Steward requests/Permissions: Difference between revisions - Meta

  • ️Tue Jun 12 2007
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*'''Local User Page:''' [[ja:User:Kropsoq]]

*'''Local User Page:''' [[ja:User:Kropsoq]]

He/She has sysopship and was/is inactive over 3 months. Accoding to [[ja:Wikipedia:管理者の辞任]](de-sysopship),we request removal his sysops access. Thank you. [[User:Bellcricket|Bellcricket]] 11:49, 10 December 2007 (UTC)

He/She has sysopship and was/is inactive over 3 months. Accoding to [[ja:Wikipedia:管理者の辞任]](de-sysopship),we request removal his sysops access. Thank you. [[User:Bellcricket|Bellcricket]] 11:49, 10 December 2007 (UTC)


:Please be sure to notify user, since I cannot write in your language. Thank you.

:--[[User:M7|M/]] 11:12, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

==== Er Komandante@eswiki ====

==== Er Komandante@eswiki ====

Administrator access

Bureaucrat access

See bureaucrat for information about the position.

Str4nd@fi Wikinews

I'm requesting bureaucrat access for Str4nd in fi Wikinews. We had a consensus about our first sysops and bureaucrats. Discussion was open from 25 November to 2 December.

Thank you. AtteL 12:20, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Not done In a community with just 86 registered accounts (some of which are accounts created by Stewards and other Wikimedia users who maintain accounts in multiple projects) and 3 admins, we can't appoint 2 Bureaucrats (considering the request for AtteL, below). There simply isn't regular use for the tools associated with the bit. Perhaps in a few months, if the project continues to grow? Sorry about that. Redux 16:31, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

We were asked in IRC to get some consensus in this thing. We already requested for this in November (see archives).
02:02:22 < effeietsanders> AtteL: and gather consensus in the mean while, to get permanent access
We also had a little situation with stoled nicknames. AtteL 18:02, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Hi AtteL, sorry for the inclearity. I meant consensus regarding adminship, not bureaucratship. Sorry for the confusion. Effeietsanders 18:36, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
In addition, notice that we need to consider the existing demand for the Bcrat tools on any project. In cases where only low traffic — meaning: contexts in which the tools would only be used sporadically — exists, the occasional requests are handled quite easily by the Stewards, on demand. Redux 21:08, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Even project is small, it would be best if fiwikinews would have at least one bureaucrat: there are couple bots waiting bot flag, multiple stolen nicknames to rename (which need almost fluent finnish to resolve which accounts are stolen) and so on. If AtteL drop out himself, is it possible to have bureaucrat rights for Str4nd? --Agony 20:13, 6 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The Bureaucrat bit gives a user access to 3 tools: Makesysop (creating new sysops locally), Rename and Makebot. It would appear that the present need for Bcrat tools on fi.wkinews is focused on 5 or 6 accounts that "borrowed" usernames from established users on It also appears that this happened over a few days in late November and has since stopped, leaving only the already-existing accounts to be renamed. That is low traffic. All the community needs is to tell the Stewards to rename the 5 accounts exactly (X to Y, A to B, etc.) and that would be it. There still doesn't seem be a lasting need for a permanent Bcrat on such a small project (you called it "recently created" yourself in the thread for the CheckUser request). That could change, if in the next few months more people come, especially from, and start working on fi.wikinews, making the community larger and creating a continuous need for Bcrat tools — notice: "continuous" does not equal "large". "Continuous" means that there would always, or at least almost always, be something for a Bcrat to do, even if it isn't too many things. What it appears to exist right now is a localized need for a few renames, created by a localized inappropriate-account creation "spree" that, according to the pages linked, seems to be already over.
But if the project is going to have a Bcrat in the near future, it would indeed be interesting to gather consensus for a single name, at least at first. Redux 12:18, 7 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

That is correct: I made request couple days ago when it went wild, and I'm pretty sure this kind of borrowing will happen again (same type vandal attack was last seen in fiwikibooks [four different times actually] and in fiwikiquote last summer when apparently same vandal teased SWMT). But indeed: If you do think there are no continuous need for Bcrat, then there is no need for Bcrat. My own view for this is that ATM it is casual when Bcrat rights are needed, but near future (month or at most two months) it will be needed regularly. About consensus: we start public discussion about this. --Agony 15:42, 7 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

AtteL@fi Wikinews

I'm requesting bureaucrat access for AtteL in fi Wikinews. We had a consensus about our first sysops and bureaucrats. Discussion was open from 25 November to 2 December.

