The Primate Directive

Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive is a comic produced jointly by IDW Publishing and BOOM! Studios. The series was written by Scott and David Tipton with art by Rachael Stott. The series is a crossover between Star Trek: The Original Series and the original Planet of the Apes film.


STAR TREK: The hope for the best of mankind’s future! PLANET OF THE APES: A chilling look at the fall of humanity! How could these worlds possibly collide? What could possibly cause Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise to side with Dr. Zaius to protect Ape City? And what does Colonel George Taylor have to say about it?
Klingon Commander Kor set out to conquer human worlds in other dimensions. While investigating the increased Klingon activity, Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise get mixed up in a conflict that leads to a very different Earth — one that is ruled by apes.
The crew of Star Trek's original series team up with Colonel George Taylor, Cornelius and Zira to stop the Klingons' and the gorillas' attempt to seize power in Ape City.


  1. Issue 1 (December 2014)
  2. Issue 2 (January 2015)
  3. Issue 3 (February 2015)
  4. Issue 4 (March 2015)
  5. Issue 5 (April 2015)

Collection covers[]

Ashcan release cover image.

Ashcan release cover image.

Planet der Affen, German edition cover image.

Planet der Affen, German edition cover image.

Diretriz Primata, Portuguese edition cover image.

Diretriz Primata, Portuguese edition cover image.

Graphic Novel Collection, Special Edition 2 cover image.

Issue covers[]

issues Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Issue 5
cover A Cover image. Cover image. Cover image. Cover image. Cover image.
cover B Cover image. Cover image. Cover image.
subscription Cover Cover image. Cover image. Cover image. Cover image.
sketch Cover Cover image.
retailer incentive cover A Cover image.
retailer incentive cover B Cover image.
retailer incentive ThinkGeek Cover image.
retailer incentive Nerd Block Cover image.



  • In Apes continuity, the story takes place shortly after the first Planet of the Apes film and before and during the events of Beneath the Planet of the Apes, with a short epilogue setting up the events of Escape from the Planet of the Apes.


IDW Publishing miniseries
TOS Klingons: Blood Will TellYear FourThe Enterprise ExperimentAssignment: EarthMirror ImagesRomulans: The Hollow CrownCrewMission's EndThe Wrath of KhanRomulans: SchismLeonard McCoy, Frontier DoctorBurden of KnowledgeKhan: Ruling in HellInfestationStar Trek—Legion of Super-HeroesHarlan Ellison's The City on the Edge of ForeverThe Primate DirectiveStar Trek vs. TransformersThe Motion Picture: Echoes
Star Trek (2009) tie-in: CountdownSpock: ReflectionsNeroThe Official Motion Picture AdaptationCountdown to DarknessKhanStarfleet AcademyThe Spectrum WarManifest DestinyStranger Worlds
TNG The Space BetweenIntelligence GatheringThe Last GenerationGhostsAssimilation²HiveDeviationsMirror BrokenThrough the MirrorTerra IncognitaThe Mirror WarWarriors of the Mirror WarHolo-Ween
DS9 Fool's GoldToo Long a SacrificeThe Dog of War
VOY Seven's Reckoning
DSC The Light of KahlessSuccessionAftermathAdventures in the 32nd Century
PIC Picard: CountdownStargazer
LD All in a Sea of Wonders
SNW The Illyrian EnigmaThe Scorpius Run
Other TurnaroundAlien SpotlightAlien Spotlight IICaptain's LogWaypointThe Q ConflictAliensResurgenceDefiantPicard's AcademySons of Star Trek
Crossover comics
DC Comics Star Trek-Legion of Super-Heroes (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3issue 4Issue 5)
Green Lantern The Spectrum War (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5Issue 6) • Stranger Worlds (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5Issue 6)
Marvel Comics X-Men (Star TreXSecond Contact)
IDW Publishing
Doctor Who Assimilation² (Volume 1: Isssue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Volume 2: Issue 5Issue 6Issue 7Issue 8)
Transformers Star Trek vs. Transformers (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5)
BOOM! Studios The Primate Directive (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5)
Graphic Novel Collection
ST 1226067102109111112118120130
TOS 24910131518192023242629303134394144464951525354576164687275788384899093100101103104105108110115121122125127129134138139
Kelvin timeline 6712141725364045485663717781879295
TNG 351116273233425058656669737679828588919496979899113119128132135136140
DS9 283537434755596270748086106114116123126
VOY 2138124131
SA IDW (8) • Marvel (107117133137)
Extras Special Editions (123456) • Premium Photonovels (1234)


published order
Previous comic:
Harlan Ellison's The City on the Edge of Forever
TOS comics
IDW miniseries
Next comic:
Star Trek vs. Transformers
Previous story:
Harlan Ellison's The City on the Edge of Forever
Stories by:
Scott & David Tipton
Next story:
Mirror Broken
chronological order
Previous adventure:
... Like a Woman Scorned!
Page 1
Memory Beta Chronology Next adventure:
The Enemy of My Enemy
Previous comic:
Voyages of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), Year Five Next comic:
The Enemy of My Enemy
Publication history[]
9 October 2014
Ashcan released for the New York Comic Con.
27 August 2015
First omnibus collection released by IDW Publishing.
6 July 2017
Reprinted in hardcover as Graphic Novel Collection, Special Edition 2 by Eaglemoss Collections.
21 September 2015
German : Star Trek/Planet der Affen. (Cross Cult)
Portuguese : Star Trek/Planeta dos Macacos: A Diretriz Primata. (Novo Século)

External links[]