Schism
Next comic:
Last issue in the series
chronological order
Previous adventure:
Not yet placed
Memory Beta Chronology Next adventure:
Not yet placed


Ayelborne reinforces the Organian Peace Treaty

Ayelborne reinforces the Organian Peace Treaty

External link[]

Schism, Issue 3 article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.