Thank you. AtteL 12:19, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Not done In a community with just 86 registered accounts (some of which are accounts created by Stewards and other Wikimedia users who maintain accounts in multiple projects) and 3 admins, we can't appoint 2 Bureaucrats (considering the request for Str4nd, above). There simply isn't regular use for the tools associated with the bit. Perhaps in a few months, if the project continues to grow? Sorry about that. Redux 16:31, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

We were asked in IRC to get some consensus in this thing. We already requested for this in November (see archives).
02:02:22 < effeietsanders> AtteL: and gather consensus in the mean while, to get permanent access
We also had a little situation with stoled nicknames. AtteL 18:02, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

CheckUser access

To request CheckUser information, see Request for CheckUser information. This is the place to request CheckUser access. Note that temporary CheckUser access is not permitted.

Stewards: When someone asks for CheckUser status, please check the current policy regarding bestowal of status before giving the status. Breaching these rules may be cause for removing your steward access. When you give someone CheckUser, please list them on CheckUser, ask them to subscribe to checkuser-l, email so that the listadmins know the person is allowed on the mailing list (the list may contain confidential information), and make sure they contact an op for access to #wikimedia-checkuser.


I request CU permissions

Thank you. – Mike.lifeguard | @en.wb 02:15, 10 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I have emailed a scan of my ID to Please let me know how to get on the CU mailing list and IRC channel when this is done. Thanks a ton! – Mike.lifeguard | @en.wb 02:49, 10 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
We'll jsut wait until cary confirms the id is valid. drini [es:] [commons:] 02:57, 10 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Oversight access

Do not initiate an oversight request here. The Arbitration Committee will make the request once there is consensus on the local wiki (this process is currently for en-Wikipedia only).

Stewards: When you give someone oversight access, list them on Hiding revisions.

Removal of access

If you want to request that your own status be removed, please don't forget to place a note on your local user talk page (preferably with an English translation). This is required to prove your identity. And then add the request here.

To request the removal of another user's status, you must gain consensus on the local wiki first. All discussion must be kept on your local wiki. When there is community consensus that the user's access should be removed, a trusted person from that wiki should provide a link here to the discussion, a very brief explanation of the reason for the request, and summarize the results of discussion.

Copy and paste the following text into the correct section. Fill in all the required fields -- language code, link to the local request, and link to your local user page. Without this information, a steward cannot process your request.

==== Username@language-code project-name ====
I request removal of access.
*'''Language Code:''' xx
*'''Local Confirmation/Request Link:''' [[:xx:Project:wiki]]
*'''Local User Page:''' [[xx:User:Example]]
Thank you. ~~~~

Please summarize your request in the "summary".


I desysop access for User:Kropsoq.

He/She has sysopship and was/is inactive over 3 months. Accoding to ja:Wikipedia:管理者の辞任(de-sysopship),we request removal his sysops access. Thank you. Bellcricket 11:49, 10 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Please be sure to notify user, since I cannot write in your language. Thank you.
--M/ 11:12, 11 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Er Komandante@eswiki

I request desysop access for

Thank you. Er Komandante (messages) 15:16, 9 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Done. MaxSem(Han shot first!) 15:26, 9 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]


I request removal of access, specifically admin status.

Thank you. Morten LJ 12:30, 10 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

--M/ 11:09, 11 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Temporary permissions for emergency or technical purposes

If you are requesting administrator status to make a translation of the wiki interface, see also the BetaWiki project, which seeks to make a neutral MediaWiki translation that will then be default for all wikis. That is more useful than only making a local translation. You can ask questions in the IRC channel or in the mailing list. See also MediaWiki localisation.

