- For other uses, see Venezia.
Venice (Venezia in Italian), is a city on Earth, in the former nation-state of Italy. The city is located in northeastern Italy. Venice was built on a series of islands in a lagoon bordering the Adriatic Sea, and is famous for its canals.
William Shakespeare's comedy play, The Merchant of Venice, was set there. (DS9 episode: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")
Jefferson Blackmer and Sharon thought about visiting Venice in their youths, but never had the opportunity during their two-year relationship. Blackmer had hoped to visit the Grand Canal and the Ponte di Rialto. (DS9 novel: Sacraments of Fire)
Tom Paris, Harry Kim, Megan and Jenny Delaney once went on a date in a holographic recreation of Venice, which included the gondolas. Jenny Delaney made advances towards Kim, causing him to fall out of the gondola. (VOY episode: "Prime Factors")
While campaigning for the position of Federation President, Governor Nanietta Bacco's staff set up headquarters in Venezia, selected by Helga Fontaine. United Earth government regulations stipulated that transporters were not allowed within any building designated as a landmark, which almost the entire city was designated; therefore, Bacco's staff had to use the public transporter stations to come and go. Campaign Manager Esperanza Piñiero was initially opposed to the site as she believed they needed to look towards the future, and Venezia only romanticized the past; she later realized that the city was a thing of beauty preserved by the government, the same way Bacco would need to preserve the beauty of the Federation. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
In 2379, Admiral Kathryn Janeway and Captain Chakotay agreed to meet each other in Venice the following year, following the USS Voyager's return from the Yaris Nebula. In June 2380, Chakotay kept the date and waited for Janeway, only to be met there by her former fiancé, Mark Johnson, who broke the news of her death. (VOY novel: Full Circle)
External links[]
- Venice article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Venice article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.