TOS comics

Many companies have owned the rights to publish Star Trek: The Original Series Comics from 1967 to the present time.

See also the list of related TOS comic strips.

List of Comics[]

Comics by Gold Key (1967-1979)[]

  1. "The Planet of No Return"
  2. "The Devil's Isle of Space"
  3. "Invasion of the City Builders"
  4. "The Peril of Planet Quick Change"
  5. "The Ghost Planet"
  6. "When Planets Collide"
  7. "The Voodoo Planet"
  8. "The Youth Trap"
  9. "The Legacy of Lazarus" by Len Wein
  10. "Sceptre of the Sun" by Len Wein
  11. "The Brain Shockers" by Len Wein
  12. "The Flight of the Buccaneer" by Len Wein
  13. "Dark Traveler" by Len Wein
  14. "The Enterprise Mutiny" by Len Wein
  15. "Museum at the End of Time" by Len Wein
  16. "Day of the Inquisitors" by Len Wein
  17. "The Cosmic Cavemen" by Len Wein
  18. "The Hijacked Planet"
  19. "The Haunted Asteroid"
  20. "A World Gone Mad"
  21. "The Mummies of Heitius VII"
  22. "Siege in Superspace"
  23. "Child's Play"
  24. "The Trial of Captain Kirk"
  25. "Dwarf Planet"
  26. "The Perfect Dream"
  27. "Ice Journey"
  28. "The Mimicking Menace"
  29. "The Planet of No Return" (reprint of Issue 1)
  30. "Death of a Star"
  31. "The Final Truth"
  32. "The Animal People"
  33. "The Choice"
  34. "The PsychoCrystals"
  35. "The Peril of Planet Quick Change" (reprint of Issue 4)
  36. "A Bomb in Time"
  37. "The Ghost Planet" (Reprint of Issue 5)
  38. "One of Our Captains Is Missing!"
  39. "Prophet of Peace"
  40. "Furlough to Fury"
  41. "The Evictors"
  42. "World Against Time"
  43. "The World Beneath the Waves"
  44. "Prince Traitor"
  45. "The Voodoo Planet" (Reprint of Issue 7)
  46. "Mr. Oracle"
  47. "This Tree Bears Bitter Fruit" by George Kashdan and Doug Drexler
  48. "Murder on the Enterprise" by Arnold Drake and Doug Drexler
  49. "A Warp in Space" by George Kashdan
  50. "Planet of No Life" by Arnold Drake
  51. "Destination Annihilation" by George Kashdan
  52. "And a Child Shall Lead Them" by George Kashdan
  53. "What Fools These Mortals Be.." by George Kashdan
  54. "Sport of Knaves" by George Kashdan
  55. "A World Against Itself" by Arnold Drake
  56. "No Time Like the Past" by George Kashdan
  57. "Spore of the Devil" by Arnold Drake
  58. "The Brain-Damaged Planet" by George Kashdan
  59. "To Err Is Vulcan" by Arnold Drake
  60. "The Empire Man!" by John Warner
  61. "Operation Con Game" by George Kashdan

Comics by Marvel (1980-1982)[]

  1. "The Motion Picture" by Marv Wolfman
  2. "V'Ger" by Marv Wolfman
  3. "Evolutions" by Marv Wolfman
  4. "The Haunting of Thallus!" by Marv Wolfman
  5. "The Haunting of the Enterprise!" by Mike Barr
  6. "The Enterprise Murder Case!" by Mike Barr
  7. "Tomorrow or Yesterday" by Tom DeFalco
  8. "The Expansionist Syndrome" by Martin Pasko
  9. "Experiment in Vengeance!" by Martin Pasko
  10. "Domain of the Dragon God!" by Michael Fleisher
  11. "... Like a Woman Scorned!" by Martin Pasko
  12. "Eclipse of Reason" by Allan Brennart and Martin Pasko
  13. "All the Infinite Ways" by Martin Pasko
  14. "We Are Dying, Egypt, Dying!" by Martin Pasko
  15. "The Quality of Mercy" by Martin Pasko
  16. "There's No Space Like Gnomes'!" by Martin Pasko
  17. "The Long Night's Dawn!" by Mike Barr
  18. "A Thousand Deaths" by J.M. DeMatteis