Stewards: Currently active temporary permissions are listed at /Approved temporary. When granting a request, please copy the request to the appropriate section there, and clearly state the date of removal. Requests only need remain listed below for a few days, and may afterward be removed as long as they have been copied to the subpage.

Copy and paste the following text into the correct section. Fill in all the required fields -- language code, link to the local request, and link to your local user page. Without this information, a steward cannot process your request.

==== Username@language-code project-name ====
I request temporary sysop access.
*'''Language Code:''' xx
*'''List of local sysops:''' 
*'''List of local bureaucrats:''' 
*'''Local User Page:''' [[xx:User:Example]]
*'''Preferred duration and reason:'''
Thank you. ~~~~

Please summarize your request in the "summary".


I request temporary sysop access.

Thank you. MF-Warburg(de) 16:02, 8 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Done - one week, expires december 15 2007' Effeietsanders 20:21, 8 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]


  • Language Code: sd
  • Local Request Link: none provided
  • List of local sysops: n:sd:Special:Listusers/sysop
  • List of local bureaucrats: n:sd:Special:Listusers/bureaucrat
  • Local User Page: n:sd:User:Aursani
  • Preferred duration and reason: I would like to temporarily have Admin rights for Sindhi Wikinews. I do not intend to run the project regularly. I am sysop of Sindhi Wiktionary and Sindhi Wikipedia. I can't afford more time for Wiki projects. However, since the interface and keywords of Sindhi Wikinews are in conflict witho those of Sindhi Wiktionary or Sindhi Wikipedia, I would request either temporary adminship to remove the major conflicts of the keywords or a complete closure of the Sindhi Wikinews project that is lying dead and unattended for last many months.

Aursani 16:11, 7 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Done, One week, expires december 15, 2007 Effeietsanders 20:24, 8 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]


I request temporary sysop access.

Thank you. Hugo.arg 10:22, 7 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Done, one week, expires december 15, 2007 (assuming that one week is sufficient for what you planned to do) Effeietsanders 20:27, 8 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Prince Kassad@ks Wikipedia

I request temporary sysop access. The project has been hit by a spammer last month and a general vandal in 2004 and there are lots of pages left to be cleaned up.

  • Language Code: ks
  • List of local sysops: ks:Special:Listusers/sysop (2, ks:User:Rk kaul has not been active since January 2005, and I contacted the other sysop, ks:User:Eukesh, on his Newari Wikipedia talk page 2 days ago but he does not respond, despite being highly active on his home wiki.
  • List of local bureaucrats: ks:Special:Listusers/bureaucrat (none)
  • Local User Page: ks:User:Prince Kassad
  • Preferred duration and reason: 10 days, for deleting, restoring and moving vandalized pages, fixing the CSS to get certain templates working, and updating some pages which are outdated (ex. the Main Page).

