Starbase 4

This article is about Starbase 4. You may be looking for Starbase G4.

Starbase 4 was one of the first Federation starbases constructed in 2160, and was located near to both Klingon and Romulan space. (ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years)

Service history[]

Starbase 4 was located in the Lyris Corridor and featured administrative offices for Starfleet Colonial Operations. Serving as a waypoint for many Federation colonies as well as a refuge in case of crisis, it could support 200,000 colonists temporarily during emergency evacuations. Colonies too small to maintain their own justice systems could ferry criminals to the starbase's civilian court system for trial. (Last Unicorn RPG module: TOS Core Game Book)

Starfleet's Planetary Services Division operated out of Starbase 4. (FASA RPG module: Denial of Destiny)

Captain Robert April put the USS Enterprise through an extensive range of tests as part of her shakedown cruise in the vicinity of Starbase 4. The Enterprise then visited the base at the conclusion of the cruise. (TOS - Who's Who in Star Trek comic: "Issue 1")

Matthew Decker was starbase chief of security in the year 2246. (TOS - The Brave and the Bold, Book One novella: The First Artifact)

A couple of attempts to take the Enterprise to Starbase 4 failed in 2268 while the crew faced down Gorgan. After succeeding against this entity, the ship finally headed toward the starbase. (TOS episode: "And the Children Shall Lead")

In 2268, Starbase 4 took aboard two individuals from the planet Cheron, Bele and Lokai. Bele had been hunting Lokai down for many centuries, but Lokai managed to steal the shuttlecraft da Vinci and escape Bele one more time. Both individuals and the shuttlecraft were later recovered by the Enterprise. (TOS episode: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield", ST reference: Ships of the Line)

In early 2269, Starbase 4 was under the command of Commodore Jack Kerr. (Last Unicorn RPG module: TOS Core Game Book)

In 2269, following a battle with Shaal's battlecruiser, the Enterprise took ten weeks to get from the Romulan Neutral Zone to the station, then docked for two weeks of extensive repairs and systems upgrades. (TOS - The Chosen comic: "The Hunted")

Later that year, James T. Kirk thought that Starbase 4 might be able to locate a fleet of Irapina starships 25,000 light years away, due to the large mass of the planetoid-sized vessels. (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)

From around the late 2260s decade, through at least the mid-2270s decade, Starbase 4 was part of the " Webstar Project", a Starfleet initiative to analyze and better understand the Orion peoples and governments. Marvin Wanglestien was part of this project, serving on the starbase as a codebreaker and translator. (FASA RPG module: The Strider Incident)

In 2270, the Enterprise docked at Starbase 4 twice to undergo repairs following various incidents. The first time was after the Enterprise was engaged in battle with factions eager to steal an experimental transwarp drive, and the second was for a month undergoing serious repairs and refitting. (TOS - Fortunes of War novel: Battlestations!; TOS novel: The Abode of Life)

Later that year, Starbase 4 oversaw refugee efforts of survivors from the destroyed planet Aleriad. (FASA RPG module: Denial of Destiny)

In 2375, the USS Saladin was ordered to report to Starbase 4 after stopping at Mars Base. (TOS - Tales of the Dominion War short story: "Safe Harbors")



Federation starbases
Starbases 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242525-Alpha26272829303132333435363739-Sierra404142434445464747-Vanguard484950515253555658596162636465666768697172737475767779808182838485868788899091929395969799101102103104105106108109112113114117118120121122123127128129133134137143144146152153157162171172173174175176178179180182185189193197200201209210211212214215217218219220222223224227231234235236237244247252257260261263264268277295297301302303307309310311312313314315324325326328336343344347357364371375383389393395401410411412413414416419420422434440452473495499505514515521522523524528535541585592-Epsilon612621623693714718804823834906 (Vanguard)1317407761 CygniAndorArdanaBattle Group 1Battle Group 2Battle Group 3Battle Group 4Battle Group 5BethelBravoCopernicusCoridanDenobulaDevalokaDiamandis 1EarhartFederation HeadquartersFleet Setup StationG4G-6HearthHelaspontIcarusIndiaIridaniLambdaLeonovMagellanMI-17MidwayMontgomeryNeil ArmstrongNew XindusR-3RigelRisaVulcanXindus Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Kelvin timeline Starbase 1Starbase 76Starbase 82Starbase 91Frontier 17Yorktown StationStarbase Zeta
Deep Space Stations 123456789 (I)9 (II)1012161175220253633C-15E-5G-6HubbleK-2K-5K-7K-8K-9K-10K-11K-12K-13K-22KR-1KR-3L-6M-20M-33R-5Repair Beta 6Portal 1
Kelvin timeline K-5K-7K-4K-11

External link[]