User:Geraldshields11 - Meta
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Please see my user page on the English-language Wikipedia at geraldshields11 to contact me.

As of May 18, 2022, I am a member of the 2022 WikiMedia DC Board of Directors.
In 2019, I was nominated and a candidate for the Affiliate-selected Board seats and this is the preserved page from 2019. . One of the endorsers was AfroCROUD.
In the past, I was on the Town Council of the Town of Berwyn Heights.
I was the volunteer Wikimedia DC event promotion coordinator and have taken an active part in numerous Wiki events, such as being the photographer of the WikiConference 2014 in NYC, the 2016 North American Wiki Conference in San Diego, and other Wikimedia events.
I am a member of several Wiki Projects, such as The Wikipedia Library, Women's History, Taxation, and Open Knowledge Foundation. I created the article the Smithsonian Gardens on w:EN:Wikipedia and received an autographed book signed by the executives at the Smithsonian Gardens for my efforts. For the Wikimania 2014 event, I volunteered to be the official still photographer and a member of the Programme Committee, with James Forrester, Deror Lin, and Orsolya Virág Gyenes. For the 2014 Wiki Conference USA, I volunteered to be the official still photographer. For the North American WikiConference, I volunteered to be the official still photographer.
Since then, I have been involved with creating content to illustrate on Wikimedia Commons.
I was interviewed by the New York Times for my work with Wikipedia on feminism and on North Korea.
I edited a photography textbook, The Art and Craft of Digital Photography by Professor Kristi Eisenberg. The photography book focused on several types of subjects, such as landscape, portrait, and design. Professor Eisenberg autographed her book with a special dedication to me.
I am Geraldshields11, an EN Wikipedia editor since 2004, who has contributed photographs of notable monuments and notable people in Washington, DC, USA; Shenyang, China; and Dandong, China. Also, I have taken photographs of the waterfront of Sinuiju, North Korea on a quest to get a photograph of Ri Sol-ju.
I am a prolific but efficient user of Wikimedia Commons and my photographs are used across Wikis in different languages. One of my photographs is used across the same topic in 48 different languages. When I add a photograph to Wiki Commons, I added it with the realization that each photograph may only be seen by a small subset of people. But, if I can inspire at least one person into STEM or becoming a contributor, then "it is a far far better thing I do than ever before".
Some of my Wiki-inspired photographs have been used in the Business Insider magazine, US National Archives promotion material, London events, Wikimedia DC promotions on Twitter, Smithsonian Institute promotion material Secretary Presents E-book on Future of Museums near the end of the video, and events where “the Board wears nice clothing.” I worked at numerous GLAM projects as the photographer, as part of my volunteer duties at Wikimedia DC.
See the small sample photographic works, below, and various links for explanation.
- Gallery of photographs by Gerald Shields
My photo is used for the official 2014 WikiConference USA group photo.
My photo is used for the official 2015 WikiConference USA group photo.
My photo is used for the official 2016 WikiConference North America group photo.
My photo is used for the official 2018 WikiConference North America group photo.
Dr. Carla Hayden and Ms. Lynda Carter at the Library of Awesome event. Ms. Carter used this photograph on her official Facebook page.
A neo-feminist photograph, during the Women in the Arts GLAM event, inspired by Djembayz and used by Bathlander and Sarasays, theWikimedia District of Columbia activity report for the second quarter 2012–2013, and was used in the magazine Business Insider, when the magazine discussed Women in Wikipedia. Also, w:en:user:Sarasays used this photograph in London.
A statue admiring two Wikipedia editors at the Luce Center during a GLAM event.
The 2013 annual meeting group portrait, was used by the Wikimedia DC chapter webpage.
President G W Clough (standing right), Sarasays (standing left), and another Wikipedia editor at Luce Lunder Wikimedia DC edit-o-thon. Sarasays use a different one of my photographs of her on her user page.
A Wikipedian joining the festivities in the picture behind her at the DC Museum of Women Art Wikimedia DC Edit-o-thon.
Wikipedian Slowking4, at the lectern, discussing Wikis and digital freedom.
Paelo-feminist, at the 2014 Feminism and Arts Edit-a-thon, and other DC Wikimedians at the National Museum of Women in the Arts at the Betty Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center.
At the WikiConference USA 2014, Kirill Lokshin (left) and James Hare (right). In the past, President Hare used a different one of my photographs of him on his Wikimedia DC member page. Template:As of, Kirill Lokshin uses a cropped version of one of my WikiConference 2014 photographs of him on his Wikimedia DC member page
At the WikiConference USA 2014, Jennifer Baek (left) and Sumana Harihareswara (right). A cropped version of this photo is used w:en:user:Sumanah, which is Sumana Harihareswara's wiki editor page.
Prof. Andrew Lih giving a presentation at the WikiConference USA 2014. At one time, Prof. Lih used this photo in one of his social media messages and the photograph is used on the EN Wikipedia article about Prof Lih.
Uncommon fritillary, on 10 May 2014, at the Wikimedia DC Asian Pacific American 2014 edit-o-thon to increase the awareness of articles about Asian Americans. At one time, she uses this photo on her Wikipedia user page.
The presenter, in the middle of his speech, about D.C. VITO. w:Meta:user:Pine used a variation of this photograph for the WikiConference 2014 image.
Impromtu breakout session at the WikiConference USA 2014.
Wiki Editor Newyorkbrad, in the middle of his presentation, at the WikiConference USA 2014.
Standing: Wikimedia DC President Harej and 2014 Feminism and the Arts Event Organizer Heatherslania.
Sarasays with another Wikipedia editor in the background.
Wiki Editor Levendowski, in the middle of her speech, at the WikiConference USA 2014.