Reports/WMRU-Financial-2018 - Meta
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Wikimedia RU Financial statement for fiscal year 2018
Income | RUB | USD |
Individual online donations | 87 987,96 | $1 377,54 |
Direct donations to bank account | 553 000,00 | $8 657,75 |
Payments from partner organizations for works in accordance with Wikimedia mission | 1 100 000,00 | $17 221,57 |
Membership fees | 21 800,00 | $341,30 |
Grants | 9 656 145,00 | $151 176,31 |
Bank intersts | 1 715,69 | $26,86 |
Returns of payments | 35 099,00 | $549,51 |
TOTAL INCOME | 11 455 747,65 | $179 350,84 |
Expenses | RUB | USD |
Contests prizes | 837 951,10 | $13 118,94 |
Awards prizes | 59 044,00 | $924,39 |
Postal expenses | 3 753,90 | $58,77 |
Travel expenses | 687 552,37 | $10 764,30 |
Handout/badges | 4 900,00 | $76,71 |
Catering at conferences | 24 695,00 | $386,62 |
Equipment | 9 300,00 | $145,60 |
Internet site | 16 000,00 | $250,50 |
Communication | 1 200,00 | $18,79 |
Stationery | 4 153,00 | $65,02 |
Bank expenses | 92 576,96 | $1 449,38 |
Office | 257 588,10 | $4 032,79 |
Auditing and accounting | 178 800,00 | $2 799,29 |
Salary | 3 834 960,00 | $60 040,02 |
Payments to natural persons for works | 1 526 170,00 | $23 893,67 |
Payments to organizations for works | 693 050,00 | $10 850,37 |
Personal income tax | 830 672,00 | $13 004,98 |
Obligatory payments to state funds | 1 766 692,73 | $27 659,29 |
Special taxation tax | 25 301,00 | $396,11 |
TOTAL EXPENSES | 10 854 360,16 | $169 935,53 |
USD-RUB exchange rate on October 31, 2019: 63,8734