Yleinen käytössäännöstö/Kuulemiset - Meta
- ️Thu Jun 04 2020
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
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Tälle sivulle listataan Yleiseen käytössäännöstöön liittyvät tulevat, käynnissä olevat ja päättyneet kuulemiset. Jos listasta puuttuu jokin relevantti kuuleminen, käy lisäämässä se sinne! Yleiskuvan prosessista saat aikajanalta.
As part of Phase 2 of the process, there are multiple consultations with volunteers. The community consultations will inform the initial enforcement proposal draft and the draft before it is finalized.
Päättyneet kuulemiset
Vaihe 2
Täytäntöönpanoluonnoksen suuntaviivojen arviointi
A comprehensive community review of the enforcement draft guidelines was conducted on 17 August 2021 through 17 October 2021.
Phase 2 global consultations
- Consultation of Wikimedia communities: The Wikimedia Foundation sought input from the global communities about the application of the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC). Individual communities were invited to open a discussion in that project's language or context. This comment period began 5 April. A summary report of those discussions is now available.
- Phase 2 drafting committee appointment: Wikimedians were invited to apply for the Phase 2 drafting committee. Applications were open until 19 April 2021.
- Affiliate consultations: Wikimedia Affiliates are invited to provide their perspective about UCoC enforcement. A summary report of that outreach is now available.
- Functionaries consultations: A Functionaries Meeting took place from 10–11 April 2021 and additional meetings are planned for 26/27 June and 10/11 July.
- The UCoC team published an April 2021 project update on Diff.
Phase 2 of the UCoC project began with local language consultations. These were facilitated discussions with target language communities in discussion channels and platforms frequented by each of those communities. A comprehensive summary of these consultations was released in April 2021.
As our movement grows, community voices are needed to help shape the pathways to enforcing the UCoC that address the diverse needs of individual communities. The project team encourages communities to regularly share their experiences, ideas, and learnings with behavioral policies here on Meta, in consultations and discussions, or via email.
Discussions regarding the UCoC continue to take place on Meta-Wiki:
- UCoC Phase 2 Meta-Wiki discussion: This is the Meta-Wiki portion of the April–May 2021 consultation of Wikimedia communities.
- Universal Code of Conduct related: This discussion page is used for general discussion on the UCoC.
- Universal Code of Conduct policy text related: This discussion page involves discussion of the Board-ratified text. It was previously used for feedback on the UCoC draft text (see 2020 archives).
Vaiheen 2 paikalliset kuulemiset
Local language consultations for Phase 2 of the UCoC project were held from late January to early March 2021. They discussed how to enforce the UCoC with 11 target language communities in discussion channels and platforms frequented by each of those communities. (Please refer to the FAQ for how the target language communities were selected.) The discussions were facilitated by Foundation contractors. The findings of individual language outreach are at:
- Yhteenveto kaikista kuulemisista
- arabia (arabiankielinen keskustelu)
- afrikaans
- bengali + assami + bišnupria (bengalinkielinen keskustelu)
- Wikimedia Commons (keskustelu Wikimedia Commonsissa)
- korea (koreankielinen keskustelu)
- igbo + hausa + twi
- indonesia (indonesiankielinen keskustelu)
- italia (italiankielinen keskustelu)
- maithili + newari + Bhojpuri + Doteli
- malaiji (malaijinkielinen keskustelu)
- nepali (nepalinkielinen keskustelu)
- puola (puolankielinen keskustelu)
- santali
- Wikidata (keskustelu Wikidatassa)
- joruba (jorubankielinen keskustelu)
For community discussions starting from April 2021, please look here.
- August 2021 discussion on English Wikipedia
- Dutch volunteer/community organized discussion
- February–March 2021 French volunteer/community organized discussion
- February 2021 German community survey
Vaihe 1
Vaiheen 1 paikalliset kuulemiset
Vuoden 2020 kuulemiset kestivät 3 kuukautta ja niitä käytiin 19:ssä erikielisessä yhteisössä. Niillä pyrittiin ymmärtämään paremmin, millainen ilmapiiri Wikimedia-liikkeen eri muokkaajayhteisöissä vallitsee.
- arabia (arabiankielinen keskustelu)
- bengali
- kiina
- hindi
- japani (arabiankielinen keskustelu)
- kannada + tulu
- malajalam
- orija
- persia
- pandžabi
- venäjä + baškiiri + tataari (venäjänkielinen keskustelu)
- santali
- espanja (arabiankielinen keskustelu)
- swahili
- tamili + marathi
- vietnam
Please add any missing links to past discussions at individual Wikimedia projects related to the UCoC.
- Dutch Wikipedia
- English Wikipedia
- June 2019 discussion, strong opposition to WMF-imposed UCoC
- 2020 English Wikipedia Arbitration Committee Elections: Each candidate provided feedback on the UCoC in their answers to questions.
- May 2020 English Wikipedia discussion held after the Board of Trustees community health statement
- 2020 English Wikipedia Anti-harassment request for comment
- on the relationship with T&S:
- Editors strongly feel that en-wiki issues should be handled "in-house", and only matters that affect the real world (Q2, Q3) should be passed to T&S. A better/improved dialogue between ArbCom and the WMF is also desired, with the Foundation and T&S passing along en-wiki-specific information to ArbCom to handle.
- There was a desire from some editors, expressed in this section as well in previous sections, for the WMF to hire/find/create resources and training for mediation and dispute resolution, which would hopefully mitigate some of the most prevalent civility/harassment issues present on Wikipedia.
- September 2020 English Wikipedia discussion