Comics by DC[]

First Series (1984-1988)[]

  1. The Wormhole Connection by Mike W. Barr
  2. ... The Only Good Klingon... by Mike W. Barr
  3. Errand of War! by Mike W. Barr
  4. Deadly Allies! by Mike W. Barr
  5. Mortal Gods by Mike W. Barr
  6. Who Is... Enigma? by Mike W. Barr
  7. Saavik's Story, Part 1: "Pon Far!" by Mike W. Barr
  8. Saavik's Story, Part 2: "Blood Fever" by Mike W. Barr
  9. The Mirror Universe Saga, Part 1: ... Promises to Keep by Mike W. Barr
  10. The Mirror Universe Saga, Part 2: Double Image by Mike W. Barr
  11. The Mirror Universe Saga, Part 3: Deadly Reflection! by Mike W. Barr
  12. The Mirror Universe Saga, Part 4: The Tantalus Trap! by Mike W. Barr
  13. The Mirror Universe Saga, Part 5: Masquerade! by Mike W. Barr
  14. The Mirror Universe Saga, Part 6: Behind Enemy Lines! by Mike W. Barr
  15. The Mirror Universe Saga, Part 7: The Beginning of the End... by Mike W. Barr
  16. The Mirror Universe Saga, Part 8: Homecoming... by Mike W. Barr
  17. The D'Artagnan Three by L.B. Kellogg
  18. Rest and Recreation! by Paul Kupperberg
  19. Chekov's Choice by Walter Koenig
  20. Giri by Wenonah Woods
  21. Dreamworld by Bob Rozakis
  22. Wolf on the Prowl, Part 1: The Wolf by Tony Isabella
  23. Wolf on the Prowl, Part 2: Wolf at the Door by Tony Isabella
  24. Double Blind: "Double Blind, Part One" by Diane Duane
  25. Double Blind: "Double Blind, Part II" by Diane Duane
  26. The Trouble with Transporters! by Bob Rozakis
  27. Around the Clock by Robert Greenberger
  28. The Last Word by Diane Duane
  29. The Trouble with Bearclaw by Tony Isabella
  30. Uhura's Story by Paul Kupperberg
  31. Maggie's World! by Tony Isabella and Len Wein
  32. Judgment Day! by Len Wein
  33. Vicious Circle! by Len Wein
  34. The Doomsday Bug!, Part 1: Death Ship! by Len Wein
  35. The Doomsday Bug!, Part 2: Stand-Off! by Len Wein
  36. The Doomsday Bug!, Part 3: The Apocalypse Scenario! by Len Wein
  37. Choices! by Len Wein
  38. The Argon Affair! by Michael Fleisher
  39. The Return of Mudd, Part 1: When You Wish Upon a Star...! by Len Wein
  40. The Return of Mudd, Part 2: Mudd's Magic! by Len Wein
  41. What Goes Around... by Michael Carlin
  42. The Corbomite Effect! by Michael Carlin
  43. The Return of the Serpent, Part 1: Paradise Lost! by Michael Carlin
  44. The Return of the Serpent, Part 2: Past Perfect by Michael Carlin
  45. The Return of the Serpent, Part 3: Devil Down Below! by Michael Carlin
  46. Getaway by Michael Carlin
  47. Idol Threats by Michael Carlin
  48. The Stars in Secret Influence by Peter David
  49. Aspiring to be Angels by Peter David
  50. Marriage of Inconvenience by Peter David
  51. Haunted Honeymoon by Peter David
  52. Hell in a Handbasket by Peter David
  53. You're Dead Jim by Peter David
  54. Old Loyalties by Peter David
  55. Finnegan's Wake! by Peter David
  56. A Small Matter of Faith by Martin Pasko

