Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/People/Drafting Group - Meta

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To support the drafting of our movement-wide strategic direction, the movement strategy team has formed a drafting committee of individuals from across our movement. We are working together through August to consider what we’ve learned from our global dialogue and research and to identify what we want to achieve together as a movement by 2030. Our draft will be open to the community for feedback and suggestions in August.

Synthesize input and collaboratively draft a movement-wide strategic direction that our community will support and that meets the needs of those not yet in our movement.

Draft the direction in collaboration with representatives of our key audiences (organized groups, contributors, readers, partners and experts from regions where we are well used and those where we are not).

  • Provide input on the strategic direction for the Wikimedia movement (what do we want to achieve together by 2030?), based on findings from community discussions and research.
  • Think beyond your track and as a representative of the broader movement.
  • Review, revise, and provide feedback on drafts (comments, track changes, draft sections, and/or in-person or emailed feedback)

A subset of the committee will incorporate committee's input into a draft direction document, which will be shared with the broader community prior to Wikimania and finalized by the end of August.


  • July 14 - First draft committee session
  • July 21 - First draft of direction document based on committee inputs
  • July 28 - Present draft to C-team, board, and draft committee
  • August 1 - Share draft direction with community on Meta for feedback
  • August 11 - Socialize draft direction with community at Wikimania
  • August 21 - Revised draft direction based on community input
  • August 25 - Third session with draft committee
  • August 31 - Finalize draft direction
  • Kaarel Vaidla (User:KVaidla (WMF)) - WMF Lead Movement Process Architect, Office of the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director (Contractor)
  • Sandra Rientjes - Wikimedia The Netherlands, Executive Director (Employee, C-level wage)
  • Anna Torres - Wikimedia Argentina, Executive Director
  • Netha Hussein - Wikimedia Scholar in Residence (PhD University of Gothenburg), Volunteer Malysan Wikipedia, Wikimedia India, Wikimedia Sverige
  • Felix Nartey - Wikipedia Library, Global Coordinator, Creative Commons Ghana, Chapter Lead
  • Anne Clin (User:Risker) - Community Wikimedia Canada, ArbCom, Volunteer, Member Wikimedia Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
  • Liang-chih Shang Kuan (User:Shangkuanlc) - Community Wikimedia Taiwan, Editor, Volunteer
  • Adele Vrana (User:AVrana) - WMF Director of Strategic Partnerships, Global Reach
  • Caitlin Virtue (User:CVirtue (WMF)) - WMF Director of Development
  • Panthea Lee* - Reboot Executive Director (US Design Research firm) WMF Partner on Movement Strategy Research (See: Wikimedia brown bag conversation with Panthea Lee, Principal of Reboot)
  • Katherine Maher* (User:Katherine (WMF)) - WMF Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
  • Anna Stillwell* - Acumen Fund Inc. Director Talent, former WMF Staff
  • Guillaume Paumier* (User:Guillaume (WMF)) - WMF Principal Program Manager, Advancement
  • Ed Bland* - Williamsworks (US Consultancy Firm)
  • Uzo Iweala* - WMF Movement Strategy Program Nigeria, Author, medical doctor, Harvard PhD English and American Literature and Language (See: Wikimedia Paper brown bag conversation Uzo Tweala)
  • Tucker Nichols*
  • Shannon Keith (User:SKeith (WW))* - Williamsworks (US Consultancy Agency), Movement Strategy

(* = Contributing writer)