
For other uses, see Vengeance.

Vengeance is a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel by Dafydd ab Hugh. It was published in February 1998.


Rumors of a secret alliance between the Dominion and the Klingon Empire lure Captain Sisko and the crew of the Defiant on a desperate mission into the Gamma Quadrant, leaving Deep Space Nine vulnerable to a surprise sneak attack!
Now an elite Klingon task force has seized control of the station, and only Chief O'Brien, Dr. Bashir, and Worf are left to defend Deep Space Nine. But Worf's loyalties are tested when he discovers that the invaders include his oldest friend -- and his own brother!



Tarvak AmarJulian BashirBenevidezJadzia DaxElim GarakJanaholt JaasKira NerysKurn/RodekMalachMontgommeryMornMiles O'BrienOdoQuarkRomBenjamin SiskoJake SiskoSwensonYvette TangTureilavJanine WheelerWorf
Referenced only
AhabDeppi AnBardak LinronBenevidezBruntCurzon DaxDukatWyatt EarpFalconGowronKahless the UnforgettableMoghNogNoggraKeiko O'BrienMolly O'BrienRenargJoseph Sisko

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Defiant (Defiant-class) • IKS Hiding Fish (Khitomer-class)
Referenced only
Evening SkyUSS DelphineUSS Enterprise-DGalaxy-classUSS ParallaxPequodUSS T'Pau


Alpha QuadrantDeep Space 9Gamma QuadrantOperations centerPromenadeQuark's
Referenced only
Ajilon PrimeBajorCardassiaDublinEarthEmperor Kahless Military CityFom KerdethKhitomerLouisianaMount Turyeil BajoriQo'noSSto-Vo-KorVulcan

Races and cultures[]

Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Bajoran MilitiaBajor Naval RescueKlingon EmpireLevanian Biomedical Survey Pangalactic ConsortiumStarfleetUnited Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Bajoran ResistanceCult of KahlessDominionFederation CouncilHouse of RazgObsidian OrderStarfleet AcademyStarfleet CommandStarfleet Intelligence

Science and classification[]

blood screeningcomputercytosinedisruptorProject Renargstarshipsubspacetime

Occupations and titles[]


Other references[]

bansheebaseballBattle of Fom KerdethbreakfastCode of HousesdaboDenebian bloodwormDivine TreasuryduridiumFerengi Rules of AcquisitionFifth Fire-verse of the ProphetsFirst Battle of Deep Space 9Human intelligenceKobayashi Maru scenarioKhitomer MassacreKlingon-Cardassian WarLake of LatinumLevaneseMauk-to'VormoonshineplanetraktajinoRigelian bloodwineSpeech of VictorySword Oath



"Sons of Mogh"

This episode tells the story of Kurn's desperate situation following the discommendation of the House of Mogh, and how he obtained his new identity as Rodek.

"Nor the Battle to the Strong"

Jake recalls his actions on Ajilon.

"Civil Defense"

Bashir and O'Brien recall Dukat's counter insurgency program.

"Fallen Heroes"

Jake imagines writing a story about the station being attacked by faceless aliens in power armor and armed with firearms attacking the station.




published order
Previous novel:
Trial by Error
DS9 numbered novels Next novel:
The 34th Rule
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Ambassador at Large
Pocket Next Adventure:
Previous Adventure:
Let He Who Is Without Sin...
Deep Space Nine Adventures Next Adventure:
Things Past

External link[]