First Series Annuals (1985-1988)[]

  1. All Those Years Ago... by Mike W. Barr
  2. The Final Voyage by Mike W. Barr
  3. Retrospect by Peter David

Second Series (1989-1996)[]

  1. The Return! by Peter David
  2. The Sentence by Peter David
  3. Death Before Dishonor by Peter David
  4. Repercussions by Peter David
  5. Fast Friends by Peter David
  6. Cure All by Peter David
  7. Not... Sweeney! by Peter David
  8. Going, Going... by Peter David
  9. ... Gone! by Peter David
  10. The Trial of James T. Kirk, Part 1: The First Thing We Do... by Peter David
  11. The Trial of James T. Kirk, Part 2: ... Let's Kill All the Lawyers! by Peter David
  12. The Trial of James T. Kirk, Part 3: Trial and Error! by Peter David
  13. The Return of the Worthy, Part 1: A Rude Awakening! by Peter David and Bill Mumy
  14. The Return of the Worthy, Part 2: Great Expectations! by Peter David and Bill Mumy
  15. The Return of the Worthy, Part 3: Tomorrow Never Knows! by Peter David and Bill Mumy
  16. Worldsinger by J. Michael Straczynski
  17. Partners?, Part 1 by Howard Weinstein
  18. Partners?, The Startling Conclusion! by Howard Weinstein
  19. Once a Hero! by Peter David
  20. God's Gauntlet by Howard Weinstein
  21. The Last Stand by Howard Weinstein
  22. The Return of Harry Mudd, Part 1: Mission: Muddled by Howard Weinstein
  23. The Return of Harry Mudd, Part 2: The Sky Above...The Mudd Below by Howard Weinstein
  24. The Return of Harry Mudd, Part 3: Target: Mudd! by Howard Weinstein
  25. Class Reunion by Howard Weinstein
  26. Where There's a Will by Howard Weinstein
  27. Secrets by Howard Weinstein
  28. Truth or Treachery by Howard Weinstein
  29. The Price of Admission! by Timothy de Haas
  30. Veritas by Howard Weinstein
  31. Sacrifices and Survivors by Howard Weinstein
  32. Danger...On Ice by Howard Weinstein
  33. Cold Comfort by Howard Weinstein
  34. The Tree of Life, the Branches of Heaven by David DeVries
  35. The Tabukan Syndrome, Part 1: Divide... and Conquer by Howard Weinstein
  36. The Tabukan Syndrome, Part 2: Battle Stations! by Howard Weinstein
  37. The Tabukan Syndrome, Part 3: Prisoners of War? by Howard Weinstein
  38. The Tabukan Syndrome, Part 4: Consequences! by Howard Weinstein
  39. The Tabukan Syndrome, Part 5: Collision Course by Howard Weinstein
  40. The Tabukan Syndrome, Part 6: Showdown! by Howard Weinstein
  41. Runaway by Howard Weinstein
  42. A Little Adventure... by Howard Weinstein
  43. ... Goes a Long Way by Howard Weinstein
  44. Acceptable Risk by Howard Weinstein and Gordon Purcell
  45. A Little Man-to-Man Talk by Steven H. Wilson
  46. Deceptions, Part 1: Coup d'État by Howard Weinstein
  47. Deceptions, Part 2 by Howard Weinstein
  48. Deceptions, Part 3 by Howard Weinstein
  49. The Peacekeeper, Part 1 by Howard Weinstein
  50. The Peacekeeper, Part 2 by Howard Weinstein
  51. Renegade by Dan Mishkin
  52. Epic Proportions by Diane Duane
  53. Time Crime by Howard Weinstein
  54. Nightmares by Howard Weinstein
  55. Time to Time by Howard Weinstein
  56. Call Back Yesterday by Howard Weinstein
  57. Seems Like Old Times by Howard Weinstein
  58. No Compromise, Part 1 by Howard Weinstein
  59. No Compromise, Part 2 by Howard Weinstein
  60. No Compromise, Part 3 by Howard Weinstein
  61. Door in the Cage by Steve Wilson
  62. The Alone, Part 1 by Kevin Ryan
  63. The Alone, Part 2 by Kevin Ryan
  64. Gary by Kevin Ryan
  65. Bait... and Switch by Howard Weinstein and T.A. Chafin
  66. Rivals,Part 1 by Howard Weinstein
  67. Rivals,, Part 2 by Howard Weinstein
  68. Rivals,, Part 3 by Howard Weinstein
  69. A Wolf in Cheap Clothing,, Part 1 by Howard Weinstein
  70. A Wolf in Cheap Clothing, Part 2 by Howard Weinstein
  71. A Wolf in Cheap Clothing, Part 3 by Howard Weinstein
  72. A Wolf in Cheap Clothing, Part 4 by Howard Weinstein
  73. Star-Crossed, Part 1: "Star-Crossed by Howard Weinstein
  74. Star-Crossed, Part 2: Loved Not Wisely... by Howard Weinstein
  75. Star-Crossed, Part 3: A Bright Particular Star by Howard Weinstein
  76. Prisoners by Kevin Ryan
  77. Deadlock by Kevin Ryan
  78. The Chosen, Part 1: The Hunted by Kevin Ryan
  79. The Chosen, Part 2: "Blood Enemies" by Kevin Ryan
  80. The Chosen, Part 3: Collision Course!" by Kevin Ryan