Thank you. -- Prince Kassad 17:51, 27 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Since you mentioned the local admin being highly active on another project, as well as the fact that the damage was done quite some time back, we might need to wait a couple of days longer, to give him time to actually get around to the work needed. Further, could you inform him that you have requested temporary adminship on due to his lack of response and provide us with a link (diff) to this post, which would be, I take it, on the Newari Wikipedia? Thank you, Redux 18:27, 28 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Done. -- Prince Kassad 18:51, 28 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, could not respond in time as I was out of town for a few days (btw, I was not active in any wikipedia after 25th Nov, neither in my "home" wikipedia, nor in my "non-home" wikipedia!). Have started working on Kashmiri wikipedia. It is not all spam and can be transformed into stubs. Btw, ethnologue considers usage of "Newari" as an offensive term to denote "Nepal Bhasa/Newar", so please try to use less of that term. All the same, thanks a lot for checking Kashur wiki for spams. Thank you.--Eukesh 21:17, 28 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I thought you edited recently... am I getting hallucinations? Anyway, don't forget to delete ks:Wikipedia:!Dead-end pages, ks:Wikipedia:!Long articles, ks:Wikipedia:!Most wanted articles, ks:Wikipedia:!Orphaned articles, ks:Wikipedia:!Popular articles, ks:Wikipedia:!Short articles, ks:Wikipedia:All pages by title and ks:Wikipedia:Broken/, remains of the old software which are fully protected but don't serve a purpose anymore. -- Prince Kassad 21:39, 28 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Seems that the problem is solved (or being solved, at least). That being the case, this request itself is {{not done}}. I ask that any comments or requests concerning the actions needed be posted on the Kashmiri Wikipedia (possibly on Eukesh's talk page there), since this thread is going to be archived — plus the fact that we don't discuss actions pertaining to local projects on Meta pages. Redux 12:45, 29 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I'm reopening the request, it looks like he stopped cleaning up, with only about 15 pages (of 120) having been processed. -- Prince Kassad 21:07, 29 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Maybe you are getting hallucinations :) Anyway, I do not proceed in a mechanized manner. I take my time to see whether the pages that are listed for deletion can be preserved or elongated rather than deleted. Besides, I am a volunteer and work when I have free time. If you are so eager to help, you are most welcome. However, please do not delete pages in Indic and Nastaleeq scripts without much knowledge. As you might notice from the discussions present in this wikipedia, the wikipedia was "abandoned" because of tensions arising due to script and stuffs. On a different note, I think you can help this wikipedia more by filing a request at bugzilla to create a two script solution as is present in Kazakh wikipedia. Thank you.--Eukesh 15:19, 30 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

We cannot grant temporary adminship if local admins are active and responding to requests. Redux 01:30, 1 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Pretty sad, considering that if a sysop is there but does not have enough time to clean up, it's absolutely impossible to clean up the wiki in question, and people can do whatever they want there. -- Prince Kassad 16:26, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
If the local sysop would acknowledge that he doesn't have the time to handle an emergencial workload by himself, I could grant temporary adminship. If that would be best for the project. Would Eukesh be willing to state that much? He may consider that he can handle the work alone, as well as that the work isn't emergencial enough for a temp sysop to be appointed to help him handle it faster. PK, you should also consider the possibility of gaining consensus locally to be made a permanent sysop on the project. After all, one of the key aspects of temporary adminship is that it will last only for as long as it is absolutely necessary, and it will expire when no emergency or considerable backlog can be detected. And that means that temporary adminship is not the best solution if the project does have a need for a present admin, to handle day-to-day issues. Regards, Redux 21:21, 5 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Permanent sysopship is only possible if a community exists, which is not the case for this Wiki. -- Prince Kassad 16:19, 7 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]


I request temporary sysop access for an other user.

  • Language Code: bcl
  • List of local sysops: bcl:Special:Listusers/sysop
  • Local User Page: bcl:User:Steven*fung
  • Preferred duration and reason: One month or so. It is a new created site, on Incubator he was a test-admin, so I asked him to have admin rights on the new site and he confirmed that. He will be an admin to help get the new project off the ground.

Thank you, SPQRobin 17:26, 29 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

We already have a temporarily-appointed admin on this project who is active. Is there a practical need for a second one? Redux 01:34, 1 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Done, one month. Expires january 8, 2007 Effeietsanders 20:31, 8 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Kalanimoku@haw wikipedia

I request an extension of temporary sysop access.

  • Language Code: haw
  • List of local sysops: haw:Special:Listusers/Sysop
  • List of local bureaucrats: None
  • Local User Page: haw:User:Kalanimoku
  • Preferred duration and reason: Although the access for my previous request has expired on 6/12/07 (December 6th), it is preferable if I can extend the access to one more month. There is no local active admin there currently who knows of the language (at least some of it), and I would like to continue with translating the interface text. I would also monitor page vandalism.

Thank you. Sr13 06:32, 10 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Miscellaneous requests

See also