USS Enterprise-A (Kelvin timeline)

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!

For other uses, see Enterprise.
For the primary universe counterpart, see USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A).

In the Kelvin timeline, the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) was a 23rd century Federation starship, a Constitution II-class command cruiser/flagship authorized for construction for Starfleet service in the 2260s decade. (TOS movie: Star Trek Beyond, TOS - Boldly Go comic: "Issue 10")

Service history and disposition[]



Under construction, 2263.

Construction of the ship began around the year 2263 at Yorktown Station, and was completed following the destruction of the previous USS Enterprise. The ship was said to carry more advanced technology than its predecessor.

While the Enterprise-A followed the same basic configuration as its predecessor, there were several notable differences between the two ships: the warp nacelles were spaced further apart and lacked the Bussard collector hoods, the saucer rim angle was steeper, the neck was situated further forward on the engineering hull, and the impulse deck closely resembled the impulse deck of its predecessor when it launched back in 2258.

Members of the previous Enterprise celebrated Captain James T. Kirk's birthday in a Yorktown compartment with a view on the new Federation flagship Enterprise as it was under construction. (TOS movie: Star Trek Beyond)

Following the Borg Incursion of 2263, Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott travelled to Starbase Yorktown to assist Lieutenant Keenser and the Teenaxi representative Kevin in the construction of the ship. Commodore Paris presented the ship to Grand Audarch Steve of the Teenaxi Delegation during a tour. The audarch enlisted the help of Kevin to steal the captain's chair, which was meant for Captain Kirk. The audarch believed the chair to be the Federation flagship's power source. Kevin, betraying his leader, stayed on Yorktown to find refuge and continue his assistance in building the ship. (TOS - Boldly Go comic: "Issue 10")

Active duty[]

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A alternate reality)

The Enterprise-A after launch.

The ship was launched at some point after its construction concluded. (TOS movie: Star Trek Beyond)

At one point, the Enterprise-A traveled among Romulan and Klingon ships in the Neutral Zone. (ST video game: Fleet Command event: "Crucible of War")

In 2263, Cadet Jaylah led a crusade against Altamid swarm ships attacking colonies in local space. During a battle with the "bees" in the Beta Vordunn system, Captain Kirk arrived with the Enterprise-A to join the fight alongside an Independent vessel with Cadet Jaylah, the artificial intelligence Maia, and Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott aboard; surviving Herias colonists and independent mercenaries under Captain Smith hired by Maia. The Enterprise-A and Maia's ship forced swarm leader Zenith and its swarm group into retreat. Zenith fled towards the Rigel system, and Kirk called Maia to pursue. This was a feint, as Zenith actually travelled to the Altamid system. (ST video game: Fleet Command mission: "Counter Swarm")

The Enterprise-A was damaged while covering the retreat of Captain Smith's fleet, and unable to join the Independent fleet at Altamid. (ST video game: Fleet Command mission: "Containment Protocol")

Now and Then

Missing in action.

Later that year, the Enterprise-A went missing, and an alternate timeline version of the USS Enterprise appeared in Federation space. (ST video game: Fleet Command mission: "The Original Series Part 1: Now and Then")

Acting on intelligence that the late Ambassador Spock had left for Kirk, the Enterprise-A greeted the USS Theseus when it arrived in their timeline. Granted clearance from Commodore Paris, the Enterprise-A led a fleet of ships to combine their shields and disrupt the wavefront from the Orb of Destruction. Though the shield failed to prevent the Orb's energy from, the Enterprise-A was able to buy the Theseus enough time to activate its kardashev drive and escape. (ST - IDW - When the Walls Fell comic: "Part 2")


commanding officer
first officer
chief medical officer
chief engineer
communications officer
science officer



Ships named Enterprise
United Kingdom of Great Britain HMS EnterprizeHMS Enterprise (1774-1807)HMS Enterprise (1959-1986) UK flag image.
United Kingdom (alternate reality) HMS Enterprise (2260s)
United States of America Enterprise (sloop-of-war)Enterprise (schooner)Enterprise (brig)Enterprise (steamboat)Enterprise (screw sloop)L-5CV-6CVN-65OV-101 N1A US flag image.
United Earth IXS-110XCV-330NX-01 UE flag image.
United Federation of Planets Declaration-classNCC-1701NCC-1701-ANCC-1701-BNCC-1701-CNCC-1701-DNCC-1701-EChimer-classNCC-1701-FNCC-1701-GNCC-1701-J UFP flag image.
Terran Empire (mirror universes) HMS EnterprizeNX-01NCC-1701 (alternate NCC/ICC-1701)NCC-1701-ANCC/ICC-1701-DNCC-1701-ENCC-1701-F Terran flag image.
Galactic Commonwealth (mirror universe) Free Starship Enterprise Terran emblem image.
Federation (Kelvin timeline) NCC-1701 (early 23rd century)NCC-1701NCC-1701-A Emblem of the United Federation of Planets.
Federation (alternate futures) NCC-1701-DNCC-1701-FNCC-1701-JNCC-1701-∞Enterprise (distant future) UFP flag image.
United Earth (alternate realities) SS EnterpriseUESS EnterpriseESS Enterprise UE flag image.
Federation (other alternate realities) FSS EnterpriseUS EnterpriseUSS EnterpriseUSV EnterpriseUSS Enterprise-E UFP flag image.
Interstellar Coalition (alternate reality) ICV Enterprise
Interstellar Union
(alternate timeline)
IUES Enterprise I Seal of the Interstellar Union.
(alternate timeline)
USS Enterprise (NCC-2101) Earthfleet logo.
Constitution-class heavy cruiser flagships (Kelvin timeline)
Federation, Starfleet USS ArlingtonUSS AuroraUSS CairoUSS ConstellationUSS CutlassUSS EnterpriseUSS Enterprise-AUSS ExcaliburUSS ExultantUSS NebulaUSS PaladinUSS PotemkinUSS RangerUSS SentinelUSS VanguardUSS Yorktown Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Starfleet insignia.
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Enterprise Seal of the Terran Empire.

Appearances and references[]



  1. ST video game: Fleet Command mission: "Counter Swarm".