Second Series Annuals (1990-1995)[]

  1. So Near the Touch by George Takei and Peter David
  2. Starfleet Academy! by Peter David
  3. Homeworld by Howard Weinstein
  4. To Walk the Night by Michael Jan Friedman
  5. The Dream Walkers by Michael Jan Friedman
  6. Convergence, Part 1: "Split Infinities" by Howard Weinstein and Michael Jan Friedman

Second Series Graphic Novels (1992-1995)[]

Second Series Specials (1994-1995)[]

Comics By Marvel (1996 - 1998)[]

Early Voyages[]

  1. Flesh of My Flesh by Dan Abnett and Ian Edginton
  2. The Fires of Pharos by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  3. Our Dearest Blood by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  4. Nor Iron Bars a Cage by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  5. Cloak & Dagger (Part 1) by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  6. Cloak and Dagger, Part 2 of 2 by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  7. The Flat, Gold Forever by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  8. Immortal Wounds by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  9. One of a Kind by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  10. The Fallen, Part One by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  11. The Fallen, Part Two by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  12. Futures, Part One by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  13. Future Tense, Part Two by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  14. Futures, Part Three by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  15. Now and Then by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  16. Thanatos by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington
  17. Nemesis by Dan Abnett and Ian Edington

Untold Voyages[]

  1. Renewal by Glenn Greenberg
  2. Worlds Collide by Glenn Greenberg
  3. Past Imperfect by Glenn Greenberg
  4. Silent Cries by Glenn Greenberg
  5. Odyssey's End by Glenn Greenberg

One Shots[]


Comics By Wildstorm (1999 - 2001)[]

Comics By TokyoPop (2006 - 2008)[]

Comics by IDW Publishing[]


  • Star Trek: Ongoing, by Mike Johnson, F. Leonard Johnson, Ryan Parrott
  • New Visions, by John Byrne
  • Boldly Go, by Mike Johnson & Ryan Parrot
  • Year Five, by Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly, Brandon M. Easton, Jody Houser, Jim McCann, Paul Cornell





Star Trek comics
By publisher Gold KeyMarvelDCMalibuWildStormTokyoPopIDW
Star Trek: The Original Series
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